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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. I plan on doing the pad first and shooting it a lot. I am not really too concerned with the recoil, but the less recoil the better. I will also not be able to afford to do the brake as soon as I get it, that's just on the wish list for later.
  2. I could go for all that, but I shall wait till Saturday morning for my 'free' day. Being fat sucks, but it's not sucking as bad as it did 50 lbs ago.
  3. I am getting sick of protein shakes for breakfast....
  4. I went to sleep, but it looks like you are keeping yourself entertained pretty well, continue on.
  5. The oxen have passed the north gate in the south pass on the boarder to the northest.
  6. I was curious how long it would take for you to post a thread like this that looks a lot like spam. The random one word post in random threads to build a little bit of a post count still didnt work. I would somehow prove to us you are not a spammer and actually someone real. Please figure out a way to do this, you may do it in a PM to me if you like and I will shall share will others my findings.
  7. That is insane. Thank you for posting that.
  8. 92xj

    mexican food

    Have fun on the vacation Steve. Stay safe in your travels! Have a Dos Equis for me.
  9. I cooked a hotdog from Omaha steaks in my cast iron skillet.
  10. No it was not. I dont not know PASHTO or have a translator for it. I'm sorry you continue to think this. Unless there is another name for PASHTO, becaues I have no idea what that is.
  11. yall никогда не будет столь же хорош как я
  12. Yall soha nem jó, mint nekem
  13. No where close to being Chinese, but good guess.
  14. من برای پیروزی = मॅँ जीत = 我贏
  15. تاسو په توګه نه څکې ښايي تاسو فکر کوم چې
  16. Cool deal Anthony. A piece, well pieces, of your favorite place will always be apart of my decoration in my house and houses to come. Good Luck buddy!
  17. What's it take to waterfowl hunt up there, Sir? I am already packed!
  18. I would rather die trying to climb K-2 than Everest.
  19. Human mind is by nature sadist. It is by nature voyeuristic too. It likes controversy and lives by it. And if we talk precisely of South Asian societies then we can easily conclude that it is the most argumentative society between the two worlds. It is impossible to find a man or a thing for which two different and contradicting views are not proposed. The same goes true with Mount Everest too. Almost every man you ask will give you his and her exclusive data on it. I am positive that during your tours to Nepal you will come across so many conspiracy theories and versions about Mount Everest summit and related facts that you will faint only to be woken by another bizarre version of the same. The current height of Mount Everest has been deduced to 8848 meters or 29,028 feet above the sea level. It was in 1852 that this giant was first measured. Some sporadic efforts for its measurement were done earlier too but all of them were abandoned in the middle. In the year 1852, The British Trigonometrical Survey of India measured Everest's elevation as 29,002 feet above the sea level. How could, with such limited means and such primitive instruments, anyone find the actual height of the Everest? But surprisingly, that figure was extremely close to the actual height. This remarkably accurate figure remained the officially accepted height for more than one hundred years. It was only in the year 1955 that this figure was slightly adjusted. The adjusted height was merely 26 feet adrift of the 1852 figure. The adjusted figure stands at 29,028 feet (8,848 m). In the year 2007, the Federal Government of China decided to initiate another drive to measure the height of the Mount Everest. It has been done keeping in view the availability of modern technique and equipments. Besides, due to global warming and its counter-repercussions, the height of various mountain peaks has varied from the established figures.