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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj


    Sometimes I amaze myself with my quick thinking. That one had me laughing out loud. Fixed that for you.
  2. 92xj


    There has been an open invite, since I day I moved out here, for you. Get the directions from the wife.
  3. 92xj


    Well, I was trying to make it sound like I havent seen her in a while. I miss her.
  4. We had a fair amount of snows this year. Awesome pics Sir!
  5. 92xj


    Glad to see you back buddy! You sure have messed a lot of whiney cry babies lately, but it's been entertaining. I actually kept mostly quite (imagine that) and watched the humor. Grown men acting like pre-teens is pretty darn funny. Hows the wife doing? Tell her hello for me.
  6. Hopefully he is stupid enough to where he would just walk out in front of the train and you would not have to chase him.
  7. 92xj

    finishing flooring

    So, when can I move in?
  8. Alright. Now that the over eating of 13 days in the South is over, I am at it again starting this morning. Going to weigh every Monday and see what happens. 232.4lbs. Gained 8 lbs with Thanksgiving, Vegas and Christmas. It was well worth it!
  9. I would chase it down, tackle it, break its neck while shooting a yote over my shoulder with the AR. But if I had to do it your way, I would pull the trigger on the deer at 50 yards and have no regrets about it.
  10. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    Not the coues deer, but a cows deer skull. That awesome that you went on your first hunt. Its almost a blessing your first one wasnt a limit hunt in 30 minutes because if it was, your hunting expense would have increased insanely over the next year. Congrats on your first one, I still remember mine from 12 years ago.
  11. 2˚ here this morning and a whopping 4˚ in the morning. Why I go out at 3am to duck hunt is beyond me.
  12. 92xj

    Best of 2010

    Some of my best memories are doing all the live hunts. It was a ton of fun!
  13. I have tried all the fancy high dollar stuff and nothing shoots better than the cheaper Winchesters out of my SBEII, so thats is what I use and love them. 3.5 #2s 1 3/8.
  14. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    It was amazing how clean this thing was considering he had just been hit by a train traveling 50+mph. Only thing I could find was a small cut on a rear foot and the hip broken. No blood, cuts or anything else.
  15. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    It did. Hit him in the rear. I skinned him out fully and took it to the taxidermist to tan. There were no holes anywhere in him.
  16. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    While I was stalking up on the rabbits, this yote ran out from the bushes the rabbits were in, crossed in front of me at 40 yards, ran up the gravel mount that was holding railroad tracks, as he reaches the top and is about to drop off the other side, a dang train nails the sucker. Yep, a train. This track is run at least 10 times a day and you would figure wild animals would get out of the way, but not this guy. I laughed.
  17. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    Hint #1 It's loud.
  18. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    Now that would have been sweet to watch, but not this time. I was hunting a .5 acre frozen pond with a hole big enough for a dozen dekes, no boats to be found.
  19. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    Ok, so the coyote does not have a single hole from any weapon I have or anyone else has. It did not die of a gun shot, arrow or any other projectile throwing deivce a hunter would have. I watched this animal die in front of me. You all should try and guess what killed it. Its rather large and humorous and it's not the obvious like a car or truck.
  20. 92xj

    Mixed bag

    Since I can not figure out where the heck this should go, it shall be placed here in the Lounge for your enjoyment. I went out for a duck hunt this morning and got a little sidetracked with what it was I was hunting. Not a bad morning at all!
  21. 92xj

    Macbook users?

    I have and use a Mac
  22. Prayers on the way to her.
  23. Fast clicking with the ignition without turning over is an electrical issue. Battery is the first place I would start. Pull it, make sure its full with the fun fluid and then get it tested. Start there and then check the loose nut behind the handlebars.
  24. 92xj

    Hang 'em!

    Thank you guys for the ideas. I still dont know exactly what I am going to do.