No one here can tell you if you have done the right thing for yourself and your kids because we are not you nor in your exact situation. If you feel that is was right and dont regret it, then so be it. Whatever decisions you make make sure you are 100% confident in that choice and live life to the fullest. We all have to make sacrifices and live with those choices. At the time, some seem like the wrong choices but with the help of others and our souls and faith inside, things seem to work out in the end. Keep your head up, exercise a lot, eat healthy and stay out of depression. I wish you the best luck. Also do not make it known to your ex-wife that you are on RealTree. If she has the ability to know what you are doing before you even do it, she is stalking you in some way shape or form. Be careful with your words to her and to others that talk with her. If you limit the telling of your actions to others there is no way she can find out about them before they happen. Anyhow, again, I wish you the best, be there for your kids but stay healthy for yourself. If you go downhill your kids and everyone else will notice and it will bring them down as well because they look up to you ( I assume). Stay strong, stay positive and be the best person you can be.