Dude, I wish I couldnt grow facial hair, I hate shaving and you will too one day.
Dont sweat all that stuff.
When I moved out to Washington state and got a job at the Nuclear Design firm I am at, the next youngest person was/is 45. It was insanely hard to get the respect I needed from people 20 years older. They all saw me as the new kid that didn't know anything. It took a lot of voicing my opinion, proving that I knew was I was doing and speaking up when I needed to speak. They all thought I would just take their crap and be quiet like kids do. Boy were they wrong. Its all about being strong and keeping your feet planted while expressing your thoughts.
And with the ladies, ummm......thats not exactly a bad thing. They all think I am in my early to mid 30s. It makes it somewhat difficult to find ones my age (25) but then again thats not a bad thing either.
Women will be women and as long as you have confidence looks dont matter at all. Trust me on this one. If you go up to them thinking you can have them and are good enough for them your looks dont matter. I always thought and still do that my weight would kill me in the female department, but I have proven that theory/thought wrong many of times. Just get inside their heads and get your goodness past their eyes. They will come around and see far more than whats on the outside. If all else fails, start talking to 35 plus year olds in a deep Southern draaaaaw. They melt......
Keep your head up, live your life, be yourself and dont take crap from anyone. Speak up when you need to, keep quite when its best and be confident in everything you do. Go balls to the wall on everything that you believe in and want. You can have anything you want if you want it bad enough. Thoughts and prayers are with you, even though you dont need them. Be you and what you want to be. You are strong, you have experience and you can conquer the world Dakota.