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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj

    The way I see it

    Learning a foreign language is educational. The purpose of college is to learn. A ton of foreign national colleges require English as a learned language. But the difference is, the students there actually want to learn the language to gain knowledge. Maybe our students and kids should be a little more dedicated to learning and actually want to want to learn this language since its the most used in their home country besides English. I am by no means referring to you Ethan, so please dont think I am.
  2. 92xj

    The way I see it

    Every college has its list of Core Classes they make students take. This is not something you learn about once you are in the school, you know about it before applying and paying for your own education. If you dont like it, go somewhere else. College is a whole different ball game than public high school. College you pay for your education. You have the option to attend or not to.
  3. 92xj

    The way I see it

    Should've studied more.
  4. 92xj


    just figured you would like a "what the heck" pm to spice up your day.
  5. 92xj


    Well, dang it, he didnt take the bait. Guess the thread was deleted before he saw my response. Oh well, off to try another newb....
  6. SBEII Duck - 3.5 #2s and 3s Goose - 3.5 BB Extra full choke for both. 7 ducks 4 Canadas Oct 16th cant get here soon enough.
  7. 92xj


    did you get any random PMs the last day or two?
  8. 92xj

    The way I see it

    Fixeded I never said I was smart! Who is fighting against the right of free speech and religion? That seems like a dumb move to fight by voicing your opinion against the amendment that gives you the right to free speech and religion.
  9. 92xj

    The way I see it

    Isn't this country is based on freedom of speech, religion and excercise of the before mentioned?
  10. 92xj

    Prayer Request

    Prayers on the way!
  11. 92xj

    The way I see it

    Who is this directed towards? Illegals? immigrants? Or whatever other name of people that move here and become citizens the legal way?
  12. 92xj

    Quick Question!

    Get 3 gun socks, Paint them grass colored. Tape to top of tri-pod, tape other of sock at other end of the legs. Will be able to extend inside the sock.
  13. Check all your ground wires. Disconnect them from the block, firewall, battery, etc and clean them all and reconnect making sure you get very good metal to metal contact. Spray over them with dielectric grease. That is where I would start if I replaced what you have.
  14. errr....just joking. I am 26 now. :hammer2:
  15. Dude, I wish I couldnt grow facial hair, I hate shaving and you will too one day. Dont sweat all that stuff. When I moved out to Washington state and got a job at the Nuclear Design firm I am at, the next youngest person was/is 45. It was insanely hard to get the respect I needed from people 20 years older. They all saw me as the new kid that didn't know anything. It took a lot of voicing my opinion, proving that I knew was I was doing and speaking up when I needed to speak. They all thought I would just take their crap and be quiet like kids do. Boy were they wrong. Its all about being strong and keeping your feet planted while expressing your thoughts. And with the ladies, ummm......thats not exactly a bad thing. They all think I am in my early to mid 30s. It makes it somewhat difficult to find ones my age (25) but then again thats not a bad thing either. Women will be women and as long as you have confidence looks dont matter at all. Trust me on this one. If you go up to them thinking you can have them and are good enough for them your looks dont matter. I always thought and still do that my weight would kill me in the female department, but I have proven that theory/thought wrong many of times. Just get inside their heads and get your goodness past their eyes. They will come around and see far more than whats on the outside. If all else fails, start talking to 35 plus year olds in a deep Southern draaaaaw. They melt...... Keep your head up, live your life, be yourself and dont take crap from anyone. Speak up when you need to, keep quite when its best and be confident in everything you do. Go balls to the wall on everything that you believe in and want. You can have anything you want if you want it bad enough. Thoughts and prayers are with you, even though you dont need them. Be you and what you want to be. You are strong, you have experience and you can conquer the world Dakota.
  16. True about the benelli chokes. I have actually shot steel 3.5 #2s through the IM and F with no problems in my SBEII. I have since purchased the Strait Heat choke tube from Foiles. Its dirty! I will not be purchasing any other chokes for a long time now for geese and duck. Go shoot Trap first with your tight chokes and get good on the small targets at far distances (trap) Once you are hitting 4 out of 5 at trap hitting decoying geese in the head will be cake!
  17. He will be meeting many great friends now. RIP
  18. This is true for all spray in liners. When purchasing any spray in liner, take a look at the spray booth. If its protected with plastic from the environment its good, if its not and has ways if moisture to get in the booth while spraying is going on, go somewhere else.
  19. 92xj

    Ive had it!!

    Keep dog. Train dog. Shoot Old man. Have new best friend that loves to stay in your yard. Win win.
  20. You guys need to practice more. the key to killing loads of geese is tight patterns to the head.