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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Start driving now, will meet you around North Carolina somewhere.
  2. And this is the greatest post I have read on here.
  3. It wont collapse, it looks sketch but it is actually really strong. It has supports in the center sunk down in the river bed 12 feet. Plus both ends are concreted in and we also have cable support each side. During the fall when the rains come, that bridge will be 6 feet under water and it always makes it. We took it down last year and redid it, just to check everything, so far so good.
  4. you settle down, you settle down right now!
  5. We had a slight access problem with out land in South Carolina, after some thinking the club came up with a good idea. You should like about doing this instead of trying to rebuild the ground that will give out again.
  6. Its got some weird Indiana block on it. Let me call verizon and I will get back with you. One moment please....
  7. Perfect, one more on the list!
  8. Oh, gotcha, I didnt know if you meant the world's meaning of goodnight or Slash's meaning. 10-4, carry on.
  9. 92xj


    I am thinking you have a nice little virus on your computer there bud! Stop wondering around the internet or buy a mac to fix that problem.
  10. 92xj


    Yes! Next time can you screen shot and post the pic? I am just curious what you are seeing because I dont see it, no other reason.
  11. Oh, and here's one other thing in my opinion of everything. Leave the dang religion out of post. It seems that any "serious" post will turn into some religious ordeal. It gets old.
  12. On topic? Here's my opinion. Why does everyone care so much about everyone else's life and what they do. You should only care about yours, your familys, and anybody's that effects your family. If someone wants to do something, so be it, why does it matter so much to you. Do you get a better feeling about yourself by trying to act all knowing and knowledgable about some sort of topic without really knowing the details. I know for one, i will continue to post my opinion where I see fit, untill I'm banned. If you have a problem about my opinion cry to me in a PM. I will most likely not respond and just laugh at you. People have their opinions and make their own choices. Let them deal with the consequences wether they be good or bad. To each their own. Get off your high horse and chill the **** out. Be excited for someone for purchasing an item that they have wanted for a while now. (not proof reading, so call me out on all my grammar mistakes)
  13. 92xj

    it's been great

    Think positive. The less internet and TV time, the more wifey time you have. After a minute or two when you're bored, just go outside and cut the grass or something.
  14. Once you post it, you have a certain time frame, on the last forum it was around 3-4 hours and now I am seeing word of it being within minutes of posting. If you miss that time window you're out of luck. Same with editing a post. It is controlled by the governement and you cant do anything about edits or deleting. Hopefully this feature will be taken off, I still see no point in it, and there have been a lot of questions about it recently.
  15. Yeah, you screwed that up, thigh high to maybe belt high is all you need.
  16. 92xj

    Dog Bones

    Thanks for the input. I have found a solution to making the bones last a little bit longer....
  17. 92xj


    mainly target, plinking around. Will be used in self defense if needed. Dont plan to carry, but might.
  18. Only come in BBB from that site. I will be waiting for the 2s and 4s in 3.5" flavor. Thanks for the link though. Hopefully the other sizes come in soon.
  19. 92xj 26 Dates are all over, If all goes well I will be hunting in 4 different state. Will try and figure dates sooner than later.