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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. And now in order of favorite to least, dont get me wrong, they were all three amazing!!!
  2. Inspired by the wing thread, I figured it was time to grill some up again. Here is where I am at now. Grill is on and heating up...more pics to follow.
  3. So, in the last 2 months I have been lucky enough to take some pretty amazing trips, one was back to North Carolina to be in my best friends wedding, after that was 5 days in Vegas and the weekend after that was 4 days in Texas hanging out with an amazing individual. But next week brings the vacation I have been looking forward to the most. A week down on the South Carolina coast at our River house. This is my most favorite place in the world and would pick here over anywhere else for a vacation. Here are some pics of where I will be. Leaving Friday and getting back here the following Sunday. Can not wait! So here is a photo story of where I will be and what I will doing. And I will be spending some hours of each day out here....... Will be eating a lot of these after we catch them.... And will be keeping an eye out for these guys....
  4. 92xj

    whats the prob

    Works for me, try uploading them to a photo hosting site like photobucket then trying to post them. Also, you can post more than one photo in a post and have the picture show up in the thread instead of having a link to click.
  5. So, I am in the market again for another 45. I had a Ruger p90th which I absolutely loved and am strongly thinking about getting another one, but am open for any and all suggestions. I do not have a lot of experience with a lot of different hand guns. So, teach me on the subject and talk me into a gun.
  6. 400, not 40, if so, thats unreal! Do you have pics of all of them, that would be one huge pile! :jaw: 400 gophers in 6 hours is roughly one gopher every 54 seconds for 6 hours straight.
  7. Great looking mounts. Congrats!
  8. I very seriously doubt he paid 150 bucks for a dozen shafts. Even fletched and ready to shoot shafts.
  9. So, when is the killer sale on the returned items?
  10. 92xj

    Dog Bones

    So, Maggie is absolutely in love with raw hide bones. I will not give her the normal shaped bones because when they have been chewed on for a while and get to that slimy consistancy, dogs tend to try and swallow them whole and not chew anymore. I don't want my dog choking. So, I found some long cylinder shaped ones that are very good about breaking into smaller pieces and she swallows them with ease. But the problem is, she goes through them in 15 minutes! I buy the biggest ones I can that are recommended for large 80+ pound dogs. She is medium/small at only 38 lbs right now. My question is, what brand and style of dogs bones do you give your dog, that actually last a long time and they dont choke on them. (ps, sorry for the grammar errors, was a loooooong night with 2 hours of sleep)
  11. Have been looking for them. When someone sees them for sale, post up where. I would like to try a box to see how it patterns.
  12. Those are some dang good looking deer. Congrats!
  13. 92xj


    Thanks for the update and info Leo. Cant wait for the hunt.
  14. Dang! Thats a great pic. Glad it missed you.
  15. 92xj

    Pretty Good Joke

    I think I know her.
  16. Good sounding Toyota!
  17. 92xj

    My Last Uncle

    RIP uncle Stan. Thoughts and Prayers are with you and the family Orlan.
  18. 92xj


    I am getting pumped up about your Africa hunt and I am not even going! Can we get some pics of you shooting your bow at all your ranges? Also, When are the dates and have you figured out how the heck you are going to keep us updated on your hunts? i know it could be a little tricky, but dang it, you gotta figure out some way.
  19. flapper wheel on a grinder.
  20. It will always be with you. More than you realize.
  21. 92xj

    Dream Buck.

    My source is telling me Iowa. But I am not too sure. I do know that the guy that got him is not big on pubilicity nor does he care what everyone thinks, thats why there are no more pics of this deer. I have looked and asked and have come up with only that picture. Its an amazing animal.
  22. If you need anymore pics of what certain things look like on other's machines, let me know. Can upload pretty quick.