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Everything posted by redkneck

  2. Two orange, one white. Wraps are cool but I don't like extra crap on my arrow. Fluor orange nocks or green tracer nocks sometimes.
  3. Not far off the P&Y list I'd say, won't miss it by much.
  4. Looks like you're covering a lot of ground Lewis! Nice setup. Make sure the life ins is paid up lol.
  5. I refrained from commenting in the original thread, other than stating I hate a quartering to shot. There's always enough advice and comments when folks are tracking down a deer, no need for my two cents. It's also not fair to judge another's efforts when you're not there yourself. One man can post and post and post about hard work, and come to find out he never left sight of the truck, others can simply state they looked as hard as they could, and they spent all night on their hands and knees in briars. Truth be known, all of us that have hunted enough have lost deer. Truth be known some of those deer were less than a hundred more yards dead when we stopped. This is just a fact. Looking at the final picture, it appears to be pretty open swamp, but im sure there, like here, terrain changes really fast from super thick to open depending on the canopy, so I'm not going to second guess the guy from the comfort of my chair. But again, just like last year's post about the "first deer" and stating he never had regrets for making a bad shot, that says it all. Some humility in life serves us all well. We'll all make mistakes, bad shots etc as long as we enjoy the sport, but if you take as much pride for finding a stinking bloated deer as a clean recovery then you should just aim for center mass and come back the next week when the buzzards have done your tracking.
  6. I've had my share of bad luck, I've made several seasons without losing a deer, I've lost two deer in one year, I was doing pretty good but lost an 8pt last year with a muzzy buried in his shoulder bone. What you did not learn last year or this year that rubs folks (I'm guessing) is a lack of contrition. A tiny bit of that would go a long long ways.
  7. I'm trying to Tim. Gotta get this gator hunt out of the way next weekend and labor day deep sea trip and then try to get focused.
  8. redkneck

    wounded hog

    How do you know I didn't spit Martin?
  9. Well two things in all seriousness, there no way that you're not going lose a heck of a lot of energy trying to make circular cuts a opposed to linear ones. Yes they may look great on the milk jug draining tests I saw on YouTube but I don't hunt milk jugs. Secondly there's no way anyone can convince me that a marketing guy just didn't hand a manufacturing guy a pic of the biohazard symbol and say "if you make these I can sell them"
  10. And just to be clear, the crime is no less sick on an 88 year old non veteran, but its just a shame that a man that put his life on the line in that conflict now had succumbed in such a wretched manner. Just makes me sick, you can easily rob an elderly man without killing him, its senseless.
  11. I know those are some of the ugliest heads I've ever seen lol. Going to wait for somebody else to buy them and give me the scoop!
  12. No don't William, that Australian kids murder was the other sickening thing I had in mind making this post. I want to see some national outage like we saw when one punk in FL was killed, a kid that apparently could have avoided his situation, unlike the veteran or the Aussie.
  13. WW2 veteran beat to death in WA by punk teenagers. I can't believe some of the BS that is going on this day in time! Watch this killing of an American hero garner a fraction of the attention Trayvon Martin did. Unreal.
  14. Sounds great, just use an app with it to help you track your deer down. Seriously though I think you will be adding a distraction that you don't need.
  15. Man Al you have some great bucks to choose from, hope y'all have some success up there this year.
  16. Man I will do anything to avoid a quartering to shot. I hate that angle. Give me quartering away at 25 yards all day long if I can get it.
  17. redkneck

    wounded hog

    I'd say he'll live unless you got lucky and punctured a gut. Kill them all! Buzzards gotta eat too!
  18. Great advice above, and welcome to the forums!
  19. Several folks on here made a trip last year, take a look at this thread and you'll see lots of issues discussed, or pm any of the folks that posted in it if you want and im sure they'll be happy to give you advice. Good luck!
  20. Been a mild summer for the most part and a wetter than average one too. Cant remember temps this cool for August in years. Im ready for a frost lol.
  21. Hahaha, I should have known that Joe coming from you, I was thinking it was a marinade or something lol.
  22. Yes even at that price range there are lots of options, too many unsold models that dealers have incentives to move. Things like this: New 2013 Fred Bear Apprentice 2 RTH Bow Right Hand 20 60 15" 27" Draw 754806126845 | eBay But you'll find the same with Hoyt, Mathews, Bowtech, etc. They all have top tier bows in the $1000 range and they have models for lower price points as well. Don't get too caught up with speed and the newest features because you'll quickly find that price point going up. Don't be afraid to buy a used bow. This time of year you should be able to find some good trade-ins at your local shop. Don't be fooled, the depreciation on a bow is tremendous, and you can find some set-ups that were well over a thousand invested in new are now less than half that. Not all of us can keep up with the Jones's lol. Good luck.