I use chemicals I have here at work for mine, but I'm just lucky with that. I wouldn't worry about minor rust, but if it's really heavy you could use the old rusty chain trick and just tie them to the bumper of your truck and drive a bit down a sandy road and they'll be pretty clean I'm sure. Strut is correct on the scent. Once you get the rust off, boil them really good and get them clean then you'll want to get some wax like this:
Black Trap Wax- Pound-Minnesota Trapline
To get them nice and coated.
You'll need stakes, I would recommend something like this:
Berkshire 15 Cabled Stakes with Standard End - Dozen-Minnesota Trapline
If you have hard dirt I do not recommend using rebar, you'll find yourself pulling them up with a 4x4 like I have had to do in the past.
Lastly get your favorite scents. Figure out what type of set you want to use, then you'll prob want plenty of Fox pee in a spray bottle and get a nice lure and you'll be good to go!
It is a LOT of work and takes time but is very rewarding. Many good sites on the net and more sets on youtube than you can shake a stick at made by some really good trappers that love to share their secrets (maybe not all of them lol)
Good luck and welcome to the forums!