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Everything posted by redkneck

  1. redkneck

    I'm baaaack!!!

    Yeah those are some nice prospects Al. I gotta get some cams out soon, been really busy at work and only found out last couple weeks we were keeping our lease.
  2. Happy birthday Anthony, wish you the best man!
  3. I'm jealous bud! I hope you get them dull again this year Al!
  4. Well first of all you need to spend a ton of money on clothing. With duck Hunters appearance is everything. You need to look like you just stepped off the cover of Cabellas magazine. Then get a dog, make sure it's expensive and from a long pedigree, get your DU stickers on the truck, then get a gun. Boom! You'll be half way there!
  5. Welcome back Robert, long time no see!
  6. redkneck


    They are a quality brand, have the Apache rest and have shoot their broadheads, good stuff.
  7. I use chemicals I have here at work for mine, but I'm just lucky with that. I wouldn't worry about minor rust, but if it's really heavy you could use the old rusty chain trick and just tie them to the bumper of your truck and drive a bit down a sandy road and they'll be pretty clean I'm sure. Strut is correct on the scent. Once you get the rust off, boil them really good and get them clean then you'll want to get some wax like this: Black Trap Wax- Pound-Minnesota Trapline To get them nice and coated. You'll need stakes, I would recommend something like this: Berkshire 15 Cabled Stakes with Standard End - Dozen-Minnesota Trapline If you have hard dirt I do not recommend using rebar, you'll find yourself pulling them up with a 4x4 like I have had to do in the past. Lastly get your favorite scents. Figure out what type of set you want to use, then you'll prob want plenty of Fox pee in a spray bottle and get a nice lure and you'll be good to go! It is a LOT of work and takes time but is very rewarding. Many good sites on the net and more sets on youtube than you can shake a stick at made by some really good trappers that love to share their secrets (maybe not all of them lol) Good luck and welcome to the forums!
  8. I'll just say one thing, most all of them are quality products. Beware of the $6 three pack from Wally world, I got some to shoot hogs with and they were as crooked as a corkscrew. If you're going into it completely blind then I suggest muzzy. No other head has piled up more deer for less cash than them I promise you. After that do like the rest of us, read, buy, live and learn
  9. Thermacell, thermacell thermacell. Not perfect, but the best there is IMO.
  10. Yep. See it waaaaay to much. Then they do the cover up at retrieval. Yeah, a gut shot, early afternoon, then a late night recovery after the dog has been put back up. Most of us have done just that but call it as it is and admit your mistakes and challenges recovering it I say.
  11. Wow Jeramie I hate to hear that. Prayers going out to you bud.
  12. Very nice Don! Wish you luck with him!
  13. I think they are great for broad sided rib cage shots. I think they are less optimal when hard bones and hard angles are made. Shot them one year, bloodied up a doe that collapsed at ten steps, I got down and when I came back she was gone (my fault, brisket shot). Second was an 8 pt that dropped in forty steps but quartering away shot I only got one blade to deploy, exit hole was only about an inch wide slit where both blades folded up inside (one folded on impact). I think they have made some improvements with the new hypodermic but I'm not shooting any more of them.
  14. I agree Chris, I completely agree!
  15. I've looked at this thread two or three times Corey and I'm still at a loss for a smart remark.
  16. Brother if that's the only woman problems you got you're ahead of the curve........waaay ahead lol.
  17. We didn't plant anything this summer. Didn't know if we were going to keep our lease or not after the landowner bumped us up $2/acre.
  18. Best of luck to your family!
  19. I don't think that far ahead. Lot of acorns to drop before then and more scouting and weather, etc. I still got stands to hang before then. Still 9 more weeks to go here.
  20. No doubt I'd rather not have them than have them Al, but wouldn't it be ten times worse if you couldn't even eat them? lol
  21. Never too young (well almost lol). Started taking mine a little around five. Killed their first deer at 8. I think Rach was ten in this pic Just take lots of pics, you'll build memories that will last a lifetime and then some for future generations.
  22. I have one buddy that I can watch in his stand not fifty yards off one of our main roads. Vehicle traffic and bring dropped off is no issue for him. Other places in the swamp I wouldn't dare drive in. It's a matter if the see traffic routinely in an area or not I think. I'm with William, I see no problem bring dropped off if there's traffic there. I also have noticed a half ton pickup makes a fraction of the noise an ATV does and have seen deer spook way worse when they hear them coming. You can practically drive up on a deer in a truck with stock exhaust.