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Everything posted by redkneck

  1. Yep. I'll get the scoreboard started this weekend when I have time to get on a PC and off this phone.
  2. redkneck


    Still time to get in since we extended sign ups.
  3. I'm with you Dan! Had two out three close encounters but have yet to draw on a cat or yote. On my bucket list also.
  4. Cold front moving in hopefully makes all this tree cutting and bush hogging easier on all of us down here William. Looks like you dodged a bullet there.
  5. Ken that's beautiful! lol I gotta make that this year!
  6. I accidentally left Turkeygirl off the list. Tedicast, sorry about the short notice, good chance we'll still get enough for an additional team.
  7. Sorry, I had 9 in, but when I typed it out I left Ruth out by mistake. Turkeygirl I'm sorry! :chair:
  8. Your primary concern should be the path of the arrow through the vitals as a result of the angle, not how the angle affects the spot on the the deer you hit.
  9. redkneck

    UV glow.

    I don't wash my camo in regular detergent, so I suppose I never noticed. I do think its more marketing than results though.
  10. redkneck

    UV glow.

    Personally I think it's like angle correction in range finders. It's not based on BS, yet its effect is not life changing either.
  11. I like goof balls. Fits you guys perfectly. Sit down and have a cup of Corey's coffee while you wait for season to start.
  12. redkneck


    Would not think out would be too much unlike a gallbladder removal. Painful for a few days, but not a season killer. Wish you the best with it Chris.
  13. slaw BucknRut 535hunter Dosse Mandyjo62 Shawn BBarcheryhunter cutter10x Turkeygirl Good luck to yall!
  14. redkneck


    Makes me gag at the thought of drinking it! We sold some hot chocolate on a cold night last spring out of the concession stand. Noticed some clumps in it that turned out to be dried maggots. Unfortunately we had sold a cup out of that package, I kept waiting all night for a ticked off person to show up.
  15. We have nine that want in, so enough to make a team, I need mikebohio to post his info to complete things. Otherwise we'll take the next one that signs up to make team 7
  16. Got a few deleted, fire away Slash. On my phone a lot of times, and not always easy to get stuff done.
  17. Will do. Just post it right here for now. I have to get a mod to make the changes anyway. Been on the road all morning, try to get it caught up by this afternoon.
  18. Post away we need a few more for sure. I'll try to get a mod to edit the sign up dates in the lounge and contest room.
  19. Yeah just aim and shoot like you do on flat ground. No angle calculations or calculators required lol
  20. Do anything you can, I have broken off pine tops and used tie wire to make cover on a stand, even tied them to tree limbs. Last artificial Christmas tree we threw out I took to the camp. I have brushed up some stands with the bigger limbs off of it. Anything to break up your outline. Also, you can kill deer standing on the ground, but I sure like 20-25 feet in the air, really helps to be above their peripheral vision.
  21. Maybe it's the new style, like saggin pants.