Was camping once on the river. We were doing a little bass fishing when I got a hard pull on the line. Fought for the longest and finally got "it" up before my line broke. I couldnt believe it but when it rolled at the top of the water, I saw fur. I thought, ok, no big deal, probably hung an otter or beaver. After the line broke though I saw a trail of bubbles headed for the bank. This thing crawled up out of the water about the size of an otter, but when it got up on the bank, it stood on its hind legs, then walked over to a tree and climbed it! We sat in the boat speechless. I decided to go back to the camp, which was close by and get a light and a 22 (it was getting dark) and go back and shoot the thing to figure out what it was. We did just that. When we pulled the boat up to the bank and got out, you could see the eyes shining in the light. I raised the rifle and found him with my scope.