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Everything posted by redkneck

  1. Sounds like you got your hands full Al! Good to see you stop by.
  2. You won't even lose 5fps, and you can shoot blazers till you're arm falls off with no damage to them.
  3. Killed many a deer with blazer vanes and a WB. Deadly combination for sure!
  4. Some fine bucks right there Pat, maybe you'll have better luck next time with them.
  5. Pink is everywhere and sadly I think it has become a fashion statement for many guys regarding this issue. Your right SC there are things more important, like writing a check. I don't think a pink bow motivates anyone to do that, if anything it increases sales of more pink bow accessories. Also this is not directed at anyone in this thread, just a comment in general, I'm not questioning your intentions.
  6. Now that's funny! Crap how can something like that be two years old?!?! Amazing!
  7. They are a wicked looking mechanical. I do know from experience NAP makes quality products IMHO. Make good shots and you should have no issues following a short blood trail.
  8. Ended up with a quiver full of both muzzy and some ramcats this year. Also swapping a ramcat with my buddy for a slicktrick, just for kicks and grins. Going to be a smorgasbord of death lol.
  9. Totally agree. I have buried a muzzy in a shoulder, no pass through, no blood, lost deer. Would not categorically say they are problematic though. I realize your point the head folded up, but still the deer fell in sight. Had a very similar experience with rage, one blade folded, 3/4" exit hole, but he fell in about 40 yards. Did not shoot them again, but would not say they are junk.
  10. Welcome back Ross! Good luck with the show (if it happens). Maybe they'll do something real classy like put you on with the turtle man, and Sugar Bear from HoneyBooBoo.
  11. Been nice here too. Not quite 46, but extremely nice for opening week of bow season. Hope to get out by Friday for sure and hunt as much as I can. Warm weather and mosquitoes will be in full force soon again, better enjoy it while it lasts.
  12. They are a great product no doubt.
  13. My buddy shot them last year, very impressive wound channels I just did not like the retaining clips on them. If you have not checked out this AT test results, it is pretty interesting. The guy put many hourse into shooting heads through plywood and ballistic gelatin to make the matrix up. Pretty cool. I'm shooting ramcats this year to give them a try (getting away from mechanicals) partly based on the results i read up on in the archerytalk thread.
  14. I gotcha. I don't usually fill them, shoot them up with an 18ga brad and try to set the heads to flush out as best as possible, and shoot a brown-headed nail. Not too noticeable, or at least not any difference in my hole patching, lol. Nice work!
  15. I know what you're going though bud, been at it all myself over the last 12 months, though to a little lesser extent. Didn't take a lot of before pics, just gutted rooms, floored, painted, trimmed, etc. It gets pretty tiring for sure when you come home night after night plus weekends and either plumbing, laying tile, wiring, or painting. My hat's off to you, you deserve a break for sure. PS - you always case your windows/doors out then stain? I always stain/poly, then cut and trim out after I've painted the wall.
  16. Maddhunter is now on the team. I sent him a PM.
  17. Congratulations Andy, and thank you very much for the measurement pic.
  18. Long time no post Dan! Hope your big boy is still around.
  19. I haven't heard anything. Well give him until tomorrow, then we'll see about getting another member.
  20. Personally, I'd say take that money you'd spend on all that stuff and write a tax deductable check for the same amount (or more) to ACS or Relay for Life, or whatever. Yes it will kill your resale unless you sell it to a woman, and you will likely have your man card pulled, if you still have it.
  21. Link did not work for me.
  22. And welcome to the RT forums!
  23. Are you using the app? Go to the full site with your browser and click on "my profile" then edit from there.
  24. Haven't been in about 3 years. Used to have a few good hunts every year after deer season was done. I love to hear the dogs run.