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Everything posted by pruts

  1. Yeah Shawn, crazy hot here too. At work today while waiting for them to dig a trench for us I watched the back hoe taking out asphalt pull the corner of a piece about 5 foot square up about a foot or more and when it slipped off the bucket it didn't break. Just laid back down and looked as it did before it was touched..... that's hot.
  2. Not the same gun, but I had the same "problem" with my Browning BPS. But it does seem to get better with every box of shells that go through it. Biggest issue I have with it now is keeping my hand far enough forward so it's not in the way of the bottom eject. Which I should anyway, but sometimes I get too excited.
  3. Had BBQ'd steak and patatos with some corn and peas, after a great day with the family.
  4. ............... Plus, if any superhero is gay, it's Spiderman.
  5. Agreed! I have a sister that is Gay and my wife has a male friend that is too, and he's married. I'm in now way bothered by either! In fact I'm happy their happy. So long as each individual is happy that is what I believe is important! But as I have told my sister, in no way do they deserve a special day for being who they are. I don't get one. For anyone who would judge someone for being gay, ask yourself "what if it was my brother, sister, son, or daughter?" Would you feel it as objectionable? That's my opinion.
  6. Happy that you made it back, and for all the soldiers that do too! My brother did a tour there and I know no one is happier to have you home than your family! Thanks to all of you brave men and women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Right on Blade, that's awesome!!!
  8. Good job Shawn. Happy for you on both accounts.
  9. Right on. Sounds like a lot of fun and a day you'll remember for a long time.
  10. Nice bird congratulations, and good luck to the young strut the rest of the season
  11. I use Winchester 3.5" # 5's and the factory full choke in my Browning BPS, and have only patterned it out to 40 yards. But for some reason it likes 2 oz better than 2.25 oz
  12. We like ours cubed, marinated in Italian salad dressing and a little lemon juice, and either baked or deep fried with fish crisp.
  13. ...... and I laughed
  14. The difference between men and woman: A group of men gather and insult each other, but don't really mean it. A group of women gather and complement each other, but don't really mean it.
  15. pruts

    I Made It

    All the best in your recovery Steve!!
  16. Was beautiful here too. No snow though and plus temps. Sure has been a wierd winter.
  17. pruts


    Soon, very soon. I've been seeing some on the way home from work and it's getting me excited, for sure.
  18. pruts

    Good News

    That's great news Steve! All the best is a speedy recovery.
  19. Was just flipping through the channels and a Cleveland channel we get just said that three teens died in hospital. I think Steve is somewhat right kids don't have near as much respect as they did in the past. I'm only 31 and even I notice a difference in attitudes of young people now. I know as a young lad I was scared to go home if I screwed up even a little, and I know my father would have no issues with anyone straightening me out if I deserved it. I never would even imagine something like that happening when I was in school. Wishing all the best to all the victims and their families.
  20. I fished as a kid and still enjoy it. 3 years ago I started hunting, the first day out sitting on the ground with a bow and seeing deer even though I didn't get a shot made me a hunter. So I vote hunting.
  21. Nice, yote. Congratulations. I just got a 223 and sighted it in a couple weeks ago. hope to get out this weekend and try to get one myself.