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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. Nice deer. Congratulations.
  2. The "loyal" dems willing to squeal seem to suddenly be coming out of the woodwork. hmmm, wonder why now when after so long they denied denied denied and lied.
  3. Miss seeing Charles on fox news. A brilliant mind he has. Hope he is back soon. Far as the "community organizer", he may well eventually find himself at the end of similar fate to what Hillary will hopefully be soon seeing. She is a traitor and in my mind should be convicted of treason, he is no less involved in the same acts as she is.....
  4. 5x5 or 5 point? Either way shame.
  5. Good luck Tim. Crazy weather for sure, had great conditions last week and this week ending is looking really lousy here. It is near 80 here and yeah crazy humid. Have wasps and lady bugs all over around our doors and on our house. I love muzzleloader hunting, but not too likely I get in a stand for our muzzleloader opener this Saturday. Will be the first one I missed in a loooong time, but we are going to state band competition to watch our 16 year old daughter perform and as warm as it is gonna be I am not all that enthused with the idea of being rushed, we will have to leave around 10 so will probably just skip it. Looking forward, hoping to get a few sits midweek next week if things work out. Wife is in a new job and was supposed to be taking off next week, but one of her bosses quit and with that bosses approval so goes her time off. I might just try and drag my 6 year old son to a stand with me when it is not too hot and not too cold. Tomorrow is our youngest daughter's birthday, she turns 12. Probably go out to eat and then head to the high school playoff game and stay at least til the halftime show to watch our 16 year old. Really my primary goal for this season is to get our 12 year old on a respectable deer, besides that try and knock back the yote population again. Hoping to get some good sits in the stand with her during the muzzleloader and rifle seasons. Hoping I don't regret her passing on that 2.5 year old 7, I probably could have talked her into shooting him when he was 25 yards away. No rut here just yet, but it is getting close. Seeing a lot of rubs and scrapes here. Last weekend(youth hunt) had the busted up mature buck grunt with about every other step coming in to the group of does in front of us. He ended up chasing one of the does, but was not a wide open chase. Our peak rut is typically closer to the 3rd week of November, but seems we are seeing more and more early action the past few years.
  6. wtnhunt

    Some Deer Mounts

    Some real nice mounts there Cliff. You do very nice work.
  7. Had absolutely awesome conditions light wind, and below normal temps. Our 11 year old Allison did great, sat 3 sits and never complained about being cold, sat pretty still and we saw a number of deer. Think all in al we saw 6 different bucks and not sure how many different does. She killed her first deer during the rifle season in the 2015 season, she had just turned 10 then. We did not see quite the right deer, but a good time none the less. I promised her that she would be getting out more during the muzzleloader and rifle seasons with me. I honestly don't care if I kill a deer this year, and not seen one that has gotten me really excited anyway. We did see a mature buck on Saturday afternoon. He put on an educational show as he came in grunting the entire way from one end of our field up to within about 30 yards. Allison learned that patience often leads way to seeing more. We had 5 antlerless deer in beans less than 30 yards away as the buck came in. Unfortunately this was the buck that had his antlers busted. Had he been as he was prior to busting his antlers(buck on the left below), would have made a sure wallhanger for an 11 year old, and he gave her a pretty good shot opportunity before he bounded off after the does. I dont think he had quite this much left on his head when we saw him Saturday afternoon. Deer was easily over 200 lbs on the hoof which is big for these parts. Allison was too tired to get up Sunday morning so she slept in. We got back out Sunday afternoon and again saw deer, and had a tight racked 2.5 year old 7 point that she thought she might want to take. She seemed to be a little disappointed that she did not choose to shoot the 7 point, I have my work cut out for me now to get her out as much as possible to try to get her on a better buck. Hopefully the one that busted up the one above will come around and give her a shot.
  8. Looks a little chilly there. Nice buck Tim. Congratulations.
  9. Couple of good sits today with my 11 year old daughter. Saw 6 deer this morning, three different 1.5 year old bucks, then 6 deer this evening. Hoping we can get a good buck in front of her tomorrow.
  10. We saw this buck the last 5 minutes of legal shooting light this evening with 5 does in front of us. He grunted all the way in from about 150 yards away and never gave Allison a shot. Not sure I wanted her to shoot him anyway, but man o man this buck has a big body and a swaying belly when he trots.
  11. Will hopefully get my first sits in a stand this weekend with my 11 year old daughter for the youth hunt. I cannot remember a year since we have lived on our property(over 20 years) where I never got a single sit in in the archery season, but this has been just that. Gonna be a good bit colder after this front moves through today. Hoping she can handle the cold, think the deer should move well. I know of 3 different bucks that had been around a couple weeks ago that I would like for her to see. Sucks not knowing what the deer are doing right now this year, hoping my past years experience and this years tc pics have my plan in order for weekend success. Will probably swap cards on a couple cams if I get to them easily Saturday morning on the way back.
  12. Sorry to hear about your friend Ross. On the meter, here I know you are responsible for installing the meter base and the power supply from there to the home, the power company only puts in the actual meter and connects the service. Some places require a licensed electrician to do all the work and then it will have to be inspected as well before the power company will reconnect. Used to be here that if you knew how, you could do your own electrical and have it inspected, don't know with the ever changing codes if that is still allowed or not.
  13. Looks about right. Have not watched a single game this year, and dunno that I will. A lot of blind followers.
  14. Good pics Shaun. Looks like your daughter is happy with him.
  15. Our sixteen year old is in the color guard in her high school band, might go to the football game tonight to watch her perform. We won't be going to her competition tomorrow. Need to get ou youngest daughter(eleven) to shoot the .243 a few times over the weekend. Might shoot my 308 a few more times. Have a lot of cleaning to do in my garage. Get some scrape drippers going with active scrape probably Sunday sometime. Youth hunt is next weekend. Muzzleloader opens the following Saturday, but as always is also the weekend of the state band competition. Not had much opportunity to hunt, have not sat a stand once this year and honestly everytime I seem to get motivated seems something comes up or I get stuck with the kids and cant go. Probably drag my son out a few sits when the weather is better and wasps and skeeters are not so bad.
  16. That is a great deer Marty. Congratulations.
  17. We had a buck last year that was busted off on both sides just above the hairline, big bodied deer. Thought he was at least 2.5 last year with no antlers, think it likely this is the same deer. Think he has been a bully. Noticeable size difference, little guys body is barely as big as the busted bucks neck.
  18. Sometimes will do like Frank says here and let them hang ice in cavity if it it's late in the evening and I am too tired to skin and quarter them that night, but it has to be where the temps will fall below 45 overnight for me to feel comfortable doing that since that is in the garage. We have paid a processor to hang a few for us before too, but that can be a hassle. I use a 30 gallon tub to catch the guts and then use it when hanging to let the blood drain into, makes for less mess. We had one of the 99 cabelas grinders for quite a while. It was ok just took a while until it wore out. Upgraded a few years ago to one of their commercial series grinders. They ran a great deal on them around Christmas that year and also burned some points. Ours is only the 1/2 horse model but it fits our needs. I can grind 2 deer worth of meat in pretty short amount of time.
  19. A little later than I would have liked but got our fall plot in. Will post some updated pics soon when the rye shoots up a little more.
  20. Real nice buck Tim. Congratulations again. Safe travels and good luck with the upcoming hunts.
  21. This post is worthless without pics. lol oh yeah, congratulations Tim.
  22. At 3 days had good germination. Took these this morning. Later than i wanted getting them in but should be a decent draw in time for the gun seasons.
  23. Started working on this plot over 2 months ago. Mowed, then sprayed with glyphosate and 24d. Burned off as much of it as I could about 10 days after spraying. Burned off the majority of the dead clipped grass Disced it, then came back and tilled it. About 4 weeks ago limed it with 330 lbs of pelleted, then ran the tiller across at medium depth just before a rain a couple weeks ago. Had about 70 lbs of lime that spread at planting, due to the spreader breaking. Last weekend dragged it off with my little tractor and then spread 100 lbs pennington wintergrazer rye grain with the tow behind. Spread 200 lbs 6-12-12 fertilizer after putting out the rye, helped roll in the rye. Bed was pretty firm by then, spread 10 lbs rackmaster clover trio with a walk behind spreader. Sprinkled on and off as I was walking with the spreader, and had a good slow soaker come on less than 30 minutes after getting back to the house.