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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. wtnhunt

    Buck Down

    Seasons sure start early there. Congrats to the hunter.
  2. Pork and chicken are about all I use bbq sauce on and usually use sweet baby rays for that. The allegro http://allegromarinade.com/products/renowned-marinade-favorites/game-tame-marinade/ marinade can be found at walmart or in large sizes at sams club, highly recommended.
  3. Got this 2 person stand trimmed out looking at soybeans in the bottom. Have some grass and weeds in the beans, might spray them again and then toss some rye grain in ahead of a rain. Getting bean production, pretty happy with these rural king beans, deer are eating them some, should start getting hammered when the ag beans and corn starts coming out around us.
  4. Usually do backstraps sliced country fried steak style with white peppered gravy. Usually do the inner loins on the smoker with pecan or hickory after brining them in cabelas maple brine mix, no sauce needed. Sometimes do inner loin the way I also sometimes do steaks and marinate them in allegro and bacon wrapped on the grill with the smoke box filled with pecan or hickory.
  5. wtnhunt

    The big fight

    Nope, didn't see it. Heard some opinions on the radio on Friday.
  6. Dunno why, but seems when I have a load on the trailer there are no shortage of idiots out that seem to wanna get t boned. I mean does this look easy to stop? With brakes on both axles I can usually stop ok in not much if any more distance than the truck stops with no load. Last Saturday coming off a hill with about 7000 lbs of hay on the trailer, was accelerating in the left lane and had gotten to about 50 when I had a semi with a 48 ft trailer pull out of a parking lot into the middle of the 4 lane highway angling at me heading to traffic going the opposite direction. Left me pretty well nowhere to go and hitting the trailer probably would have not been a nice scene. Luckily there was nothing in the right lane I ended up on the shoulder. Of all the folks driving that know how irritating it is to have some idiot pull out in front of you a trucker should be the most understanding, that one needs his license taken away. Glad I am done for this summer.
  7. Today; serviced tractors and some equipment this morning. Bush hogged where I plan on putting in a fall plot of clover and rye grain. Bush hogged a couple trails. Mowed the yard. Then got cleaned up and went and visited mom at the therapy/rehab facility she is in. Need to try to hang a few stands tomorrow if I can.
  8. Nearest gander store about 35-40 minutes away was not supposed to be closing, but looks like it probably is. Last time we went in there about a month ago there was not much worth looking at and most of what they had that was of interest was marked waaaay up before they put the clearance prices on. Even after clearance priced 30-50% off what they had was still cheaper at cabelas.
  9. Just a reminder to those interested. The signups for 2017-18 deer contest are up in the announcement and contest room.
  10. Welcome to the forums. Never used either. Have read good things about leafy suits, was going to pick up one at wally world last year on clearance after season ended, but they did not have my size.
  11. Some great bucks there Al. Sure will see your pic with one of them this fall. That last one is probably past his prime.
  12. wtnhunt

    Touchy topic

    Good discussion and thread Dave. I agree with a lot of what you have to say.
  13. Administrators 956 50,128 posts Report post (IP: Posted September 11, 2016 2016-2017 Forum Deer Contest Rules DISCLAIMER This is a COMPLETELY UNOFFICIAL CONTEST. The 2016-2017 RT Forum Members Deer Contest is a contest created and operated independently by RT forum members and is not officially sanctioned or managed by Realtree or Jordan Enterprises It's time for the Annual deer contest, before you sign-up make sure you read and understand ALL the rules. DEER ENTRY DEADLINE - Contest will run from the opening of the first legal deer season until February 28th, 2018. At midnight on February 28th, 2018 the contest will be closed to further entries. ELIGIBLE ENTRIES Any deer taken in the 2017-2018 deer season. That includes muley, whitetails, blacktails and cous deer. Both does and bucks are eligible for entry. Deer may be taken however legal way chosen (bow, shotgun, rifle, etc... motor vehicles not allowed. SCORING 5 points for a deer. Buck or Doe. 1 additional point will be added for every point on a rack of 1 inch or more. Participant score will consist of 1 deer. If you are allowed to shoot more than 1 deer you may upgrade your score by submitting the new deer, this will cancel out your previous deer. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTERING A DEER To submit an entry a participant must include in the 2017-2018 RT Forum Deer Contest - ENTRY thread... your screen name, the number of tines that are 1 inch or longer (main beam counts), your team name. A photo of himself/herself with the deer, Photo must show the entire front half of the deer or more - this is to avoid any possible accusations concerning people entering mounts. NOTE 1: This picture HAS to show both the deer AND THE HUNTER, pics of only the deer will not be counted. Photo must show the entire front half of the deer or more. NOTE 2: Picture of just the caped out head, skull plate, or skull mount will not be counted Photo(s) were all scorable tines can be seen in. If 1 inch tine is questionable supply a photo with a measurement against the tine for verification. A photo of legal tag: This is a MUST, no deer will be entered without a clear picture of the tag. Make sure the picture can be read in the picture. NOTE 1: The tag picture has been the #1 reason for entries not being counted in the contest - DON'T FORGET YOUR TAG PICTURE. FOR PARTICIPANTS IN STATES THAT DO NOT HAVE A TAGGING SYSTEM write the following information down on a piece of paper, your forum name, your team name, date deer was taken, state deer was taken in, print and sign your name - scan or take a picture of that info and supply it instead of the tag picture. ** If you have issues with scanning or posting your photos I would be happy to help you out or post them for you, just send me a PM. TIE BREAKERS In case of a tie, I will post pictures of each teams deer harvest in the lounge and let the other forum members decide the most deserving winner through polling. They are free to base their opinions any way they like, highest B&C scores, best youth success stories, etc. PRIZES As of right now there are no prizes. We will recognize the highest scoring team. We will also recognize the Youth (Age 17 and under) with the highest scoring deer. We will recognize a Best of Contest Deer that will be voted on by RT forum members after the February 28th deadline. If and when prizes are posted - only one prize package will be awarded to an individual member. QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, ETC. Please feel free to contact me via PM if you have any questions. If you have any comments, concerns or possible disputes please pm me so that I can look into it and get a decision made on it. Just to forewarn everyone I WILL NOT put up with teams/participants scrutinizing or arguing between each other, if there is an issue bring it to my attention so I can make a decision on it. If I feel there is a need for more than my input on the issue I will bring it in front of the mods to help with the decision. The decision made on a matter is final. If a participant or team wants to try to play out an issue in the open forum and cause problems instead of bringing it to me, I reserve the right to deal with that member/team accordingly. Any participant caught cheating will be removed from the contest and replaced. I reserve the right to remove any participant from the contest for any reason.
  14. Before signing up please read and understand the rules posted in this room. First of all this is of course an unofficial contest run and moderated by forum members and not sanctioned by the good folks at Realtree/Jordan Outdoor Enterprises etc. There may or may not be prizes awarded at the end, in order to participate you must be a member in good standing with at least 10 posts at the time of the contest start, or member of active military duty with 5 posts. Any questions with regards to post count do not hesitate to ask here or pm me. We reserve the right to disallow any member regardless of post count. This contest is simply an "all-in-fun" thing and if someone is disruptive to either the forums or their teams they will be replaced. Sign-Up will end on Sept 10th, may be extended or may take alternates if need be. At that time I will randomly make up teams (youth hunters will be evenly distributed though) and will have them assembled before the 15th when I know many states have openers. Additional late teams can still be made up as they are formed, so if you catch this thread after the deadline, by all means sign up anyway. There are always no-shows and we need alternates. REMEMBER YOU ARE EXPECTED TO PARTICIPATE. NO ONE LIKES TO BE STUCK ON A TEAM WITH NO-SHOWS! Once the teams are announced we'll allow about two weeks to check in, so please check back before the end of the month or you will find you have been kicked off the team and to the back of the line. Please sign up below with Name, Screen Name, Age, States to be hunted, and Dates.
  15. wtnhunt

    Touchy topic

    Ethics, doing the right thing when no one is watching.. Leupold. Probably then the single biggest issue is what is "the right thing" to each individual hunter.
  16. Spent most of today hauling and putting up hay. Needed to finish mowing the yard, but guess I will get to that tomorrow.
  17. Yep, looked like a good one Tim. Congratulations.
  18. wtnhunt

    Touchy topic

    Using technology to do low impact high resistance cardio, doing about 4.5 miles a day. Lost about 20 lbs since the winter without a diet change. As much as i would like to be able to hike, I admit i can't take this summer time heat. I can't see any negative on using technological advances and equipment to get more fit to be able to hunt. Just wish i could find a real tech advance to get my back in better shape, admit i have used medicine(prescribed to me) just to be able to stay in the stand. That might be another debatable discussion.....
  19. Yes, we usually have quarterly iep meetings but have not yet had the first one for this school year. The special ed teachers have been in the iep meetings, in the past the vice principal sat in on a few as well but she has moved to another school this year. The individual education plan we just set goals and review where he is at each meeting with regards to the goals. The goals are set to be realistic goals and once achieved new goals are set.
  20. wtnhunt

    Touchy topic

    Sadly in our society in this day and age it has become "acceptable" for some to break the law, look at the immigration issue, we have lawmakers excusing those breaking laws. I know that does not pertain directly to hunting, but it does pertain to the outlook of society as a whole and the direction it is headed, we live in what has become an entitlement society and often times with many people laws are not given much thought before doing. Unfortunately that I am afraid spills over into hunting or rather what should more appropriately be called killing. Right, some just want to stroke their own ego by showing off what they kill. There is too much work involved after the kill in our family not to appreciate the animal we have taken. Box blinds for kids are a great way to let them see animals and enjoy getting out. I do not particularly care for hunting box blinds and I won't hunt the one we have on our property when I am not taking a kid, but they have their place. Really though when you think about it, a box blind is no less fair to a deer than is hunting from a quarter mile vantage point on the ground. I myself prefer to be in stand with more open around me, enjoy seeing animals walking under my stand and that feeling. Agreed. Poaching is stealing plain and simple imo. Baiting is legal in some places. Not legal to hunt over here and any bait used where you would hunt must be removed 10 days prior to hunting. We know that people do bait here though and there is question then as to what is deemed to be bait. Amazing how many people you see in rifle season loading up on the walmart "deer corn". It is cheating in my mind. Our warden told me that if he could pick it(the bait or food) up off the ground and hold it in his hands then it was bait. It becomes a difficult case to take to court for anything else such as powders. Powders like c'mere deer and other "attractants" are a grey area. I revert back to the post I said about having to look at myself in the mirror. Food plots are legal here as are use of non food mineral attractants. We do plant food plots, and more often than not it is the does in the food plots that attract the bucks that we have been fortunate enough to have taken. Food plots are somewhat of strategic plantings, so it is not like it is dumping bait on the ground and sitting and waiting or waiting for a timed feeder to dump corn at 30 minutes to daylight. We have also planted fruit trees to attract deer, persimmons were natural growing here and we have them scattered around our property, but they do not produce well. I have no issues with people planting or hunting natural sources like acorns or standing ag crops. Not sure I am with you here Dave? So losing weight is cheating? I gotta admit I have been working pretty hard on trying to lose weight and help get my back and core in better shape, hoping it will also help with my blood pressure issues. Using technology to better my health and maybe let me sit in the stand longer is not cheating in my mind. Guess we would have to disagree on using tech to help, think the use of trail cams has proven to be valuable for many, and don't think it makes those using them any less of hunters or have any less skills, just better inform them without having to be as intrusive. I always enjoy talking with our game warden, actually ran into him at wal mart just last week while waiting for tires to be changed on my truck. Very good points, think unfortunately some folks just don't have a conscience. A great post Dave. Everyone have a great season.
  21. Good active trail there. Cool variety of animals using it.
  22. We had been pretty lucky with our 3 daughters and their teachers over the years. Had a few that were not so great, but for the most part our daughters have done pretty well and the teachers they have had have helped keep them interested enough to get them through without having any major hurdles. Our oldest, now 21, did have one very old teacher that should have retired that was lousy. Teacher said the kid was not smart enough as there were other smarter kids in the class. I asked for our daughter to be tested for gifted, that teacher/school refused and the next school year due to some garbage with the justice dept, district zoning and one other local school we had to move her to a different school system further away. Anyways, that new to her school later recognized she was gifted, they contacted us and asked about testing her and they tested her and sure enough she tested intellectually with an iq of 130 something. She went on to graduate with honors and scored one of the highest ACT score ever by a student from the high school she graduated from, hardly "not smart enough". Our other 2 daughters are still in the same county school system and both are advanced well above their grade levels. This brings me to my issue. Our 6 year old son is challenged. Not intellectually but with something else that is going on that there is NO diagnosis for. He did not talk his first words til nearly three years old and has several issues such as sensory issues consistent with autism, however he is not autistic. We have had him tested by child specialists and they recognize he is a little different and have documented that he displays "atypical behaviors". During one of our meetings last year, it was suggested to have him tested by the professionals that come into the school. He has a pretty high iq, 118 but falls just short of what they consider "intellectually gifted". At the midway point of kindergarten he was blowing away his teacher and reading on a 5th grade level, however he does have behavioral issues that that teacher took the time to work with him on. That teacher is young, had only been teaching like 5 years. Unfortunately she moved to another school, but the special education teachers at that school are very aware of his being a little different. Like his sisters, he consistently scores high on the standardized testing, and he is ahead on most levels, but behind with social skills and still has behavioral issues that can be frustrating to deal with. He does have some speech issues as well and gets speech services at the school to help with that. His first grade teacher this year has sent home some pretty ugly notes. The notes have an angry tone about how our child is disrupting her class and keeping her from teaching her class. No real explanation with these notes other than to say he is not following rules or not listening, a little context as to what rules he is not following might helps us address the issue at home. Yesterdays note said that she and the special education teacher observed our son and they documented his behaviors, evidently this first grade teacher has been documenting his behaviors since day 2 or 3 of school being back in. My wife had just talked with the special ed teacher yesterday and she agreed that she needed to share with his first grade teacher about how he is a little different. When Will gets upset or frustrated he will shut down and you get less than satisfactory results with him. Continuing to push him when he becomes frustrated or upset only compounds the issues and is more likely to cause him to display negative behaviors. Went from him hiding under tables and crying at the start of his school in pre K to the teachers taking a different approach and getting more out of him. This teacher is proud that she has been teaching for almost 25 years. Maybe she has been teaching too long and has become too set in her ways to realize that some students may not be all the same and may require a little different approach than they are used to. Her expectation for him to suddenly conform to what a 6 year old little boy is supposed to be is probably a bit unrealistic. She has demanded a meeting to discuss/tell us what we are doing wrong at home in dealing with his behaviors, fine I wanted a meeting anyway. We have quarterly meeting with the special education teachers anyway, so maybe we can get out ahead of these issues and they can get her in the know as to that this child is different and the "bad" she is seeing in him that she does not understand may not be his trying to be bad but rather issues he may not know how to deal with. We got notes home last year from his kindergarten teacher, but never of the type we have gotten this year, school just started back the first of August, he has had a note home nearly every day with little detail, just that he is being bad or not following rules. We don't expect a teacher to change everything about how she/he teaches, but we do expect some understanding. So, going into a meeting, I plan to have an open mind with regards to this teacher. But, I am seriously thinking that if this type of thing continues with her focusing on negative and upsetting him that we will have to talk with the principal and see about getting him into a different class. Should we ask the principal to sit in? How would you address a teacher that seems to have no grasp on your childs "special needs" in a public school. The school system itself for the most part is good and we had been pretty happy with how they have worked with him up til now.
  23. Matson lab gives only an 80 percent accuracy rate for whitetail and less than that for southeastern deer. Margin of error most typically 1 year. I guess my biggest question would be are the deer i think i am guessing over 3.5 really over 3.5 and this type analysis should be able to determine that within reason. Most the teeth i have have been sitting some in compost barrels and some have been boiled, would have to wonder how that might play into the accuracy of their analysis.
  24. Welcome to the forums. Thanks for sharing.