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Everything posted by wtnhunt

  1. Nice work Jerry, looks like it is coming along well. I could sure use a scaffold setup like that here. Need to do some exterior work on the South and West ends of our house and re stain logs, don't know if my back will allow me to work off a ladder.
  2. Good luck with the tournament and game. Supposed to be potential for some rough weather here. Rain all weekend after it came a flood here this morning. Gonna be too soggy to even think about getting the tractor out of the shed. Wife and youngest daughter supposed to be volunteering to help at a fundraiser marathon tomorrow if it does not get rained out. Have some odds and ends to work on if I can. May try to get a camera or two out this weekend. Deer are growing antlers rapidly at this point.
  3. See the bear, I think. Good luck with the upcoming sheep hunt.
  4. Congratulations Marty. Looks like it was a great trip. Hope you enjoy the rest of your time off and get healed up.
  5. Had a local parade this morning that my 15 year old was in, she is in the color guard, annual strawberry festival. Have my mother here from the assisted living home for the weekend. Cooking a turkey on the smoker tomorrow. Wife and 15 year old are going to a band banquet tomorrow evening, guess we will eat turkey dinner Sunday after church. Sorry to hear about your loss Joe.
  6. She was still having issues with it and getting a cel, poor mpg, and very rough idle. They replaced coil pack for 1/4 and still were getting misfiring and throwing a p0300 code for random misfire. I finally got my hands on the car today and wound up figuring out the ignition control module was bad by swapping around coil packs, none of the coil packs worked on the front for cylinders 1/4, there was no spark. Took it to autozone and had them check to verify it was bad before buying a new one and sure enough it was bad. Replaced the module with a new one and the car runs great again. Oh and there is plenty of room to get to the plugs on this motor.
  7. wtnhunt

    Hey everybody

    Congratulations to your girls John, that is great. Nice turkey too. Good to see you check in, glad to hear things are going better for you.
  8. Funny stuff. Maybe just a little before my time Martin. lol.
  9. Really wasn't too sure what to expect out of the bare root trees. The pears have really come on. I would expect that they will start to flower and produce in the next few years, however I will probably pluck the fruit off before they get any size to them if they do start to bear in the next year or two. Need the limbs to be strong enough to support them as these pears do get quite large and heavy. My container pear trees I planted in the yard a loooong time back started producing the year after I planted them and ended up with some broken limbs. Same with the apples, they have not grown quite as quick but are doing well.
  10. About all I know to do would be to cage out the area with wire. Maybe even electric fence, he would learn quick to stay away from the area with some zaps.
  11. Wow, actually did not know about this until now Joe. Thanks for the heads up. Not a fan of theirs anyway and honestly not surprised, they are waaaay overpriced compared to all others. With their poor customer service dunno how they have stayed open as long as they have, see and hear complaints about their staff and management and have dealt firsthand with their poor service. Supposedly the store nearest us is to remain open, need to get my barnett crossbow in to get an in warranty repair taken care of but may just go to the next closest authorized warranty repair location. Good luck to all getting their money redeemed.
  12. Never heard of anyone using super glue on bowstrings, I wouldn't.
  13. Added more height to the cages with some new wire earlier this year. Pears doing pretty well. Thought we lost one of the apple trees that the deer chewed on heavily but it has sprouts off the main trunk a few inches off the ground. May end up being a bush, we will see.
  14. Good idea. Have not floated away yet, so still here. lol. Gonna be too wet to do much outside. Have a parade to go to tomorrow, our 15 year old is in the color guard. Then my wife is getting to go to her first mother son luau with our 6 year old tomorrow night. Have some welding to do somewhere in between to finish up a project I have been working on. Dunno if I will make it to church Sunday or not. If it dries out enough have some mowing to do, and need to do some work on my bushhog, gear box is leaking.
  15. Permethrin based stuff and also permanone works pretty well. Deet stuff does not work well for ticks. Have some bens wilderness formula tick and insect repellant that is 30 percent deet, not sure the other ingredients, but have used it and not sure how effective it is.
  16. Short but sweet hunt. Congrats Martin.
  17. Nice bird. Congratulations Marty.
  18. Our son just turned six last Thursday, fun times and learning rapidly by questioning just about everything. Considering he did not say his first words til he was nearly 3, he is excelling now and is reading on nearly a 5th grade level according to the special ed testing at the elementary school. He has been coming up with some good questions and concerns here lately. Not too long back he expressed his concerns with us riding more than one person on our honda 4 wheeler and also said he was not old enough. Saturday while I was working on getting our pool cleaned he read signage and says, no jumping or diving and again was concerned asking questions because he likes to jump off the deck into the water. Best for last, he told my wife a a while back old people worry too much, momma are you an old people.
  19. Crazy winds here the past few days. Luckily no tornadoes.
  20. lol. Store here has been pretty well wiped out. Have not checked online lately.
  21. Don't remember hearing about any issues last year. Will email Scott to let him know there are issues.
  22. Might check with Strut10 or snapper, both are in Pa and would probably know a good taxidermist.
  23. Very nice, great pic too. Congratulations to Pickle and good job getting her out there Don.