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Everything posted by buckee

  1. Re: MOOSIE\'s OUT DA HOUSE *DELETED* Post deleted by iminrut
  2. Re: MOOSIE\'s IN DA HOUSE *DELETED* Post deleted by iminrut
  3. Re: Stealth Cam Bucks finally! That 2nd one sure has a unique looking rack. Looks like a young deer, but is pretty wide. I sure would like to see how he turns out in a few years. He has a very unique antler configuration.
  4. Re: Big Beaver LOL That's a nice lookin Beaver ...Have you ever eaten the tails ?
  5. Re: Cleaned out WalMart Tonight! So what did ya get me Jim ...LOL Nice when you find good deals.
  6. From the mouths of Babes ehh
  7. Re: Tip of The Week Right on EIGHTPOINT .... That is one of my favourite methods of creating a deer trail. It works every time. These blacktails would rather go through a fence than jump over it, except for the big bucks, so I tie the top to barbed wire strands together and the bottom two together (there's ussually 4 strands). It makes a perfect opening for the does and fawns to use and the bucks will cross there as well.
  8. Good one Jim. It works the same for fencelines too. Just walk an old fenceline and where-ever the fence is down, there will be a good crossing area there.
  9. Re: Art Gallery I was talking to Peaches in chat last night and she likes to do art work too. She's a bit shy about showing her work in public, so I'll show it for her....LOL For those of you who know Peaches in chat, here's a sample of what she likes to do.
  10. Re: Must be something wrong [ QUOTE ] Well guys, I've got 'em all...they are certainly there. I've got my own little system of finding them...and it hasn't let me down yet. I've really enjoyed the contest, and it's too bad we'll probably lose it with December's issuance. If nothing else...Thanks, Team Realtree. It has been fun! [/ QUOTE ] DITTO Bob (I like it better when the odds are in my favour...LOL)
  11. buckee

    Baby Pics....

    Re: Baby Pics.... Great pictures Jim ....you have a lot to be thankful for...Happy Thanksgiving
  12. That's a bummer..but you don't really know for sure. I'd hang in there, you just never know.
  13. buckee

    Nov 20th

    Re: Nov 20th Congratulations ... [ QUOTE ] Think she is more excited about the rifle season opening Saturday morning. [/ QUOTE ] Well at least you know she has here priorities right...LOL
  14. buckee

    Could this be it?

    Re: Could this be it? The contractions could be false labour, but then again, you could be having a baby, and maybe already have the little one by now (looking at the time you posted...lol) May god bless you and cause everything to go smoothly for you both.
  15. Re: What is this?.......pic...... I trim them out too.
  16. Re: Ignorance leads to much sadness Some folks are just brain dead.
  17. Re: Art Gallery I don't want to take up too much server space, so here's a link to my art Gallery . . Here's the painting I have under my name Steve's Art
  18. Congratulations on the fine looking doe wtnhunt ...er..ah..I mean, congrats on the deer Mrs. wtnhunt ...LOL Good shootin
  19. Cool ..I wish I could get my wife to understand me...LOL ....your lucky.
  20. Re: What would you do part II I'm with Horst on this one. That's exactly what I would do. I would definately be wondering about the first shot, once I had time to think.
  21. Re: What would you do part I I'm pretty sure I'd read the body language on the deer the second time I saw it, to make sure it was the same buck. eg, limping, labouring to move etc. I would hope I had time to do that. If it bounded off like there was nothing wrong with it, I would probably shoot, thinking it was the same buck. I would check for blood where it was...back off untill morning or give it 4 or 5 hours, before persueing it any further. If there was no blood sign where it was, I would continue looking for sign from the one I shot at. I know my answer sounds pretty positive, but, under those curcumstances, if I didn't have but seconds to think, I might also take the second shot, thinking it was the same deer. Slit second thinking isn't too great sometimes...LOL
  22. buckee

    Pretty funny

    That is pretty comical. Gee, if you took a video of that and PETA got hold of it, they would make you look like you were abusing your animals....LOL Cattle can be pretty stupid sometimes ehh ..LOL
  23. Re: How old is this one? I'd say he's 31/2 years old too. It's hard to judge the age of deer sometimes from other states or locations, because some places are known for good solid bucks and others are known for skimpy racked bucks. Going by his body he doesn't look to old, but not too young either.
  24. Re: Really came together-(pic) Nice hunt...patience has it's rewards. Congratulations on a fine deer.
  25. I like to draw on the odd, non-shooter deer as well, just to keep it real ..LOL Sounds like you had a good adrenalin rush for a few seconds regardless .. Great morning ehh !!!