Re: What would you do part I
I'm pretty sure I'd read the body language on the deer the second time I saw it, to make sure it was the same buck. eg, limping, labouring to move etc. I would hope I had time to do that.
If it bounded off like there was nothing wrong with it, I would probably shoot, thinking it was the same buck. I would check for blood where it was...back off untill morning or give it 4 or 5 hours, before persueing it any further.
If there was no blood sign where it was, I would continue looking for sign from the one I shot at.
I know my answer sounds pretty positive, but, under those curcumstances, if I didn't have but seconds to think, I might also take the second shot, thinking it was the same deer.
Slit second thinking isn't too great sometimes...LOL