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Everything posted by buckee

  1. buckee


    Re: Spanking? The problem with a lot of parents now-a-days is they won't spank their kids or that's all they do, because they won't take the time to think up any good disiplinary measures for their child or take the time out of their "BUSY SCHEDULE" TO TALK TO THEIR KIDS, so they resort to frustration and scream obsenities and threats to their children. .... All they end up with are spoiled little, louder than Mom or Dad, brats. [ 05-22-2003, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: buckee ]
  2. buckee


    Re: Spanking? Well, I sat back and watched this thread from the start and decided to wait on my input, and give everyone else a chance to put in theirs. I, as some of you may know, was abused verbally and physically as a child. I think my Mom got the worst of it for trying to stick up for us. With that said ...I still believe a spanking has it's place in disipline...but..on a very limited scale.(very limited) The only time I think calls for a slap on the butt, is if your child outright defies your authority ...like when a kid says NO to you for the first time. Some folks seem to think it's cute or funny, but that NO needs to be nipped in the butt at a young age. That is the only thing I have ever spanked for and I never did it in anger. All the other things can be dealt with in other ways, but it is still dealt with. Disipline, doesn't have to be a physical confrontation all the time. Any more than 1 or 2 slaps on the butt cheeks is abusing your authority and getting carried away.. (I think) We certainly were hard on my daughter growing up, as far as disipline goes, but it was rare if she got a spanking....really rare. Something I think that's worse than getting beaten, is getting screamed at, cursed out and threatened by a parent. That can leave more scares than anything physical ever could. Disipline is a must, but it doesn't have to be physical. The problem with most folks is they figure a spanking is a quick fix and the answer for everything...it's not Diana and I sent our daughter to her room a lot and she wasn't aloud out until she had a change of heart and apologized etc. Then after she said she was sorry, we would sit her down and have a good talk (not a yelling match) just a good talk, so that she knew exactly where we were coming from. The bible talks about sparing the rod and spoiling the child...but it also mentions "thy rod and thy staff...they comfort me" I pondered this over for years because of the abuse that I suffered and came to the conclusion, that the ROD of correction, does not have to be a stick, or a belt, ...the ROD of correction is Gods word, "the truth". There are time though, where a smack on the old behind is needed to get their attention long enough to get the truth across to them. So, Jimt....I'm kind of with you on this issue, but I still think there is a place for a slap on the behind.....not to try to inflict as much pain as you can on a child, but to get their attention, Enough said from me....(I still hurt) OH...my daughter is 24 and she has not been into drugs or heavy drinking...she is living on her own with a good job, which she works very hard at. She has good self-esteme, comes to visit 4-5 times every week, good sence of humour, loves the Lord and is firmly planted .....and she loves me and thanks me for disiplining her as a child and into her teens. We have talked about spankings with her and she says she doesn't even remember them...(that's how few we had to give.) [ 05-22-2003, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: buckee ]
  3. Re: What would you do Dotto to what jeramie has said' Right is right and wrong is wrong.
  4. Re: Heres a few backyard pics Nice pics ..I looked at these pics before, but never noticed the turkey in there too..LOL Nice back yard too.
  5. buckee

    Thats right....

    Re: Thats right.... Way to go Jim ....keep them hunting tips coming. I always enjoy reading them
  6. Re: Tip Of The Week Good tip Jim ...you forgot to mention that you should be at full draw, when you make that whistle (or mouth call), otherwise, you may have just sealed your fate. ( I know you were thinking it...you just didn't say it...LOL) Keep those tips coming
  7. buckee

    Hey wanted to

    Re: Hey wanted to Yes..good news Tom. I'll bet your relieved ehh. I can imagine what you and your wife have been going through. It's a pretty tough road when you think your kids are seriously sick in any way. God be with you and your family. My wife used to get these big lumps on the top of her rist. We found out that they were Gangleons (not sure about the spelling). Apparently they are some sort of calcium deposite thingy. The funny thing about this was that we did some of our own research on the subject, and heard that if you break up the calcium lump it will gradually dissapate through the body and maybe go away. One day, we got a heavy book...put my wifes wrist and hand on a nice flat surface(the table) and wacked that gangleon really hard with the book. It went away and hasn't been back since and that was well over 13 years ago ...LOL My wife wasn't too happy with my wacking job at first though...LOL...even though it was her that had to talk me into it. [ 05-10-2003, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: buckee ]
  8. buckee

    Hey lil look

    Re: Hey lil look
  9. Re: JimT/Lucky Strikers Score-PICS-!!!!!!! WOW Jim ...good hunt and good story telling too. I was right there with you, heart pounding, frustrated, anxious, the whole works. You sure worked hard for that bird and deserve him big-time. Congrats again and thanks for that great play by play action. Now go sit down and relax...LOL...you earned it.
  10. Congrats Jim ...can't wait to hear the story.
  11. Re: Tip Of The Week Another good tip Jim ...I also buy aerial photos of my area in conjuction with the topo's. It gives you a birds eye view of your area and you can see clearings, different types of bush, houses, etc, etc. A really good aid in hunting your grounds and finding those hot spots.
  12. buckee


    Re: Wierd? You don't keep your deer scent in with your aftershave by any chance do ya....LOL
  13. Re: Tip Of The Week Good tip Jim ....
  14. buckee

    Advantage for kids

    Re: Advantage for kids Yeh...She's way too cute to be taking pictures with that other ugly mug....LOL Looks like she's going to be Dad's little hunting girl though. Man she's a sweetheart.
  15. Re: worried about my daughter I know what you must be going through, being a Dad myself. I will be praying for Nicole
  16. buckee


    Re: So? UGG !! Yawn
  17. buckee

    A little update

    Re: A little update God move you made there wtnhunt. You have to do what you can to make him responcable. If he remains a deadbeat Dad, it will all come out in the wash. It's just too bad the little child has to be part of this whole game too. God be with you.
  18. Re: 7 US soldiers found alive Yeah ...Isn't that great. I couldn't believe it when I turned on the news this AM. Good news indeed. Thank you Lord !!!
  19. buckee

    Little girl

    Re: Little girl OK ..I feel like a blubbering idiot, sitting here with tears rolling down my face as I read this . Good poem. Thanks
  20. Re: Kind of interesting That's one of the reasons that it's so important to watch your back-trail while "STILL"hunting.I've caught deer sneaking across behind me on quite a few occassions. I also believe that deer can pattern hunters better than hunters can pattern deer...lol. That's why you should never over hunt an area. It allows you to keep the eliment of surprise in your favour. A relaxed deer is easier to hunt than an edgy one.
  21. Re: Antler growth and accidents? LMBO@ Bulldawg. .....Your sharp today bud..LOL
  22. Re: Antler growth and accidents? Here is a good example of what kind of unussual antler growth can happen after an injury. My buddy Steve took this one out in 2001. It was a mature buck, about 41/2 years old. It had a front leg that had been busted and had healed up about 6 inches shorter than the other front leg. It also had an injured back leg that was partially healed. You can tell by the size of this blacktail, that it was no youngster and should have had a more impressive rack.
  23. buckee


    Re: Wow! LMBO ...I was lost when I first read this post. Congrats on the new set of antlers ...LOL
  24. buckee

    Paper Tune

    Re: Paper Tune Paper tuning from long distances, doesn't really accomplish much because the arrow has had a chance to stablize some after leaving the bow. The whole idea of being up close while paper tuning, is to catch what that arrow is doing, as soon as it leaves the bow. The straighter it is when leaving the bow, the less difficulty it has in stablizing during flight and the more accurate it will be at further distances. I like the freezer paper roll idea YB14 ... sounds like a winner. Just have to make sure the paper is held taught while shooting through it.
  25. Re: Survival rates I think it depends on the area ... for instance ... One of the farms I hunt is surrounded by residential and roads. The survival rate for the fawns there is very poor, since most ( approx70% - 75% ) get killed by traffic. Out of about 15 to 18 does, I only see 3 to 5 fawns come hunting season. On other farms further out in the valley, the survival rate is much better. A few are killed on the roads and a few become dinner for the blackbears and cougars.