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Everything posted by hangunnr

  1. Re: .357 Mag Handgun for deer? The best factory load I've come across is the Winchester load shown above. They're pricey but will perform well on critters. hangunnr
  2. Re: S&W 500 Legal for hunting in IL??? [ QUOTE ] Hmm...I figured that at least they would get it right... [/ QUOTE ] Don't ever take the word of some sales clerk. They generally aint rocket scientists. I stood at a Walmart counter here in Indiana and overheard the clerk advise a customer that buckshot was a good choice for his up coming deer hunt. I asked the customer where he was going hunting (as buckshot is illegal here) and he told me he was going to be on some state land here in Indiana. I have to wonder just how many ill informed customers left that Wally World with bad advise. hangunnr
  3. Re: new toys Kewl...... Gotta love gettin some new toys. hangunnr
  4. Re: What do you do next ? (photo) "What do you do next?" Call in the coordinates and wait for air support...... hangunnr
  5. Re: Encore Slug Barrel I shoot the 2-3/4" through my gun. I was really wanting to use one of the super hot rounds ( Win. Partition, Rem. Copper solids or Bonded core) but they just wouldn't shoot acceptable groups. hangunnr
  6. Re: Encore Slug Barrel [ QUOTE ] I'm gonna get my hands on a couple boxes of everything I can find, before I go to the range. [/ QUOTE ] That's your best bet to find the load your gun likes. My 20ga Encore slug barrel shoots the Federal Hydra-Shok the best of all. It'll consistantly poke clover leaf groups at 50yds. hangunnr
  7. Re: Question for AJ.. The ADL has a blind magazine and the BDL has a hinged floorplate which allows the shooter to unload the magazine without having to cycle the rounds through the chamber. hangunnr
  8. Re: Question for AJ.. One of those kits looks like it would be the way to go. Thanks, hangunnr
  9. AJ, I just picked up a minty Rem 700 ADL and plan on restocking and changing to BDL configuration. What I need to know is if the follower and spring will interchange? hangunnr
  10. Re: Fluted barrel? There's some interesting info in that link AJ. Some of it contrary to what I've been led to believe. Oh well....... hangunnr
  11. Re: Pistol Holster I think you'll be forced to use one of the "bucket" type of holsters. I'm not aware of anyone making a specific holster for your pistol. Take a look at THIS offering by Uncle Mikes. hangunnr
  12. Re: Fluted barrel? Less weight, better cooling and you get a stiffer barrel. (and who dosen't want a stiffer barrel? ) hangunnr
  13. I would suggest adjusting your sights before you go dumping more powder down the bore. hangunnr
  14. Beautiful buck!!! I really like high and heavy racks. Good job!! hangunnr
  15. Re: A little eye candy.......... [ QUOTE ] What do you all think about a guy that would bring those to my house but not get around to shootin' them???? [/ QUOTE ] We'll work on rectifying that situation. hangunnr
  16. Re: OK.....Newbie with a question, LOL Directly from the N.D. regs. "Muzzleloader Season - Muzzleloading long guns of .45 caliber or larger, and handguns .50 caliber or larger, loaded through the muzzle, with flint or percussion ignition, firing black powder or black powder substitutes are legal. Smokeless powders are not legal. Telescopic sights are prohibited. No magnification (1x) scopes are legal." Dosen't look like what you want to use is legal. Though it might be fun for an up close and personal kinda hunt. hangunnr
  17. Re: OK.....Newbie with a question, LOL I don't know the legality of using a cap n ball revolver in your state but it's illegal here. They're not considered a muzzle loader in the eyes of the state. I wouldn't use the pellets even if they do fit. You'll be crushing a ball down pretty hard on top of it and it'll likely smash the pellet. I would think maintaining a consistant seating pressure would be most difficult. Now, If you want to use pellets in one of the single shot ML pistols out there then have at it. I found a poured charge of 777 to be the ticket in my Encore ML pistol. hangunnr
  18. Re: 1911? Personally I don't care for Bill Wilsons guns. Maybe my dislike for the man clouds my judgment for his product. Anyhoo........ Of the other 3 brands you listed my first choice would be a Kimber. I really like the fit and finish of their guns. Springfield Armory has gotten much better in recent years. Either of these will out shoot a Para right out of the box. I'm not knocking Para here. I carry a custom Para P-13 and it works flawlessly. They will however require some work to get to the level of the other two. (calm down Gregg ) There are quite a few decent 1911's on the market these days. Check out the Sig, S&W, Brown Precision or an STI. hangunnr
  19. Re: A little eye candy.......... I think quite a bit of the 1911 for carry use. My primary carry gun is a custom Para P-13. Hard to beat a good ole .45 for accuracy and stopping power. hangunnr
  20. Re: What release are you shooting ? My go to release is a Carter Atension which I cut down to a three finger. It's shown in the middle of the pic. The others are (top row left to right) a Tru-Ball 4 spot with the new style head. The other in the top row is a Carter Solution 3. The cut down Atension is in the middle and in the bottom row (L 2 R) is a Carter Atension 4 finger and a Carter Colby. I've found that the pure BT releases tend to keep me honest. While it is possible to command fire them they keep the target panic away better than the thumb trigger type. hangunnr
  21. .....for the 1911 fan. Start you off with a .22 cal 1911 built on an Essex stainless frame with a Bob Marvel match top end. Optic is of course a Bushnell Holosight. This .40 S&W Kimber was one of the first to come out of their custom shop. I did an action rework, added the fiber front sight, added the magwell and ambi safeties. This Springfield started life as a standard 1911. It's been completely rebuilt twice. It currently is set up for the Single Stack Classic match. This long slide is a one off custom Caspian frame and slide. Every component in this piece is top shelf. This is what I currently use for Bullseye matches. It'll put 10 185gr Star wadcutters into 1.75" at 50yds. hangunnr
  22. Re: deer hunting gun Hands down the .44mag is a better all around caliber for deer hunting. The .357mag is OK if you limit yourself to short range shots. I'll assume you're not a reloader so the price of ammo can be a concern. Keep in mind if you get a .357mag you can always plink with low cost 38 special ammo. If you go with a .44mag you can shoot .44special ammo if your local shops stock them. This will help to keep the cost down. I'd stick with at least a 6" barrel on whatever gun you end up with. hangunnr
  23. Re: Scope for Ruger question To be honest with you, $200 aint much to work with. You'll be better off in the long run if you save your pennies and get a better quality scope. Here is a 2-7X offered by Burris that is a good value. hangunnr
  24. Re: Need some help guys.......... Thanks for the replies. I'm gonna have to give the Harvesters a look. T/C was no help. They just referred me to the new offering. hangunnr