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Everything posted by hangunnr

  1. Re: My baby............ Baby aint a virgin anymore......... hangunnr
  2. Got the chance this morning to fill my ML tag. Does showed up, the Encore barked and the tag was filled. This is my first handgun ML deer. What a blast!!! hangunnr
  3. Re: My baby............ AJ, As well as this factory barrel shoots I wouldn't hesitate to own another one. hangunnr
  4. Re: Question regarding TC White Mountain Carbine ***First off, if you don't completely understand the function of your guns action and feel comfortable disassembling it then leave this job to a professional gunsmith.*** There is one part in the action that improves the trigger pull if you clean it up with a little stoning. You may also opt to install a lighter spring but you'll have to custom cut one to get the proper size. This pic shows the action with the hammer down. The screw driver is pointing to the part to clean up. You only want to de-burr the back portion of the sear. DO NOT mess with the engagement surfaces of the hammer and sear. This pic shows the hammer cocked. You'll see that the sear has moved down exposing a small piston that houses the return spring for the trigger. Make sure the back end of the sear isn't dragging and the piston moves freely in it's recess. Once this area is cleaned up you should notice a much nicer trigger pull. I personally don't mind a heavy pull on a hunting gun. I want to be able to feel the trigger when wearing gloves. hangunnr
  5. Re: Dan Wesson 1911 Unless I'm mistaken the Wesson frames and slides are made by Kimber. They are assembling a pretty nice gun. The only example I've seen was well fit and well finished. Never had the chance to shoot one though. hangunnr
  6. Re: My baby............ T/C is now offering the pistol length ML barrels in stainless with fiber optic sights. I'll most likely ditch the scope and pick up a set of the fiber optic sights before next season. hangunnr
  7. Good to see you posting over here 5shot. I check out your sight on a regular basis. hangunnr
  8. Re: First ML Monster from IL That's a beauty. hangunnr
  9. Re: Buying new muzzleloader As too pointer alread said.....Welcome to the Realtree forums..... You've got a good gun there. The 777 pellets will be fine. I know it's a little on the expensive side but you will have to experiment with several different bullet combos to find what your gun shoots best. hangunnr
  10. Re: Got to close the deal with my .357 mag! Yep........ They are pretty loud when shot without hearing protection. You will find that when you're staring down the sights at a deer you intend to shoot that you won't even hear the gun go off. When I'm hunting with one of my single shots I have a set of muffs with me. They are just too loud to be shot without. If you find the bullet, try and post a pic. I'm curious as to how well it held up. hangunnr
  11. Re: before and after......... Took her with my slug gun. Forecast was calling for posibility of rain so I left the ML home. We HAD snow........ It's raining now and the snow is all but gone. hangunnr
  12. Re: Got to close the deal with my .357 mag! That counts in my book. You at least got to see the terminal effects of you gun on a critter. Good job!! hangunnr
  13. Re: Charles Dally DDA Pistol First off.......Welcome to the Realtree forums...... Gotta admit I hadn't heard of this gun until your post. I did a quick google search and from what I've seen this gun seems to be another CZ variant. The operating controls and general construction are spot on CZ. I personally wouldn't want to own one if there wasn't going to be parts available. While the factory claims they will service the existing guns (per the CD website) I gotta think that won't mean a whole lot a few years down the road. On the other hand for $219 they are almost worth having as a shoot till it pukes type gun. Can't answer your question about the mags......sorry. hangunnr
  14. Re: My baby............ Maybe I should have elaborated a little....... It's a Encore 50 cal muzzle loader. The scope is a Leupold 2X pistol scope. The best shooting load I've come across is 60gr 3f 777 under a T/C mag sabot and a 240gr Hornady XTP. It'll shoot one ragged hole at 50yds while pushing that XTP around 1400fps. Our ML season here in Indiana opens next weekend and this will be my primary weapon. hangunnr
  15. Got out friday morning for a couple hours. Deer were moving all around me. Had this doe come in right at day break. Sorry the pic isn't any better, didn't have much of time......... She was being pursued by a pretty little basket rack 8 point. I think I ruined his plans for romance...... hangunnr
  16. Is there anything that beats being out in the woods right after a snowfall. We had our first snowfall yesterday. Got to spend a couple hours in the stand this morning. This pic is the mother of all funnels. There is a stream that runs right to left at the bottom of the pic. The irrigation ditch directly in front goes back about 200yds. The deer use the little land bridge like a highway. There's always an abundance of critters present. Unfortunately the deer pic and the yote pic didn't turn out. I haven't quite got this new camera figured out yet. Did however get our state bird to sit still long enough for a pic. Being out in the pristine woods after a fresh snowfall has got to be one of the great pleasures in life. hangunnr
  17. Re: How many PSE Bowhunters do we have here??? My current hunting bows are a AR34, AR37 and a camo Durango. My target rigs are all PSE. I have two target color Durangos and a custom F1. Ya might say I kinda like PSE......... hangunnr
  18. Re: First Buck Ever With My ML (pics) [ QUOTE ] buck2die- I have killed way bigger bucks before but this one was special because it was my first buck with a ML after several years of trying. [/ QUOTE ] That is a NICE deer..........lol Hope you didn't have to drag it too far up hill....... hangunnr
  19. Re: 2004-05 R.T. Forum Deer Contest - Entry Thread Team 21......In Rut 2 PineyBreak 11 point hangunnr
  20. Here's what PineyBreak has been up to. Another view C'mon now, tell us the story....... hangunnr
  21. Re: My baby............ [ QUOTE ] nice snatch [/ QUOTE ] Huh? hangunnr
  22. Here's my current baby...... Can't wait to get back out to try to take a deer with it. Got her stacking 240gr XTPs at 50yds. Now all I need is the deer to cooperate........ C'mon weekend hangunnr
  23. Don't ever recall seeing Hot Shot musket nipples. Can't really see a need for them in musket size either. Canadian camo.com lists the standard #11 Hot Shot nipples. hangunnr
  24. I'd say if you have a barrel that shoots OK then why spend the extra cash for a barrel of unknown accuracy. You will gain a bit velocity wise but it's a toss up as th whether any increase in accuracy will be attained. hangunnr
  25. I'm contemplating the purchase of a custom 300 win mag barrel and would like to hear opinion as to the best choice for barrel length. The barrel will be for my Encore so having a little extra length won't be an issue. I see some of the factory bolt guns are using 26" tubes. Would it be over kill to go with 28 inches? Would there be any velocity advantage to this or even longer tubes? I know there has to be a point where you don't get any benefit from a longer barrel. I just don't know what it is. hangunnr