lil hunter

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Everything posted by lil hunter

  1. I actually bought this gun on Friday, and picked it up on Sunday. I knew you guys would be upset if I posted about it, without having pics ready, so I just waited until I took some pictures before I made a post. I got my LTCH last summer and intended on buying a 1911 then, but never did. I finally picked up a Kimber Eclipse II though, after many months of wanting one. Should get along fine with my XDM and my Glock 23. Heres a few pics. Here it is with my Ultimate Equipment M1911 pocket knife. and here it is with dads Kimber Stainless Gold Match II
  2. I was readin about them quite a bit the past couple days. Seems they aren't really common, but everyone that has one is happy with it.
  3. wallet goes in right rear pocket. Cell phone in right front. Keys and pocket knife go in left front pocket. Its been that way for a few years now.
  4. lil hunter


    It's nice and hot out here. The past few days have been 100+ and the 7 day forecast shows over 100 everyday.
  5. As long as the barrel is also a 12 gauge, it will fit. The only thing you'll have to check is the size shell the barrel is made for. It may ony be made for a 2 3/4" shell whereas your reciever is probably 3". That's no big deal, you'll just have to stick with 2 3/4" slugs.
  6. Usually when you click on those links a screen will come up saying you need to log in to view the link. That's how the hackers get your passwords and start posting the stuff with your profile. Never log in through any link and you should be good.
  7. From everything I hear about Beaufort; Japan would be a lot more exciting. lol. I'm across the country in 29 Palms now. I'm hoping to get stationed back on the East Coast once I graduate MOS school. It'd be nice to be within 1000 miles from home, and have places to hunt/fish from time to time.
  8. This was easy for me, my iPod is my only source of internet. For me it was Baby Doll from Pat Green.
  9. Good job fatty! I've been trying to lose a few pounds too. The Marine Corps tells me I can't be over 208, and I weighed in at 204 last week. I'm hoping to get down to about 195 and stay between there and 200. It's just tough to lose much weight while still weightlifting and putting on muscle mass.
  10. It seems like it's been forever since I've been on here. I guess that's because it has... I finally found a decent Internet connection for my iPod so idecided to five u all am update. Thearine corps has me livin out here in 29 Palms California now. I'll be out here for about a year, until I graduate my MOS school. Not too many hunting or fishing opportunities out here so idk what I'm gonna do about that. I guess I'll have to take up mountain climbing or something. Other than that California hasn't been to bad so far. Hopefully I'll get an actual computer soon so I can get on more. I miss having the Internet right there waiting for me all day everyday. Until then, I'll try to check in from time to time.
  11. I could see it as a decent idea. Many forums have a whole section of rooms that don't fit the main topic of the forum. For instance I've been on truck forums that will have a section with outdoors, military, shooting sports, etc seperate from all the truck related forums.
  12. I think you need to quit complainin Mr. Pileski. My deer season ended in mid November, before I even killed a single deer! :bang: But I understand how you feel. I'm just hoping that by August or so I'm at my permanent duty station so I can start getting things together and get out for a few hunts next year.
  13. Not a bad looking truck Kyle. I'm saving now to buy myself a new truck once I reach my first duty station. Good luck with those Nitto's. My buddy had a set of Terra Grapplers on his Dodge. When the truck had 14k miles on it, they were worn out already.
  14. I finally graduated Marine Corp Recruit Training yesturday morning. It was one heck of an experience for sure. I never thought it was going to end, even during the last few days it seemed like I was going to be there forever. Some days weren't too bad, some days made me wish I never went there. It really wasn't what I expected boot camp to be like. I did manage to lose a few pounds. Not a ton but enough to make a difference. We didn't do as much physical training as you would think would take place there. On the rifle range, I did pretty well I guess. I shot a 235 out of 250. The range record is 242 for recruits there. I hit nothing but 5's and 4's all day, which is quite an accomplishment. Then a week or two later we did our table 2 shooting, which is more combat scenario shooting. I shot an 89 out of 100 there. That gave me a total score of 324, which was number 1 in my platoon, and number 3 for the whole company(over 550 recruits) So needless to say I'm pretty happy with my shooting. Now I'm home for 10 days of leave. As of now, I have to report for Marine Corps Combat Training next Tuesday. My recruiter said he would try to get me recruiters assistance, so I can stay home longer, and I'd just have to help him during the day everyday. Hopefully that comes through for me. But for now, you can just start calling me PFC Murphy, and know that you only have about 10 days worth of me ruining the board with my posts!
  15. Well the time has finally come, I leave for boot camp tomorrow(sunday) morning. So you guys won't be seeing any of me for quite some time. If everything goes right, I'll finally graduate and become a Marine on Feb. 12th. So until then, have a good hunting season. My dad (redryder) will probably give you all an update or two while I'm gone.
  16. well, I hunted from sunrise til sunset today. That whole plan to not shoot anything but the big one came back to haunt me... Had a pretty respectable 7 pointer come in early this morning and gave me tons of oppurtunities to shoot him. Same time yesturday, that deer would've been dead for sure. But I decided to let him walk, even though he was within 20 yards, broadside for at least a few minutes. I just saw several does throughout the day and finally had a crack at a small 8 pointer around 4 this evening. I waited til it was almost too late to draw on em, then when I got him to stop the only thing between me and him was a tree, covering nothing but his vitals... he spooked and ran straight away. Saw a few more does and what I think was a bobcat(never seen one before, and they are very rare around here) between that time and sunset.
  17. Due to boot camp coming up on Sunday, today is going to be my last hunt of the year. After having horrible luck all of bowseason, I finally saw 2 small bucks, and one real nice buck yesturday on some public property. I'm about to head back out there and give it one more chance. I'd be happy with shooting a smaller deer, but I already decided I'm shooting that big buck, or no deer at all. Conditions are perfect this morning. 34 degrees, light frost, barely any moon, and the bucks are chasing! Hopefully I can connect today.
  18. Semper Fidelis latin for Always Faithful Happy Birthday Marine Corps!
  19. I noticed that there was no decimal there. I just didn't put 2 and 2 together and realize that was the joke. haha:hammer1:
  20. Thats it? I only have a 26 gallon tank. Back when gas was getting ridiculous around here a couple years back I remember hitting the $95-100 range a couple times. I'm pretty sure I passed $100 at least once. It was no fun.
  21. anyone have scott or jarets #? the_kat is in his treestand right now...
  22. nice deer guys. Anyone been having luck this season?
  23. yup, lame joke!:oops: I figured you were just one of them old folks that blame common games for virus's and stuff on computers.:hammer1: I couldn't tell you how many times I've heard people say not to get on facebook or myspace because it will give you a virus...