lil hunter

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Everything posted by lil hunter

  1. That is a nice lookin whip. I washed my truck yesturday for the first time in a while. seemed like it took me forever. Didn't feel like waxing it, but I need to soon. Make sure you move the car somewhere protected before you mow. My dad likes to let all the grass clippings fly right over to my recently washed truck. lol
  2. lil hunter

    still alive.

    It's been awhile Casey. I was startin to wonder if I was just not gettin on the chat at the same times as you, or if you just weren't on here much anymore. lol.
  3. I wondered when I'd ever see you back on here. I enlisted in the Marine Corps a few weeks ago, will be shippin out to Parris Island on November 9th. Maybe one day we'll end up on a base together or something. For my MOS I'm goin as an electo-optic ordnance repairer, which is a 33 week school so I won't actually be at my first duty station until like next november. Maybe you'll be back in the states by then.
  4. I'd buy it if it really is mint. I've seen a few numbers matching SKS's at gun shows and such, where people were asking more than that.
  5. you better hurry on the pics, this a pushy crowd. haha. Congrats on the new wheels. I sold my bike today, startin to save for a new truck now.
  6. exactly what I was Good luck sellin it.
  7. Knight is going out of business so you might be able to get some good deals, but you better stock up on the primer disc's before they are gone. Most muzzleloaders these days are pretty high quality. My next one will probably be an Omega.
  8. In the past couple years, I have never really known what I wanted to do after graduation. I always figured I'd go to college, just because I knew it was pretty much necessary these days. Still though, I didn't know what I wanted to study, or where I really wanted to go. The military has always been on the back of my mind, but I never really pursued it at all. Sunday I went to see 3 of my buddies leave for boot camp, and for whatever reason I really wished I was going with them. After thinking real hard about it, researching and talking to the recruiter for the past couple days, I finally made the plunge and enlisted this morning. I couldn't be happier right now. It's really something I've always wanted to do, just never had the guts to do it. Unfortunately for you guys, I don't leave for Paris Island until November, so you will have a few more months of putting up with me before I leave.
  9. 75 yards should be no problem with a scope and rifled barrel, especially shooting sabots. I'd say start out trying slugs that you can find easily and buy locally, if you don't find anything locally that works well for you, then check into other options.
  10. i didn't even realize school was invented when you were growing up... haha jk steve. Yeah I know not literally everybody does, but I doubt theres too many graduates who can honestly say they have never cheated in any way on a test in highschool. Even the students who had a copy of the test would still have had to study the questions and memorize the answers. Yeah it's still cheating, but it's not like they just had the answers written down in order on a sheet of paper in front of them. (I have seen that done as well)
  11. congrats to you and your daughter. i graduated on may 23rd. It sucks already though. I realized about a month before graduation how much I wanted to just stay in high school. I started workin more (I put in 50 hours in the past 6 days) while also trying to hang out with my friends that all seem to be moving away in the next couple months. 3 guys that I've been friends with for years are leaving for the Marines tomorrow morning. I'm not at all looking forward to paying thousands of dollars to take more classes, which will probably be harder than high school. Sorry to be a negative nancy, but I kinda wish I wouldn't have graduated yet. lol. I am takin the cheap way out for college as of now though. I'll be living at home and going to a public school (university of southern indiana) thats just a couple miles down the road.
  12. hmm, everyone cheats on tests in high school. That's what high school is all about... Now whoever breached the computer system took it a little further than the typical methods, but still, no reason to cancel graduation. Thats just stupid in my opinion.
  13. I was always taught about how it's a bad idea to dry fire guns, of course I was mainly brought up with just shotguns. is it not a problem with these pistols?
  14. Friday after my college orientation, I had a couple hours to spare before I had to go back and sign up for classes. So I did what any normal guy would do, and went pistol shopping. lol. I went to 2 local shops and looked at both the Springfield XDM, and the Glock 17. I also checked out a sig 9mm that I liked, can't remember the model though. I decided I wanted the XDM 9mm in silver/black. I called around to a couple other local shops to compare prices, they all had the black ones priced the same, but only one shop had the bi-color model in stock. After having another shop tell me they were having trouble getting ahold of the bi-color gun, I decided to go buy it while I could! Finally got the chance to go shoot it today. Me and my dad put 100 rounds through it this morning, which went way faster than I had planned with the 19+1 mags. I learned 2 things, 1. shooting a pistol is really fun. 2. I am horrible at it. lol. Anyone got any tips or maybe a good video/book that could help me out. Obviously practicing would be necessary too, but I've barely ever shot a handgun, and my dad doesn't have much experience either. I am gonna go buy some bulk ammo soon though and hit the range more this summer.
  15. that looks pretty nice. If you really wanna set off the front end of the truck, sand the black bumper and grey valance til they are smooth, and color match them to the truck too. Makes 'em look way better than the stock look.
  16. Not sure about other states, but in indiana you can apply for either a personal protection permit, or a hunting and target permit. The personal protection allows you to carry anywhere. The hunting and target only allows you to possess a handgun while going or coming from hunting or a target range.
  17. That stinks man. After going through 3 motorola KRZR's in less than a years time, I finally bought a different phone a little over a year ago. This one is a samsung gleam, kinda weird looking phone and I've never seen someone else with one. It does what I need, makes calls, takes pics, and sends texts, and the best part is, i've dropped it literally hundreds of times and it still works! I seriously drop this phone on pretty much a daily basis and it still hasn't quit working, so I'm just gonna stick with it instead of buying a fancy new phone like I So are you going to buy a new one like the one you dropped, or get a cheaper kind?
  18. i'm sure you don't wanna get stuck in the cornfields of indiana again, but if you do, we'll meet up this time. It's gonna be summer break in a week so I'll have a little bit more time. Good luck wherever you end up.
  19. good lord, thats expensive for a permit. I had to pay $50 for a background check with the local police, then $70 for the lifetime permit. I thought that was expensive...
  20. Congrats. I got mine at the end of March. Of course I have been broke since then and can't afford to buy a pistol yet... lol.
  21. First bike ever? You are best off buying a nice used one. I started riding a year ago and almost everyone I have talked to claims that everyone drops their bike at least once. I haven't yet, but 5 of my buddies have wrecked their bikes, in the past year. Don't get anything too powerful for your first bike, the liter bikes and bigger are tempting, but not necessary at all. If you've never ridden, I highly reccomend you take a motorcycle safety class. Mine was a long boring weekend, but I learned quite a bit from it, and it will reduce your insurance with most companies. That said, I know pretty much nothing about the touring type bikes. I ride a CBR 600 f4i.(crotch rocket). Wish I could help you more on your selection. Whatever you decide to get, have fun, wear a helmet, and be careful.
  22. How do you like the straight jackets? I think those are the ones I'm going to order. I can get the custom ones with grey camo frames, polarized lenses, and a red emblem. Will probably get my name etched into the lenses too, a lotta people like to steal sunglasses around here...
  23. unfortunately, i don't get free safety glasses from pizza hut. It would be cool though...
  24. What kind does everyone wear? Lately I've been thinkin about buying a nice pair. I noticed I can order custom Oakleys for not too much more than a lot of other shades. I've never bought any expensive sunglasses before though. What do you guys like/ don't like? I'll be wearing them mostly for driving and when I'm on my bike, the glare is real bad through the facemask on my helmet.