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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Oh, good news is my peep stayed in place, did not budge:-D
  2. I think I might get a new bow...Had my current bow 5 years. Was shooting last night, getting my new sight adjusted. Don't know why but without the peep tubing, something seems noiser...My quiver was a little loose so fixed that, will shoot it today. Anyway I kept moving my pins up, arrows kept hitting high, then I moved the actual sight up a tad and that seemed to fix it. Was not grouping as great as I used to though, maybe just form related, my arm got tired, I kept fiddling with my release sensivity and length. The TruGlo sight is really bright and nice. After being around a Mathews all summer though and seeing how fast and smooth that thing was, it makes me think about a Mathews next year, or just in general a new bow that is smoother, more forgiving. I feel like I've "outgrown" my Hoyt Rintec XL. Anyway not sure what it was yesterday but going to shoot again and hpefully shoot better. Felt like I wasn't relaxed and rushing my shots and holding the bow too long, etc..etc...
  3. Probably shells...and a new barrel for my Mossberg...probably some camo burlap to throw over me if I'm out in a field. Not spending big $$$ on expensive blinds and such.
  4. Well most say go with Reconyx, if she wants to spend the money, go with Reconyx. I have a Leaf River IR7SS...Also having a homebrew built for me which most say is the way to go. I used to have a Scoutguard 500, until it got stolen. Loved that little cam.
  5. Trying to find my best deal to get a new barrel for my Mossberg 500 20 ga shotgun. Looking for the all purpose 26" barrel. Anyone know of any other sites besides Mossberg itself? Cabelas does not have it, besides they are pricey. Thanks!
  6. Sounds great Chris! I hope a nice buck walks your way...he won't know what hit him!
  7. Same with okie...I use a Loctite super Glue - in a blue triangular-ish bottle....Walmart has it...Works great! Vanes do not come off like they do with the Bohning glue I had.
  8. A dawg living over yonder ;-)
  9. Glad to see a few are around:) Yeah, gone for 2 months and alot has changed in that time...
  10. Used to have lots of lady members...they've all kind of dropped off the last year or so??? Anyone still out there? :disolve::wacko::disolve:
  11. I just got a Primos Vision blind...have not set it out in the woods yet but I like all the features and I think it will do nicely for what I'll be using it for.
  12. And when are you coming to the western side of NY state? LOL Have fun Tim! One of these days we'll hopefully meet up. Bass Pro deal in Buffalo went down the drain...lame.
  13. Good looking bucks....they'd look even better on your wall this fall!
  14. LOL Shaun! :-p Well I can draw my bow back no problem, just seems to be certain movements.
  15. Well it wasn't me Tim...... That really stinks! Between you and Rhino, geepers. Must be people getting ready for hunting season the cheating way.
  16. I know your pain all to well Rhino. Had my Scoutguard, a graduation gift, stolen back in May. It's the worst feeling I think besides losing a loved one. I was going to put a note out there but never did, so kudos to you. I am actually in the process of getting a homebrew made for me and just got chain today, it also will have a python on it as well. My leaf river is chained to a tree in our woods. It def. stinks though being it was on your own property, I feel sorry for ya...it is a royal bummer:(
  17. Cool find! Let's see some pics!
  18. So off and on I have problems with my right wrist. It sometimes just gets sore and will be fine in 24 hours or so. Not this time around. I got home from camp Saturday. Sunday I was weedwacking around my foodplot. It was a little sore before that but later on that night, it was hurting pretty good. I woke up yesterday morning, still hurting. If I try to grip something, I get a pain that travels into my hand. It's still that way today, not cool. Been icing it, going to tape it and take some ibuprofen today. Working a 12 hour shift tomorrow, if it's still bad tomorrow, maybe I'll see what PA is on in urgent care and go talk to him about it. I know some of you were waiting for an injury story from me:wacko::disolve:
  19. Yeah, he said if it keeps up, bring it back in, so I'll see what happens.
  20. 2006 Rintec XL. Super quiet....and a killer. One reason why I can't get rid of it, the quietness.
  21. And walked out with a new TruGlo TruSite Extreme 5 pin site w/ light on my bow:disolve: I wanted a light for my site but my Extreme RT900 could not fit it with my quiver on. So I gave in and got a new site...going to be nice with the light on in the blind. Also asked about my peep twisting and it actually straightened out when the guy drew back. He told me I just need to rotate the string loop a little bit the same direction the peep twists if it does it again. So hopefully problem solved. Here's the deer slayer back home:
  22. I've never bought in to this scentblocker stuff...way to overpriced and in my 12 years of hunting, have just used normal hunting clothing, wash it in baking soda and hang it outside prior to the season and during the season. I think the main key is hunting the right wind.
  23. LOL...nope...guess it's my mini-food plot under these apple trees paying off...We'll see come mid-october!