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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Are lucky where you live and either see or hear turkeys and roost them when you go out. Went out tonight, beautiful night, no gobbles. Saw one hen. Then I decide to walk out to check another field and found the source of where some gunshots my mom and I had heard this afternoon came from...you guessed it, the neighbor kid and the other kid I ran into the other day decided that of all places to shoot a rifle, they should set up there and do it right in the field I would be hunting...and they know it. The kid told me "We'll stay out of here opening weekend" and what do they do, decide to disrupt everything. I'm about 95% sure this was deliberate, none of them can be trusted. To say I'm PO'd and upset is an understatement. I came home fuming, with a pocket full of rifle shells. #1-the one kid isn't even suppose to be hunting there and #2 -the landowner doesn't allow rifles. My mom said they are just jealous. All I can do is go out there tomorrow and hope I hear something or see something and leave it all in God's hands...I just can't believe some people...they are not "hunters" in my book. Great start to my season........ AAARRGGGHHH!!!
  2. Umm...congrats? LOL Are you sure you're really 'ok'? lol:-p Glad you aren't too worse for wear...Take it easy, you honestly don't want to get an infection started. Never had mine pulled...Had 2 other teeth pulled for braces, so that I could keep my "wisdom".
  3. Hope you both are feeling better. Do what you can to rest today, drink those non-alchoholic fluids....lol. I missed an opener one year because I was sick, and could hear the bird gobbling from my backporch...
  4. It's tragic in terms of the environmental damages it is/will be causing....the ocean life/plant life and whatever is on shore...and in turn that affects the fishing/shrimp industry when then affects the people doing the work in terms of income. Every week it seems to be something....And it seems when it comes down to it, it's a safety issue that was not taken care of. They said on the evening news last night that some type of turn-off at the valve or whatever didn't work and they could have been equipped with some sound wave activated switch but they didn't have that either because it costs $500,000....but look at what probably millions if not billions of $ it may have saved.....It's sad really, very sad.
  5. Anyone hearing them in the afternoons?
  6. Woohoo, Mike won!! I will admit, I think I forgot to put in my vote the last day, whoops! :-o Way to go go, glad we all managed to pull it off!
  7. WOW! No idea...amazing Ross!Your talent is a gift from God!
  8. No Ranger,lol. I slept in rather than go listen for gobbles:-p Will be out tonight, hoping to roost one. Def. not hunting state land this weekend. Will just set-up where I've seen the sign. Sunday is going to be rainy but I'm going to sit by that field all morning if I have to!
  9. If it wasn't for tracks, droppings, and hearing a couple gobbles a few days ago, I'd think the gobblers had left the area....They are tight lip...dunno if they are recovering from the cold and wind and rain we had the last few days....Nice calm warm night tonight, hope something happens tomorrow AM. What are the rest of you seeing/hearing? Good luck to all!
  10. For Turkey, I'd suggest a Red Dot, I have a TruGlo Red Dot on my Mossberg 500 20 ga...Does very very well. When it's deer season, I have a Nikon ProStaff scope...actually just got it this past sseason because the old Tasco went nuts. Great optics with Nikon, can't go wrong. Won't need a scope for ducks/geese, at least I've never seen duck/goose hunting with a scope,lol...better with open sights...TruGlo and HiViz make some fiber optic sights for such...turkey as well.
  11. My order came today and for $30...that is one heck of a decent jacket...love it already, can't wait for archery now! Had no idea either it's an "Archer's Choice" jacket...Very quiet and comfortable, well made.
  12. Welcome to Realtree! Great place to ask for any advice! I'm not experienced in the pregnancy issues...but I would say you are safe to do what you are comfortable with. Have someone else to drag/lift the deer out for you and maybe avoid the treestands just because risk of a fall (I was watchign a program today and it said later on in pregnancy, as your belly gets bigger, it throws of your center of balance/gravity), but other than that, you are good to go. If you aren't comfortable with something, don't do it:) But otherwise everyone here has said basically the same thing:) Welcome again, new faces always welcome!
  13. I'm hoping to get a bird opening weekend as well, esp. since I am training all week in the urgent care.Loosing all but Tuesday to hunt:( Went out this am afetr 5:30, not a gobble, they gottab e around though, found big tracks in the field, hen poop, gobbler poop the other day....Maybe the last 2 windy days shut them down. I think since I'll be hunting here all weekend, concentrate my last minute scouting around home....
  14. Last week, season opens Saturday...been wanting to scout and find birds in the AM and roost them PM...Well it rained all weekend through Monday, wind unbelievable and cold yesterday, today is a little warmer but still very windy. Working till 7pm tonight but going to stop at a couple of my state land spots as they are on the way home. Otherw Ugh, I hate feeling last minute but this weather is not helping. Now they are calling for some t-storms this weekend...Well won't keep me inside:gun2:
  15. Great photos!!! Those clouds are really, really neat!
  16. Congrats again Laura!! Those spurs are awesome!
  17. I just found out that a good friend and classmate from nursing school, she had a colonoscopy done and cancerous tumor was found. Doesn't appear to have spread anywhere else and is isolated to that tumor, but I just ask for some prayers for her. She is a wonderful RN and so compassionate to her patients and non-patients and it's tough when such a "good person" has something like that happen. Just if you think of it, say a prayer for her...she's having a CT scan later in the week and I guess they'll go from there. She is a christian so she at least has a "foundation" to hold her up through this;) Thanks
  18. :-o!! Not fair...lol. I've been keeping my eyes out whenever I stumble onto some Ash trees, but no luck. Found 2 like 2 years ago....Maybe NY state isn't as good as other states, I dunno... they were so delicious!
  19. Went to visit school today, where I did nursing. Great to see alot of my professors. Found out they are just awaiting the signature from the state governor to have in place their BS in Nursing program...And it will be a mainly online program, just a few days to go on campus. So of course they'd like to see us come in to the program. I would like to continue my education in nursing so it is something to think about maybe starting this coming fall:jaw: Part of my decision though is going to be based on how much $$ it will cost...Already paying back loans on my other BS degree but the one instructor said I will probably have quite a but that transfers...So we'll see, something to pray about.
  20. Nice photos, looks like you had fun. And kudos to you for being a good samaritan...your deed did not go unnoticed:)