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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Wow, way to go girl! Beautiful bird and those spurs are amazing! I would love a set of spurs on a bird like that! Job well done!
  2. Awesome bird, nice photo! Congrats!
  3. You have to pay for a hunting forum...geesh! Bone Collector has the name on everything...well have not seen toilet paper yet with it. I know, some nifty shirts I see on TV but no where else...maybe they have them custom done
  4. Very nice hungry hunter! I was just thinking the other day that when you know someone who loves hunting, gift shopping is so easy!!! And if one day God leads me to the right guy, well if he's a hunter, he'll be lucky,lol!
  5. Thought it'd be interesting to see what our education backgrounds are and what job(s) we are doing now. In 2006, got my B.S. in Recreation & Leisure, specifically Outdoor Ed. & Camp Administration In 2009 got my Assoc. Degree in Nursing, passed my stated boards to become licensed as an RN Employment currently, a per diem RN on a rehab and acute floor in a local hospital and health director/RN at an environmental ed. camp for 6 weeks during the summer. Now let's hear from the rest of you!:cowboy:
  6. Turkeygirl

    I did it!!

    Congrats Slash! Way to go! Too bad you aren't in NY, I need some health insurance,lol
  7. Well I ordered the jacket...can't go wrong for $30...Also got some other things...a $93 order:-o
  8. Shaun and Skippy sittin' in a tree....lol My cat is a Pro-Chipmunk Killer,lol
  9. LOL! Glad the truck was the only thing hurt! I pulled the car in the garage one time, my mom gets out, didn't close the passenger door. I backed out for some reason and well...I didn't rip the door off, but it sure didn't shut quite right after that!
  10. Yeah, not working for me either....
  11. Congrats Steve!! Geesh, how'd that happen...time flies when you're having fun!
  12. Congrats to you all! Great shot Mike on a great NY bird!
  13. I will be meeting up with 2 of my classmates from nursing school, have not seen them since graduation last May! And probably visiting a few of the instructors. First time going back since graduation,lol. Excited though, nice to see old school buddies and the instructors, no longer as a student:nurse:
  14. Let's not forget enemas....:whip:
  15. What, I wasn't invited Tim!? You're on my "list" now.... LOL
  16. Went for a walk around the usual hunting property. Rain stopped so was hoping to catch some activity in the fields. Nope. But as I came up the hill on an edge of a grass field, next to the corn field I usually see (and hunt) theb irds in, I heard a gobble! Heard a couple actually, sounded like they came from the other side in a field by the old gravel pit. Well I crossed the corn field, went to cut through these heavy pines to sneak a peak at the other field, and I see a turkey sneak off....didn't run too fast but I dunno what it was...looked to brown to me to be a gobbler...maybe it was a hen. Either way I jumped back out and walked back home. Would like to get a peak at whatever bird is doing the talking, but I don't want to spook em out.
  17. Poor guy....We'll keep an eye on his rooms. Hope he gets feeling better and heals quickly. That's nice to have a neighbor who's a retired chiropractor...Saves on the bill quite a bit!
  18. A long time back one moved in on a road a couple miles away...Not thrilled about it but not much to be done. The local town cop notified a neighbor who then told us. Never had any problems...don't even know if he's still there. Are you a regular checker of the state sex offender website? lol...
  19. I'd go...set-up by a field. They'll fly down and probably head towards fields or open woods.
  20. In the same boat as you, have not scouted really yet. Headed out now with the rain done, hope to catch some out in the fields. Ran into a guy on the land I hunt other day, he said he hard a couple gobbling...He thinks they are going to be henned up good...which seems by the time May 1 comes around, they are anyway. Plan to get up and go out a few mornings here and over to the state land - Hanging Bog.
  21. Congrats waterfowler! Get him entered, let's see some pics! I've got to buckle down this week and hope/pray I get some birds pinpointer so I know where to be Saturday AM.
  22. I have always used NAP 100 gr. Thunderheads...IMO I will always use though or switch to Muzzies....Fixed blade. Some like mechanicals. You'll have to shoot and see what you like best and shoots best. Welcome to RT.
  23. LOL My food plot has finally started sprouting..peaked yesterday and could see little sprouts. Had a good rain last night so who knows what it looks like today! Will get a photo later to post. Also saw 5 deer 1/2 way out in the field up behind our house...Must have ben checking on their plot as well,lol