Well here is a photo of a few of the several flies I've tied.
From left to right, a Silver Butcher,(wet fly) Cahill(I think,wet fly), and my own 2 creations (1 wet and 1 dry)
The first one of my creations, the tail is done from turkey feather (from my last bird I got 3 years ago), dubbing for a body with a turkey tail feather fiber wrapped around, and wings from duck feather I cut off our ducks The 2nd of my creations (far right), the tail is from Grouse feather (only Grouse I've ever killed), body is Peacock Herl, wings are from same turkey feather, and the cream hackle from hackle I picked up from one of our mini/Bantam chickens that got caught by a fox back in the summer. Oh, and the wings on the Silver Butcher also from one of our ducks. So let me know what ya think! I'm trying to make enough so maybe I can make up a few assortments to sell, or at least see if they will,lol. Or maybe a few "giveaways" on Realtree for those of us who do fly fish. I've got the whip finish mastered among half hitch nots, and I quit breaking the thread,lmbo I can see it now "The Exclusive Turkeygirl Fly Collection"