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Everything posted by Turkeygirl

  1. Nope, but I do know I picked up some speedswitching my arrows from 400s to 500s....those arrows zip along pretty good.
  2. Alot of stuff been happening at work...not what nursing should be about...God seems to be giving me a persistent nudge to leave my current position. If you think of it, say a prayer, I'm sending out applications, time to leave this small hospital and go somewhere else. My patient's come first, I'm here to do a job, and apparently management and even my fellow nurses do not appreciate it and there's alot of crap going on that is detracting from my job duties, not too mention 2 years now, no pay raise but more job responsibilities and pressure. Thanks for listening
  3. Happy birthday Ross! Have a good one!
  4. So there are some 12 ga. out there that don't kick like a horse?
  5. I was looking at the Browing Silver Micro, looks like a nice gun, my size, lol. How are Browning guns? Was looking at Benelli as well.
  6. Anyone? any 12 ga. out there that don't have alot of recoil?
  7. Looking to get a new gun for small game/upland game....Preferably a 20 ga shotgun. Needs an ambidextrous trigger or be left handed since I shoot left handed. Looking for recommendations on brands, etc... I'd like to stay under $1000. Not sure if I want to go semi-auto, pump, or even maybe a double barrel/over under. So any recommendations, post em up! Thanks!
  8. Turkeygirl


    First year since I joined here I didn't get a Happy Birthday...what is up with that! lol :oops: Ah well, worked all day, wasn't that exciting of a birthday:fish:
  9. Read in a hunting magazine today about Realtree's 25th anniversary and it mentioned RT has a new camo pattern in the works... Anyone heard anymore about it? I'm excited:clap::clown:
  10. I'm looking forward to spring turkey...time to redeem myself! Planning on doing a bit of deep woods state land hunting. Last year got on a hot gobbler the last day of the season in state land.... Good luck to ya!
  11. Let's see em .308, sounds awesome!
  12. Please welcome TheProvider to your team!
  13. Please welcome waterfowler to your team!
  14. I will add you to a team. Make sure you read and understand the rules and good luck!
  15. How many of you have a Red Dot of some sort on your turkey gun? I'm thinking about going back to one. Couple springs ago put a TruGlo 30mm on my 20 ga., loved it, patterned well, shot alot better with it than open sights IMO. Well one spring missed a huge gobbler. I got home to check the gun, the scope was way off, couldn't get it centered with the pattern, look at it and one of the optical glass circles ' something or other' inside was dislodged and sitting crooked. I have yet to email TruGlo. Going to try and see if they'll fix or replace it. This happened the 3rd spring I was hunting with it. Was looking and saw TruGlo also has a Red Dot Gobbler Stopper 30 mmg dual color scope, and also a dual color open red dot sight...anyone try any of these?
  16. Ok, you are in waterfowler. I'll jump in on another team so we are all even. Any further questions from anyone, please post under the questions thread. this is just for photo entry and score updates. Thanks!
  17. For future reference for everyone, so scoring will be easier for me, please keep dead heads to a separate post in the Shed Room and just shed antler entries here. Thanks!:camera:
  18. I'm sorry, I'm glad to see you here. I hope you participate in the other forum rooms here besides just the shed contest. Wooly, If I can find one more person for the shed contest, I'll jump in so it's even on all teams;) Otherwise was just going to watch.
  19. Leggo my bunny! lol Super pics and beautiful bird!
  20. Ok, there are 3 teams of 3, one team will have 4 (The ** indicate new forum members, unsure how active they will be. Ok, Ready, set, go find sheds!! Feel free to pick team names and if you want to start a team thread, you can and I will sticky it. TEAM 1 Stone Cold ~ 17 points dbHunterNY OODodgeGuy ~ 10 points waterfowler Total = 27 TEAM 2 Woolybear ~ 40 points Hunt or be Hunted Mystery Hunter TheProvider ~ 16 points Total = 56 TEAM 3 TeamBuckxLimp ~ 9 dturpen ILOutdoorsman.** 308accuracy ** Total = 9
  21. I saw my chiropractor today. Have had problems for a long time with my left knee. Couple months ago it was really aggravated, he checked it and said it was an LCL sprain. It had plenty of time to heal, seemed a little better than over the last month and 1/2 it's been sore not some of the time but all of the time, especially when I'd get up from sitting. I usually go to him every couple months, doesn't hurt especially with the job I do. He tested my knee and found the problem, the fibula head was out of place! He worked on it and got it back in, I felt it pop in. So I'm icing, keeping an elastic brace on, and have to avoid any twisting, which is hard to do when working, and hunting, and hiking. My concern is how long has it been riding out of the groove and what damage it did...hopefully minimal. College intramural sports and hunting/hiking in the past is catching up to me...or is it age? lol:p