Ravin R10 man

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Everything posted by Ravin R10 man

  1. Re: Food Plot Question? Fall, spring, and mid summer
  2. Re: your profession? And help w/ a college kid Sent you a PM, john sam
  3. Only 4 inches and they cancelled school?!? Up here, it has to snow at least a foot before they'll think about it.......maybe no snow plows down there........ enjoy your extended vacation, KC. Good timing! Strange how all the big storms are staying south of us so far
  4. Re: daughters 2004 season[pics] Hey, it's great to see the young ladies out there!! Congrats to her for a job well done , and to you too, Dad!!
  5. Re: Realtree Forums Christmas Exchange Entry Threa Oneida Man..... USA
  6. Re: Realtree Forums Christmas Drawing? Oneida man is in!!
  7. Re: LIl Blonde Deer Killer scores(pic) Hope your dad dragged him for you!!!! Nope, drove right up to it in the corn field. I did do the field dressing for her, but she helped. Ash insisited we cut open the paunch to see what he had been feeding on.
  8. Re: My Son\'s First Bowkill AINT IT COOL!!!??
  9. Re: sask in oct! do you decoy them or sneak hunt em?
  10. Re: I\'m desperate...... Another buck missed! Hunt hard or go home. Dominate the woods. Lessons Learned, prepares hunters for next year....... You must be living your saying......You do walk yourself through your shot sequence right?
  11. Re: A few thanksgiving pics Hey...MIKEY!!! OCC. LOL!!
  12. Re: Buckee\'s Grass-blinds ** Buckee...you really should take some munchies with you hunting...... That wood cant be good for your digestive tract!
  13. Re: how tight do deer sit?? Dad shot a nice 8pt one year while walking a drive we were making. The buck laid right out as flat as he could be with its chin on the ground. We also had snow too, but dad saw him and was only about three paces away to one side and just brought his gun up and only stopped when he was ready to shoot. At that point the buck figured he better move.....TOO LATE!!
  14. Re: Deer pictures wait untill you see the one I get late bow season
  15. Re: My First Buck! I speed read it...but hey, congrats!!
  16. Re: North American Whitetail TV Jim T...I noticed that too! LOL! This show is great! These guys got excellent chemistry for this show. I really like the way the show is put together. VERY entertaining.
  17. Re: another MONSTER from wisconsin Wow! that is a moose of a buck
  18. Re: Help me determine sex in puppies dont sound like you are having any problems with it...you got it right
  19. Re: Heres my 2004 Rifle Buck *PICS* congrats Kyle!!
  20. Re: **Scored on a blacktail buck** Great job Steve!!
  21. Re: My Thanksgiving Buck...... [ QUOTE ] Way to go!!!! Roger Raglin would be proud!!!! [/ QUOTE ].....................HE BETTER BE!!!!
  22. Each are accusing the other party of shooting first, the last I heard was....Chia Vang....Chia Vang...He go BANG ! BANG!