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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. Re: The V word..... piece of cake my friend. just take it easy for a couple days (DO NOT try to do to much or they will swell like an orange) swamper-no a vasectomy all they do is cut and tie off the spermatic cord in a dog we actually remove the testicles! Good Luck todd
  2. Re: 3 I look forward to watching it--and I have never watch a car race for more than 10 minutes in my life. todd
  3. Re: Week 14 Matchups. Dallas Baltimore Atlanta Minnesota Denver Pitt Green Bay Arizona Carolina Tennessee
  4. Re: Exploding Carbon Arrows (graphic): Gold tips! that looks painfull. i've never heard of that happening.
  5. Re: For those who had deer processing questions she's a cutie!
  6. Re: unrelated poop question man--this thread stinks!
  7. dogdoc

    addicted to the forums

    Re: addicted to the forums get out while you still have time! Hi, my name is Todd. I am a forumolic.
  8. Re: My weekend Buck... *pic* congrats on the buck jeramie! todd
  9. Re: Full Draw Plantings?? I have also planted full draw before--it came up great but the deer didn't touch the blend of brassicas it has. If you want the best fall blend money can buy check out the fall blend from Hamann Farms I planted it over a year ago--the chicory, clover, and trefoil are doing great and the deer are hammering right now. I killed a really nice 8 pointer this season and big gobbler on it last spring todd
  10. Re: detroit lions J.B>---yep I forgot about the Saints. The belong right up there with them.
  11. Re: Question:::: After I shot my deer I went back out the next weekend to pick pecans---I wore my blaze orange. Still---no excuse--a hunter has to be 100% sure of his target and what is beyond that target before shooting. Norm, the person behind the gun is still responsible for his shot! The only way I could get around that is if the kid was wearing a deer costume. todd
  12. Re: central oklahoma trail cam pic take 2!! huntin'---nope the top one is a 9 pointer. I have a closer pic of him. You can't see from that view but the top one has a double white throat patch also. here is another view of the top one: todd
  13. Re: Looking for a picture i looked thru the dec/jan issue didn't see the pic! todd
  14. Re: central oklahoma trail cam pic take 2!! boomer--a great lookin' Okie buck--here are a few north central okie bucks--unfortunately I never saw these boys during shooting light todd
  15. Re: Updated house pics... [ QUOTE ] That's nice, Snapper. Wish it was mine. [/ QUOTE ] me too! really nice. congrats on the comfy home todd
  16. welcome to the forum--can't help you out, sorry. you might try posting this in the handgun room also. good luck todd
  17. Re: I got a deer too!! a 12 point buck, 12 inch tine with a 24 inch spread and you couldn't get a pic???? Surely you have a pic of the antlers?????
  18. dogdoc

    new to hunting

    Re: new to hunting welcome--yes a great bow if it fits you! todd
  19. Re: How Bout\' them Sooners!!! YB--I think you mean USC. Gator--I agree, the SEC is a much tougher conference than the PAC 10. And if Auburn and USC went head to head I would take Auburn straight up. BUT---I agree with passthru--Auburn has nobody but themselves to blame. They played the wimpiest (sp?) non-conference school of just about any division 1 team. But i still stick to my original statement--if you don't play a conference championship game you don't belong in the BCS! todd
  20. Re: BCS Champion? do you remember the bowl---that was a must see!
  21. dogdoc


    Re: Arrows gold tip---easily get a dozen of the hunter expiditions for under 50. the xt will cost ya close to 50 or a little more with shipping on e-bay. goldtip--the best arrow for the money! todd
  22. don't get me wrong---i was a big fan of the lions when they had both Billy Simms and Barry Sanders. I even had a Lions jacket growing up---BUT: The lions are losers now, have been losers in the past, and always will be losers. They have never been anything but a disappointment (at least in my lifetime). Between them and the St. Louis now Arizona Cardinals they are the two most disappointing teams in NFL history! They both need new ownership. todd
  23. Re: Ever sleep in your car only when my wife kicks me out of the house and i'm too tight to go to a motel Acutally, i slept in a vehicle one night--I was camping in Alaska with my brother and his wife and didn't want to stay in the same tent with them. I was so exhausted from fishing for 24 hours straight I slept like a baby. todd
  24. Re: Gut pile cam set up! curiosity would be my bet????? cool pics though! todd