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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. awesome catch---I'm pretty sure I saw it on ESPN
  2. dogdoc

    A good day

    dang---i'm jealous! congrats! todd
  3. congrats on some new goose decoys!!!!
  4. probably not but you never know unless you pattern both guns--BTW--were you not just complaining about not having any money and can't pay your bills but you can afford Hevi-shot. I don't even pay the extra for Hevi-Shot and I can pay my bills:confused:
  5. That's a list of some pretty darn good coached--however Gundy and Mike Stoops has yet to prove anything as a head coach.
  6. been a Raiders fan since a little kid---still my favorite team but I wouldn't recommend picking them--they will continue to stink until the old man dies.
  7. all I can say is it is about time. Should have happened 4 years ago. The worse professional sports franchise in the history of any pro sport--and I've been a Lion's fan for a long time. It's hard right now being a Raiders and Lions fan!
  8. impossible to keep them from eating your corn. I never thought of the carpet tack board i might have to give that a try. What I do is buy a huge tub of vasoline and smear it on the legs--works great and only have to apply it about every 6 months.
  9. congrats---jealous seeing those pics. I'm still a good month away.
  10. what i have found to be a little deceiving about geese is they look like they are flying so slow b/c of their size and I don't lead them enough. I haven't shot enough to give any good advise. Their body is so big I know at times i have to remind myself for proper lead and not focus on their big body.
  11. looks great--do you have a game cam on them?
  12. good luck--should open up a lot of native forage.
  13. awesome---next year put up an exclusion cage so you see the difference.
  14. you'll be fine! good luck and let us know how the plot does.
  15. How old are you now Dakota? Like stated if you are over 18 then your parents can't cancel the loan unless they are on the note.
  16. yes it will. You can use 2-4DB which will not kill the clover but it is quite a bit more expensive than straight 2-4D Is it for the deer? If so why don't you just broadcast some dwarf essex rape and some wheat in the meadow. You'll be surprised how easy those two seeds will germinate after a good rain.
  17. suck it up you big wimp! If you need any treatment come on over tomorrow---you'll leave purring:) hope it gets better quick!
  18. is this an early (resident) goose season or is your regular season open? Our resident goose season closed on the 10th but we could shoot 30 minutes after sunset. congrats on the honkers.
  19. being your first year I would probably just stick with an annual mix. If you want something easy you could use one of the no-till varieties such as no-plow or throw and grow. You still need to do a little prep work as the seed still needs to make soil contact. Do you have access to equipment and where are you located?
  20. I have copper john on both my bows and really like them.