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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. finished my last food plot Wednesday---now just waiting for opening day.
  2. I shot one of my biggest bucks 2 years ago with both my daughters in the tower stand with me. They were 6 and 4 at the time. AFter 15 minutes of hunting I knew we wouldn't see a thing. The little one was sticking her head out of the windows. They were fighting--one dropped DS light on the ground. The other one was shining the flashlight out the window---I decided not to make too big of deal about it and let them have fun. Then with about 15 minutes of shooting light the big boy steps out and we nail him. I saw him fall about 40 yards away but the girls didn't. I let them track him and we had a blast. We started taking pictures and while taking a pic a yote howls closely and both girls ran for the truck as fast as they could. My very favorite deer hunt:
  3. what a beautiful deer--wow!
  4. My Eagle soybeans area loaded with beans right now and still producing forage. The deer are putting a hurt to them but their still going strong.
  5. This is my first year to try it (throw and grow). i have a way back in the woods plot that all I did was mow it really short. Came back a week later and roundup the area and tossed down the throw and grow and some fertilizer. I'll keep you updated on how it does. Getting a very nice rain on it right now.
  6. Not last year--year before. Got one more food plot to put in Wednesday then I am thru with food plots. It will be my 5th fall plot. good luck to all.
  7. yep--1/2 inch may be a little too deep for the clover. I don't even bury my clover seed. Just toss it down and drive over it. That's the only bad thing about mixes that also contain larger seeds such as wheat and oats.
  8. looks great William. It's amazing the amount of abuse my soybeans (Eagle) have taken this year but continue to keep up with the pressure. Hopefully you won't have an early freeze and you can get a lot of life out of them.
  9. ryegrain or wheat will work just fine--a little rape would also do ok.
  10. I think the name is horrible---geeze! I was thinking something more like "The Hamman Farm Deer Slayers":D:D:D good luck team--we are already behind the 8 ball---Oneida Man only shoots spikes:eek:
  11. the brassicas (rape, turnips) are a small seed so don't bury them too deep. If your ground is still very wet you could just broadcast them on the surface and drive over the seeds to "smash" them into the soil. What I do on my type of soil is till and then just broadcast then cover by dragging a homemade drag made from chainlink fence behind my ATV.--Lots of options but just don't bury deeper than 1/4 inch.
  12. enjoy--just seems like yesterday I was attending freshman orientation week---and that was 1984! todd
  13. looks good. How much fertilizer did you put down? I believe there is also an annual clover in that mix but I didn't see any in the pics. How deep did you bury the seed mixture? a little more rain and i bet it will really take off.
  14. i bet that was a lot of fun. i've seen them do that on QDMA TV show.
  15. sept 1 here in oklahoma and the limit is 5. Goose in the morning then switch to a little dove hunting.
  16. IMO the worst thing that can happen is to plant and immediately get a small rain to germinate the seeds. This is when the plant is the most vulnerable since it barely has any root structure. If you don't get rain shortly after or don't have good sub-surface moisture those young plants can die in a hurry. Saying that--sometimes we don't have choices when we plant--we just plant when we can.
  17. attempt to get some acorns from a fast producing oak. Some oaks can take 20 to 30 years to produce acorns. If you can find a sawtooth oak or pick up some saplings you will be much better off. They can produce acorns in little as 5 to 8 years. As far as prepping the acorns. What I did was get the acorns in the fall. Put the acorns in a bucket of water and throw away the ones that float--those are no good. I then put the acorns in the refrigerator (vegetable drawer) in for a month. After that I planted them. I planted them about a month later in small cups and got about 70% germination.
  18. yep--I have one and it has never stuck on me---but it cost me 125 bucks (acrylic)
  19. Congrats on your new son--enjoy every minute b/c before you know it your hauling him off to school. I'm sorry about Winchester and glad I could help a little! todd
  20. how is your family doing? Tell the wife HI!
  21. there are products you can put on the stump that speed up the decay process--you can purchase them at Home Depot/Lowes. It still takes a while though. One option is to burn them. Get a 55 gallon drum with both ends removed. Drill deep holes in the stump with a long wood drill bit and fill the holes with diesel. Let the wood soak up the diesel. Put the drum over the stump and burn the stump. This process works pretty good.