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Everything posted by dogdoc

  1. good deal--keep us updated on the progress!
  2. did they not carry any type of oats? There really isn't a "winter" oats. All oats will die during a hard freeze. Heck I've planted feed oats with good success. Call them back and see if they carry any type of oat seed. Don't rule out wheat--it's the staple for all winter annual plots IMO. When fertilized heavily it is very attractive!
  3. thoughts and prayers are with you Chris! todd
  4. i agree. If they want it they'll eat it!
  5. i remember watching one of the Primo's bowhunting videos and I bet 1/2 the kills were on honey locust pod feeding areas. You could just watch the deer eat the pods.
  6. i've never had a problem on public land but i don't hunt much public. majority of my duck hunting is on private land.
  7. unless you've already done a lot of prep such as weed control and soil samples I'd stick with a fall variety of annuals: 25# wheat 25# rye 25# oats 10# Austrian winter peas 3# of brassica mix all /acre. this is an awesome mix that will start attracting quickly and last all winter and into early spring.
  8. you contact a local county forester agent and have them look at your place and get an opinion. Personally I think you'll need to remove some to get any substantial food plot growth.
  9. I planted soybeans this year that I got from SoybeanMan. As you can see this deer sure likes soybeans:
  10. i agree--great tractors but man are they expensive.
  11. i think you'll be happy with the Kubota. I have a L3400 and the only time it let me down was when I was clearing some downed limbs from an ice storm and a limb hit my fuel filter and busted it. Ran out of diesel (didn't know it was busted). One piece of advise--never never run out of diesel. Those buggers are hard to get primed to get back started. todd
  12. IMO you have 6 in one hand and 1/2 dozen in the other. Both are great high protein warm season forages that your deer will love.
  13. don't fertilize until you plant. The nitrogen will be wasted. The green mix will do just fine! todd
  14. I'd wait longer than 1 week after discing to spray. It will take longer for some of the seeds that were disturbed to germinate. Plus you need some rain/moisture to get the seeds germinated. You'll probably just be wasting your time and money by spraying. Anything that germinates will be killed when you do your 2nd discing. So personally I wouldn't worry about spraying anything before you plant. But if you do want to roundup (glyphosate) is what you want to spray. The farm version (41%) should be sprayed at about 2 quarts per acre. I don't even spray for my fall planting as most of the weeds and grasses you want to kill will be killed when discing and anything that comes up later will die during the winter. If you want to spray your wheat/oat plot then 2-4D will take care of your broadleaf weeds. Nothing you can spray for grass killer as that will also kill your wheat and oats. trust me---save the herbicides for spring planting and just use your disc! todds
  15. next time put a small exclusion cage out to protect a small area of the plot--this way you can tell if it is a plot failure or how much pressure you are getting on the plot. It is important when planting a spring plot to have a good prepared weed free seed bed--this is accomplished with proper herbicide spraying prior to planting. Small warm season plots are hard to get established in heavily deer populated areas. Most of your warm season plants just don't handle heavy browsing pressure very well.
  16. The most important part is having the deer feel safe on your property. That is setting aside part of the land as a sanctuary. A place where deer can stay undisturbed. IMO that is more important than food plots. Creating bedding areas if needed is also a way of improving your property. Food plots are a great step in increasing deer usage on your property. For fall plantings it's hard to beat a mix of wheat, oats, winter peas, and brassicas.
  17. i'm bad--haven't shot a doe in 10 years---missed one two years ago with my bow though. Believe it or not I'm not in a heavily deer populated area and my balance is really good. I let the neighbors take the does--I'm addicted to horns.
  18. plot saver--I've never used one but have heard guys that have had good success with then.
  19. tasty! Great pics.
  20. 3.43 yesterday at the 7-11 here in OKC
  21. probably make hunting the bucks easier--less does mean the bucks have to travel more to find the does!
  22. good luck--never planted a plot this late. Don't think it would make it here in Oklahoma.
  23. no product that pigs won't touch. The love to root up the freshly planted plots and eat the seeds and new seedlings. I've had my fair share of damage by hogs until I went on a hog obscession and cleaned them out of my place.