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Everything posted by ny_gun

  1. Re: \"The Parking Perfection Game\" Using the arrow key sure is tough. However after a few tries i did it in 12.2 seconds and made it through the 3rd level.
  2. ny_gun

    Motorola RAZR?

    Re: Motorola RAZR? I have had the Motorola RAZR through Cingular for about 13 months now and love it. I have not had any problems with it and I have even dropped mine several times including an accidental toss across the garage.
  3. Re: 06-07 RT Forum Deer Contest - SIGN-UP NY_GUN 28 October 14th - December 19th
  4. ny_gun


    Re: gloves? I use gloves most of the time. The only time I do not is when I do not have them with me.
  5. Re: Weirdest thing you\'ve ever seen while hunting? One day while bow hunting at my fathers house I was sitting in my treestand with my bow in my lap and an arrow nocked. When all of a sudden I had two birds land on my arrow. Not sure what to do I thought I would just sit still and see what happened. Well they stayed there for almost 10 minutes before they flew off. When they left it was not because I scared them either.
  6. Re: Foxfire....Mozilla I have been using Firefox for at least 3 years and would never go back to using IE full time. However there are some instances where I use IE as the application does not work correctly on Firefox.
  7. Re: Straight razor or electric razor? [ QUOTE ] Mach 3 for me. The electrics just don't do the same kind of job. [/ QUOTE ] I agree. However about a month ago I switched from the Mach 3 to the Gillette Fusion Power and will never go back.
  8. Re: How many mounts do you have? [ QUOTE ] 3 Shoulder Mount Deer 1 Shoulder Mount Coyote 1 Flying Pheasant [/ QUOTE ] UPDATE: I have had to temporarily remove these mounts from my house while I am selling it. Apparently some people are offended by them and my realtor suggested (strongly) that I removed them during the process. He has had people refuse to finish viewing the house when they were seen.
  9. Re: How many pins do you have?? 3 --> 20,30, & 40 yards
  10. Re: Bow Fishing- 244.5 lb Gar [ QUOTE ] That is one mean ugly looking fish. Ill remember not to go swimming in that lake. [/ QUOTE ] That is exactly what I was thinking....
  11. ny_gun

    Housing cost....

    Re: Housing cost.... Here in Western New York I just bought a new home and am selling my current. My current house was built in 1989 is 1,200 sqft on 0.25 acres and sold for $140,000. My new home a 1974 2,250 sqft on 1 acre was $240,000. And we will be putting between $25,000 & $35,000 in renovations before we even move in because it is a 1970's home and has not had any updating.
  12. ny_gun

    how many acres?

    Re: how many acres? ~ 1,500 acres
  13. ny_gun

    Car Insurance

    Re: Car Insurance I would try Allstate. Here in NY our insurance premium's are typically very high. I currently have the highest level of insurance you can have on 3 vehicles (06 Honda Pilot, 04 GMC Sierra, & 02 Nissan Altima) and pay approximately $850 every 6 months.
  14. Re: good tractor for food plots Sounds like you have been give a lot of good advise. As far as your plots go I am not an expert by any means but for the size of the plots you are looking to put in I would not waist my time with a plow. We have used both a plow and a roto-tiller with our 55 HP New Holland and the roto-tiller will save you a ton of time and provide you with much better results.
  15. Re: Opinions on Big Game Partner stand? One thing to keep in mind is the weight limit of those stands. Most will NOT hold 2 adults. They are meant for an adult and child or youth.
  16. ny_gun

    Red or Green...

    Re: Red or Green... Green - Crispin Apple, I eat one of these every day for lunch.
  17. Re: How many mounts do you have? 3 Shoulder Mount Deer 1 Shoulder Mount Coyote 1 Flying Pheasant
  18. Re: Way To Go Sears.... I usually verify most thing that I read on the Internet on www.snopes.com. Well this on is TRUE: http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/sears.asp
  19. Re: What nationality are you? German
  20. Re: digi cable & internet service I have the combo package from Time Warner here in NY. For 175 (with all of the taxes) I receive. Digital Cable (1 DVR, 1 Regular Digital Box, HBO, HBO On-Demand, Cinemax, Cinemax On-Demand, etc...), Internet Service (7mb/sec), and Digital Phone (unlimited long-distance calling in US and all of the phone features). I have had it for 6 months and so far I have been extremely happy with
  21. Re: Team ThunderStrut (#24) Sorry guys... No luck this year... We saw a few good Toms we just could not get them to cooperate. Most of the time we would see them out rolling in the freshly turned soil after dinner and the NY season only goes till noon. Hopefully next year...
  22. Re: Free Online Bandwith Speed Test 7.3 megabits per second Communications 7.3 megabits per second Storage 888.9 kilobytes per second 1MB file download 1.2 seconds Subjective rating Awesome
  23. Re: What kind of job do we have? Sales Support Specialist for a company that develops and sells Health Care Information Systems. Basically that means I am the subject matter expert that provides sales demonstrations, configurations & quote validation for IT solutions that will run Radiology Departments and Imaging Centers.
  24. ny_gun

    What do you have...

    Re: What do you have... I have a Pheasant at the taxidermist now.
  25. Re: How many guns do you have? - Remington 870 12 gauge Slug Gun w/ Scope - Benelli Nova 12 gauge - Ithica 37 Feather Weight 16 gauge - Savage 111 7mm Rem Mag w/ Scope - Remington 522 .22 w/ Scope - Thompson Center Omega .50 cal w/ Scope - H&K USP Compact 9mm