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Everything posted by njbowhntr

  1. Congrats on a great first buck there.
  2. Congrats on one heck of a buck.
  3. Congrats to what sounds like a great season. I still have not harvested my first deer for the season. But there is still alot of time for me.
  4. That is a great blacktail. Congrats
  5. Congrats to him on an awesome buck.
  6. Jim as always has some good info. I started shooting traditional 3 years ago. I started out with a 52# longbow. I have in the past shot some recurves, but prefer the longbow now. The 52# was a good starting point for me, but I am a very active person in regards to back and shoulder strength. For someone who has never shot traditional before I would also recommend something in the 40# range, but that also depends on your back and shoulder muscle strength. Do not overdue it when initially shooting either. If after 7 shots your muscles start shaking, stop for the day. IF you push it, you will pick up bad habits. That is extremely bad.
  7. Good to hear he is still moving around at least. Hope you get another shot at him.
  8. Did you see him at all yesterday? Not a single deer here, too foggy. Could not see 50 yards all morning.
  9. njbowhntr


    Are you shooting the iron sights or scope? If you are shooting a scope, how high above center of barrel is line of sight? For my rifles, which is mostly 1.5" above center of barrel, I start by putting it roughly right on at 50 yards. Then when I move to the 100 yard line I am in the general area of where I want to be at, which is 1.75" - 2" high.
  10. Congrats on a dandy buck.
  11. He is a good looking buck. And we are not very far apart. My dad has seen a good high racked, and heavy, 8 ptr cruising. He had him under his stand in September, but no doe yet. Good luck on Saturday.
  12. I was out on election day on Bunnvale Road. I had a few bucks walking around. They were checking does, but not really chasing hard. Will see what the happens saturday am before rain starts and on Veterans day.
  13. I was hunting up the road from you tonight on Bunnvale Rd. I noticed the bucks there were just following does, but not pushing them hard yet. But in Pittstown, the bucks are pushing the does hard over there. It is strange.
  14. I would contact your state DNR to have a biologist take a look at it.
  15. I hunt about 1.5 miles up Bunnvale Road on the right side. I use to have alot more property to hunt on Bunnvale but the Schaaf's sold alot of their land to Lebanon Twp.
  16. Good looking deer. Congrats...
  17. Congrats on a great buck. I love seeing the trad gear out in the field.
  18. What area of Hunterdon county do you hunt? I have a spot over in Pittstown and in High Bridge, about a 2 miles from Vorhees High School.
  19. Congrats on a good heavy horn buck.
  20. Congrats. What part of WV are you in? I hunt just north Of Belington. Dad is gonna be heading down on Wednesday morning for some time in the stand down there. Me not making it this year. Got the our first baby due in 4 weeks, so no WV for this future daddy this year.