I love turkey calls...probably too much. So I carry several to try if others aren't working. Here's a list:
Slates: Cody Envy Slate, Woodhaven Custom Cherry Glass, Primos Jackpot Glass, 4 or 5 strikers
Boxes: Primos Lil' Heartbreaker Box, Harn "Snood Grabber" Box (local call maker)
Mouth Calls: Primos and Flextone (probably 6-8 at any point)
Primos Gobbler Shaker
Locators: Primos Hoot Flute, Power Crow, and Triple Threat
Primos Real Wing
Equipment: Binoculars, snacks, shells, call conditioners, cell phone, tags, pen, knife, leg strap for carrying the bird :-)
God bless,