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Everything posted by Born4it

  1. There's an area between the spine and lungs that some call the "dead zone," and it is not a fatal hit. It would also not necessarily have to hit both lungs if it went in below the spine. If you haven't already, give it at LEAST 4 hours. Take care;) Ryan
  2. I actually shot a doe almost exactly like you said a couple years ago. Gave her more than 4 hours...looked for her for hours and hours afterwords and never found her. I hope this doesn't happen to you! By now I'm sure you've given it time and have found and taken pictures of it! Good luck! Ryan
  3. Sweetness! Thanks for posting! Looking forward to reading about that one! Ryan
  4. Born4it

    Laid off....

    That's too bad, Man. Stuff like that happens for a reason. Hopefully you'll find something better :-) Take care, Ryan
  5. I don't know if I can add anything dad always says he stepped on a frog. Very entertaining post, everyone! Keep up the good work :-) Ryan
  6. Good luck on the rest of the trip! Take care of yourself, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about it! Congrats to Jordan on both trophies! It's also good to hear that he's doing ok after the canoe incident! Awesome job, Diana, on filling everyone in! I don't know Steve real well, but I've been on here since 02 and know that he's a pretty cool guy that a lot of people respect a great deal. Send him my regards :-) God bless, Ryan
  7. That's too sweet, Man. Congrats, and get him to the taxidermist before everyone else gets there! Take care, Ryan
  8. WC IL (Macomb) It's seeming we're on the brink of something good's getting to be "that time," like crazylegz said. We're going to start hearing about some big uns killed. Buckle up, boys and girls! Take care, Ryan
  9. I figured the picture in your signature line was your first :-D Congrats on the first bow buck! Take care, Ryan
  10. Not many stories you said, October lull. I haven't been out a ton, but probably 6 or 7 times. Seen some good ones, one shooter, and not a lot of deer overall. No rutting activity yet, which is to be expected, but when something happens you all will be the first to know! Take care, Ryan
  11. Born4it

    Checkin in

    I'm Ryan too, and I was a Western Illinois Leatherneck, so we must be related! Sorry to hear about your loss...good to hear that you're maintaining a positive outlook. Thoughts and prayers are going out to you and your wife. Have a ball shooting all those long tails you mentioned! Take care, and God bless, Ryan
  12. That's sweet...hope to do something like that one day! Thanks for sharing the pictures! Take care, Ryan
  13. Who starts things like this!? It's kinda fun:p
  14. Thanks everyone! I'm mostly looking for clothing, boots, archery gear, optics, and awesome prices :-) Just all around hunting stuff. This helps quite a bit! I actually found a site called, and they search a BUNCH of websites for the product you type in, and they list them with the website where you can find it/order it, and the price! I found a Rocky Atomic SIQ shirt I was looking at for $30, when most sites have it for $45. Pretty cool! Thanks a lot :-) Take care, Ryan
  15. I use,, and, but sometimes they don't have what I'm looking for if it's something specific. Any other suggestions? Heard of on that one? Thanks! Ryan
  16. Born4it


    Hmm..interesting conversation to say the least! I just wish one time they would talk about this on a hunting show or instructional video! Take care, Ryan
  17. Born4it

    Drying Clothes

    Ditto...maybe not a hickory tree, but same principle. Ryan
  18. Sweet deer, Man...looks bigger than low 150s! Congrats! 153 even is my guess. Take care, Ryan
  19. Congrats on the doe! That puts us 1 point behind the leaders hypothetically! Good luck chasing the big bucks you've mentioned! Take care, Ryan
  20. Born4it


    I think we may be in the "October Lull" here in IL, but I'm not sure. Haven't been out a ton, but I was seeing many more deer towards the beginning of the season than I am now. Like my dad says though, "They're always out there!" Happy Monday to you too :-) Ryan
  21. That's Pike County for ya... Heck of a hole in him!
  22. Been bowhunting for 4 years now...first season with a bow I shot a 144" 8 pt. 21" wide. My biggest deer ever was 161 4/8 with shotgun when I was 10. Good post! I'm interested to know what you use all this information for! Ryan
  23. Born4it

    2008 B.b.d.

    Way to go! Great deer! Ryan
  24. That's pretty cool that you did that, Randy. Congrats to Curt, as it sounds like a nice reward for being a good role model for your son! Take care, Ryan
  25. Congrats on your daughter's first deer! Get her on the team next year! Take care, Ryan