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Everything posted by Leo

  1. Leo

    Halloween Joke

    Re: Halloween Joke I thought you were going to say, it was impossible because the broom groom came out of the closet!
  2. Re: Super Full [ QUOTE ] Yes it will. Not only that, it can hurt your barrel. I would not go any tighter than improved modified or light full and that's only with smaller shot. Get a box or so of Hevi Shot, then you can go tight with the chokes. [/ QUOTE ] I agree with the Hevi Shot suggestion but I've found Hevi Shot actually groups tightest out of MODIFIED CHOKES! In fact, the so called Hevi-shot turkey chokes are often simply modified chokes disguised as super fulls I always use modified chokes with hevi shot or any tungsten-iron load for waterfowling. You won't be disappointed.
  3. Re: Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!! [ QUOTE ] I had a Canon camera with a 500mm lens, and i didnt ever have a clear enough view to get a good shot of the tag. Brad [/ QUOTE ] That's a real shame, a picture of them and their tag would probably really help law enforcement Those guys need to get caught .
  4. Re: How did you get your username? My parents gave it to me
  5. Re: Kansas Update.....I got shot at!!! I always have a camera with a telephoto lense with me in my back pack. If those fools had showed up in front of me I'd likely have some lovely photos of them for the sheriff. It takes a real low intelligence quotient to shoot a hunters car. I mean what are these fools thinking? They know the owner is armed and probably knows how to use his weapon. MORONS!! I'm sorry that the reality of it is they will probably never get caught. I hate stories like this because it scares people out of the woods who would otherwise love to be there I pray these fools suffer the consequences for their actions.
  6. Re: how do they afford the super slam? Honestly, I don't know how any one affords the hunting they do. I just know how I afford the hunting I do. If you make it a priority, you will find a way. Just like buying a house or truck. It's what else you want in life that dictates what those are.
  7. Re: does the wind matter? Ignore the wind at your own peril. Regardless, of time of year. You will always do better paying attention to the wind
  8. Leo


    Re: help!!!!!!!! Sounds like you clipped liver. A deer that is shot in the intestines will almost never go up hill. Uphill travel makes hurt intestines hurt worse. So it's good that's the direction he's going. To me that indicates you hit a little further forward than you thought. If you can't find sign. I'd start walking grids and wear out the shoe leather. He may have been heading up hill for a vantage point. He probably bedded down where he could watch down hill most effectively.
  9. Leo

    For a MILLION $$$

    Re: For a MILLION $$$ [ QUOTE ] What would you do?? My son is ALWAYS asking me this question. What would you do for a million bucks?? Would you smash your finger with a hammer? Would you eat a raw egg? Would you tear the wings off a bird? Would you slap your grandmother's face (hard)? And would you pick up a rotten carcass off the highway with your BARE hands? Some of them I could do in a heartbeat. Some of them I just don't know............... Kids. LOL. [/ QUOTE ] I'd have to ask him, "Have you been practicing?"
  10. Re: New Spot, Big Deer! Very nice
  11. Re: Offset for Blazer Vanes? [ QUOTE ] If you were fletching Blazers, which offset would you use with the Arizona EZ Fletcher? [/ QUOTE ] That's how I do it. The helical works for me
  12. Re: My 2006 Ohio whitetail buck [ QUOTE ] Very nice deer...... I also noticed that no one has pointed out his double white patch...... dont see that everyday..... just thought Id comment on that..... [/ QUOTE ] Good catch!!! You sure don't see that often.
  13. Re: Any Guitar players in here? For acoustics I like Alvarez, Ovation, Takemine, Martin and Seagull. Go to the local music store and find a good used guitar This will save you big $$$
  14. Re: I walked into a buck\'s bedroom last evening! Bucks almost never bed in the same spot twice in a row. They do however bed in the same area. My bet would be to find the nearest food and water source closest to the bedding area
  15. Re: Officially Hunting a Ghost Dude I feel your pain. Being haunted by one too.
  16. Re: Low recoil deer cartridges?? Recoil pad advancements, muzzle breaks, mercury recoil tubes, and low recoil big cartridge loads. IMO, there's absolutely no reason nowadays to buy small cartridges because of recoil considerations. You can absolutely make 300 mag recoil tolerable to the most recoil sensitive individual. I've killed plenty of deer with a 223Rem. But honestly you are very limited with that cartridge as to shot selection, for that reason it's just not my favorite.
  17. Re: 75 million candle watt flashlight [ QUOTE ] you think somone has ever actually lit 75 million candles to see if its the same? [/ QUOTE ] Sure they did... ON THE SUN!
  18. Re: Shot my first muzzle loader deer I like freezer trophies!! You go girl.
  19. Leo

    I just lost my lil Cuz

    Re: I just lost my lil Cuz Prayers sent!
  20. Leo

    Please pray

    Re: Please pray I don't know if it works. But at the point your little friend is at, I wouldn't be afraid to try. It's a heart wrencher you're going thru I know.
  21. Leo

    Waddell on AT chat again

    Re: Waddell on AT chat again And it's known it's him for sure because??? Honestly, I've received so many fake emails and seen so many internet imposters, I've gotta take this with a grain of salt. If it doesn't seem likely he is saying what you would expect or where you would expect it. Chances are, on todays internet, it's not him.
  22. Leo

    Please pray

    Re: Please pray Parvo is NASTY NASTY!!! This might help Parvoguard It happens to puppies sometimes it's not your fault. Prayers sent.
  23. Re: For all us Dreamers (hypothetical) Quit dreaming and go to Saskatchewan! Trust me on this, go to Saskatchewan. Be prepared to be cold. But if you're a determined whitetail hunter. It's worth it. I'm not kidding. If it is your dream, DO IT! This "if I won the lottery" mentality gets you no where. If you would only go if you got extra free cash, you're gonna be waiting a long time. If you really want to do it. Then do it. Quit dreaming. Make it a priority like a house, a car or even a boat. The world is absolutely full of "if only" people. Break out of that mode and suddenly the world is a better place
  24. Re: got me a drop tine buck!!!! one for the scoreb Dude! I know you are on cloud nine my friend. Looks like that buck was trying to be a double drop tine Apparently, there are some interesting genetics where you are now hunting. Hope you got more surprises in store for us.
  25. Leo

    Chasin a BIGGUN!

    Re: Chasin a BIGGUN! Thanks for the well wishes folks. I'm gonna pray I get him. The reality of it is even red hot sign like that doesn't guarantee a shot at the buck. Been there, done that. It's still ultimately up to our Father in Heaven. You can do everything right but if you don't have faith you'll still strike out.