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Everything posted by Leo

  1. FDA won't allow you to bring any meat back. I ate some for every meal while I was there. It's darn good. The place we hunted sells the left over meat. It's part of their profit. If I could bring the meat back it would be much more expensive to hunt there. It's the same kind of deal if you charter a fishing boat in Hawaii. If you want some of the fish you caught yourself many captains make you buy it from them. You are only buying the experience of fishing from them not the fish. Same thing in Africa. You are only buying the experience, hide and horns. The meat is theirs. The taxidermy bill is part of the planning for the trip and I have almost a year before I pay it.
  2. I took my 300wby and my 30 06 and had an absolutely fantastic time! Here are some picture links. Springbok https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/10295075_10204084135170594_4635747582401722310_o.jpg Blesbok https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/10255914_10204084123250296_6523303235301763227_o.jpg Black Wildebeast https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10355519_10204084140690732_8737191073397402406_o.jpg Blue Wildebeast https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10379931_10204084081449251_3543041010785641134_o.jpg It took three years to plan and save for this trip. I am not disappointed!
  3. I didn't go last season and likely will not this year as well. I miss it, but other irons in the fire right now. Good luck Tim!
  4. Torqued all the way down you are probably a couple pounds over 70lbs. 325 is too light and may violate your warranty.
  5. Good suggestion. The X2 is almost the same gun as the Browning Gold 3 1/2. In fact some of the parts (not all) are interchangeable. Great gun. Besides the X2 and X3. I would also suggest a Browning Silver or Beretta 391.
  6. Those guys are lucky that buck didn't kill one of them. One of those tines hits a femoral artery in your leg and you are done.
  7. Looks like muscle blood. Sounds like it stopped bleeding quickly too. That's what muscle only hits often do. Did you find the arrow?
  8. Here is the thing about acorns. They don't always fall fresh. And sometimes they are really infested with worms (weevils). If you are gonna set up near an oak that is dropping. Pick up some acorns and cut them open. If they look rotten inside find another oak tree to set up near with fresh ones.
  9. If they are dropping, acorns win every time. At least everywhere I've hunted.
  10. Congrats on a very very nice eastern Canadian moose!
  11. Leo

    Kaeden scored

    Congrats Kaedean! And great guide job Steve!
  12. Prayers sent to the Jordan family.
  13. I have fletched over 6 dozen arrows using the Loctite Super Glue Gel. Blazers and wraps. I squirt out a puddle of the gel on a paper plate and apply it to fletching bases with a toothpick. (Less is better just enough glue to make the fletch base look "wet"). Leave them in the jig at least a full minute before taking them out. Then I don't shoot them for 24hrs. This stuff has been my favorite for the last six years.
  14. Leo

    Back to earth

    Glad you made it back safe. Mary and I had a great time in spite of the big scare. So glad that was worked out before we left! I can't imagine the flight home not knowing you were ok. We had some salmon last night. It sure is good. Mary is still talking about going back. What a great place you're in. So glad to hear about the upcoming marriage. Both Mary and I think a lot of Connie. You are twice blessed my friend.
  15. Leo

    string wax

    I use Scorpion Venom Polymeric Wax. I'm very impressed with the stuff. I switched over to it three years ago. Use the little leather patch that comes with it. A little wax goes a long way!
  16. Cisco Linksys E4200. It's dual band WiFi and has gigabit ports. Our house is around 1800 and it works well end to end, upstairs to downstairs. Dedicate one band of your wi-fi to your highest bandwith device at the highest frequency (ie. streaming device). 5ghz frequency will have the better range. The other wireless band should be at the lower frequency for lower bandwith items like a printer and guest network. Check out CNET's router reviews. Specs on routers are deceiving. Literally they can have the same "specs" cost $100 different and the $100 more unit is actually worth it. So beware of "deals". CNET's tests will show you a lot more of the real world capabilities a router actually has.
  17. Shouldn't use up half that quickly. But it really depends on the battery type and rangefinder model. If you are more specific I might be able to help. Rechargeables can really drive you nuts if they aren't charged properly. Improper charging procedures can shorten battery life and capacity dramatically.
  18. Happy Birthday my friend!
  19. Pecan is a favorite of mine. Good Hickory is tough to beat as well.
  20. Leo

    Waiting game.

    Good luck! I haven't got a place to go this year yet.
  21. Leo

    Hogs a danger?

    The best way to put it is that they are unpredictable. Most of the time they will just run off. But sometimes if you surprise one they will stand their ground and possibly charge. They don't like flashlights at all. They will try to get out of the light quickly. Carry a good bright light going in and out of the woods in darkness. I use a light with at least two modes, a low mode for general walking around and a high mode if I need it.
  22. Yep Shaun there is just so much North Country. It boggles the mind. I found this the day we picked up Steve at the airport after he was released from the hospital.
  23. My wife and I took over 750 photos there on three different cameras. I'm gonna be going through them for a long time. Some are definitely better than others. This is one of my favorite scene shots (you have to stay up late to get a summer twilight picture in Alaska!)