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Everything posted by Leo

  1. I have a 2002 Bowtech Extreme Solo. It's been on lots of hunts with me. One of the most reliable bows I've ever owned. It's still going strong. I doubt I'll ever sell it.
  2. Leo


    In short, they are sorted out of the production line because they just barely miss making a specification or two. It could be straightness, total weight, wall thickness uniformity, surface finish... Lots of reasons. You can count on they will be in the cheap slots for some reason that keeps them from selling for a premium.
  3. It's almost always HOT when I hunt. I take at least two bottles of water. A sleeve of peanuts and a pack of crackers is usually all I'll eat. Usually I sit at least 4 hours sometimes more. I've done the all day thing several times. I take more water and snacks when I do.
  4. Super tough to figure mass when they are still in velvet. You might be right. I'm thinking in the 160's is a safe bet.
  5. I knew a guy that did that. His "never-slip" stand bit into the tree so hard he couldn't climb with it. It was a real rodeo getting it off the tree after he tried. It cut the tree up so bad it probably died later. Really bad idea IMHO.
  6. Leo


    Emptied! I actually haven't emptied that box in years. I had no clue I was anywhere near max.
  7. Leo

    UV glow.

    And they don't see as far into the infrared spectrum. (ie. orange and red although fluorescent versions of these colors will still glow) A UV flashlight will quickly reveal what glows and what doesn't. UV brighteners really are effective on whites. A white pair of socks washed in detergent with UV brighteners will have a very strong glow under UV light. It's a night vision advantage to see further into the ultraviolet spectrum since there is more UV lingering in the nighttime than infrared. Better Ultraviolet vision helps them navigate through the dark better.
  8. The point of impact will hardly change at all. She still needs to aim just above the bottom of the vitals at that distance for a couple reasons. 1. Hitting a little high can easily end up being too high when shooting out of a stand. You forget to bend at the waist. Some nerves come into play. 2. At that distance the deer will drop some when the arrow is released. That will turn a shot that's a little high into a lot high or even a miss. Aim low regardless of how fast your bow is.
  9. Leo

    draw weight

    Some bows can go a little lower than spec minimum safely. Take the bow to a certified Hoyt dealership and find out before you sell it.
  10. Leo

    UV glow.

    Wildlife Research Center Scent Killer clothing wash does not contain UV brighteners.
  11. I'm angry about this. A bunch of anti-hunting fools got Melissa Bachman's show canceled because she is a hunter. Please sign this petition! Petition | National Geographic: Reconsider airing Melissa Bachmans survivor show | Change.org
  12. Leo

    UV glow.

    UV brighteners just wash out. Any detergent without UV brighteners removes them. Hunting detergents that say UV Brightener free will wash them out and not add any.
  13. Leo

    UV glow.

    I don't get picked off and spotted in the stand hardly at all anymore since I started using detergents without UV brighteners. Based on my experience it makes a difference. There are plenty of inexpensive options. Baking soda and Borax is one. UV brighteners didn't exist a hundred years ago but they are certainly a part of most laundry detergents nowadays.
  14. Spray it with some PB Blaster and let it soak in for an hour or two.
  15. If the bugs are real bad. Watch a field edge closest to the swamp. The deer will sometimes get out in the field middle of the day to get some relief from yellow flies.
  16. Leo


    Lots of grumbling that this can't just be a CAT 1 storm and do this. The categories are based on wind speed not rainfall. Isaac is an absolute behemoth of a storm system carrying tremendous amounts of rain. It's also barely moving. The longer it lingers the more rain it will drop on one place. That's gonna cause some major flooding. The predicted storm surge will be well under what the sustained rainfall will cause. Pray this one moves on quickly.
  17. Leo


    My brother lives in Gulf Shores Al. They decided not to leave. So I really hope it doesn't get any worse.
  18. Leo


    Well it's officially a Catagory 1 now (just barely). Hope it doesn't get any stronger.
  19. Leo


    It's now not expected to be a Cat 2 and has been downgraded to a possible Cat 1. Let's hope it keeps weakening. Either way, this is a humongous storm system. I'm at the southern tip of South Carolina's coast. It's raining now.
  20. Leo


    Prayers sent. Issac is still a tropical storm. A whopper of a tropical storm (we are getting rain bands from it in South Carolina!) but it is not a hurricane yet. With some luck it may not develop into a hurricane at all.
  21. Tragic! This wasn't a rampage. This guy was out to shoot one person this is true but his intent was not a rampage. One gun control nut I know suggested to me that this incident was proof we needed more severe gun control laws. NYC already has the most severe gun control laws in the country.
  22. Frankly, I suspect you are mostly spine shooting deer. A heart shot deer will run at least a short distance every single time regardless of broadhead type. The only time I've ever dropped an animal right there with an arrow is from a spine shot. Magnus makes great heads but they aren't dropping a deer right there with a hear/lung shot. On deer 30-120yds is what you should expect from a well placed shot with a good head.