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Everything posted by SuperMn106

  1. Just checking in. Here in missouri the season has started but no chance to get out yet. I usually try to take a doe early in the season. As far as team names. I like Full Draw, Double Lungers, or death from above.
  2. Great Deer Randy!! Good way to start the season.
  3. Seahawks Ravens Cardinals Panthers Lions Broncos Jaguars Steelers Cowboys Jets Under
  4. That was last years Deer contest. Sorry I have not posted much guys, my computer took a crash so i have limited access. I am still around here though.
  5. Lions Panthers Bills Chiefs Colts Saints Broncos Jets Steelers Cowboys over
  6. Seattle New orleans Philidelphia Pittsburgh Jacksonville Dallas San Diego Arizona Minnesota Over Denver Under
  7. Yea, they looked pretty bad. Utah is not that bad of a football team though.
  8. Welcome! I have lived in Missouri for only a year. Where is Harrisonville?
  9. Yeah, I almost puked when I typed everything. With they buckeyes returning 18 of 21 starters they will be tough to beat.
  10. The Heisman winner will be Beanie Wells from Ohio State. He will have close to, if not over 2,000 yards rushing this year. National Champs, as much as I hate to say this but, Ohio State. Ohio State over Missouri.
  11. I am looking forward to the Missouri/Illinois game also. The Alabama/Clemson game along with the Michigan State game. I don't think they could do it 2 years in a row but the LSU/App. St. game might be pretty interesting. The one I would love to watch is Michigan/Utah. I just want to see how Michigan is going to fare this year. I believe they lose 3 games. Wisconsin, Penn State and Ohio State.
  12. It has been a while since I have been able to post anything. My computer took a crash and I have been briefly using my Girlfriends computer. Every Sunday we made a ritual of taking a break from life and take a relaxing drive and look for deer. The last couple of times I forgot to take my camera but I am sure glad I did this time. 3 decent young bucks. When looking at this buck through the Binocs I could only see him and the other small buck to the left. I snapped a couple pics and went on my way. When I got home and was able to look at the pictures closer and found a total of 4 bucks. Can you see all 4 in this picture? In this picture one of the other ones stood up. If you look at the rear end of the deer on the left you can see antlers sticking up in the grass. This is the first deer that we seen on the trip. I was pretty much awstruck. I have no idea what he would score but I thought maybe 150s? He was an 8 pt. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
  13. Thanks for the tips guys. I am gonna try my luck this winter.
  14. I am fairly new to hunting coyotes. I have a buddy with some land and says that he sees them a lot within 100 yards from his house. He asked me if I could come out and take care of them for him since he is afraid to let his dog out for an extended period of time. My question is, What part of the year are they most likely to respond to calling? Would it be a hit and miss thing? Our season here lasts from may till march. Thanks for any help.
  15. Nice Pics Todd! Let me know if you need any help with putting an arrow in him
  16. He is talking about Saginaw Bay, part of Lake Huron. That is one of the best walleye spots in the country I do believe. Rad and I are brothers and when I was back home a couple weeks ago our dad took me out and it was a blast.
  17. Sounds like an awesome time Todd!! Congrats, Where did you go?
  18. I will join in. I am usually in the mid to high 80s.
  19. Great videos! You guys will be impressed and like them. I sure did. Another great video from Realtree.
  20. Prayers sent, Hope everything goes ok.
  21. I played my first round of the year today. I am up in Michigan visiting my parents and My dad and I decided to go out and play some holes with my brother and other relatives. The weather was in the mid to high 50s and the wind was anywhere from 20-30 mph which made the round more fun and challenging. I did not have high expectations for it being the first round of the year with those conditions. Front nine started a little sluggish and ended up with a 48. The Back nine was a little better and I was not too worried about my score. I finished with a 41 on the back for a 89. I was happy with it so hopefully I can build on that from here.