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Everything posted by SuperMn106

  1. I don't think anyone takes the pro bowl serious. So tell me muggsy, who do you have ahead of Favre as for best QBs?
  2. I have a feeling that Texas might win big, but with that said I will stick with the Big 10 and say... Ohio State 27 Texas 24.
  3. SuperMn106

    last day doe

    Congrats Craig! That is a big ol' doe.
  4. Kenny Chesney-- Lucky old sun Pretty darn good CD, I suggest people get it.
  5. That is a good idea. I like to scout right after the season for a week or two so I know where they will be late season next year. Then while I am shed hunting in march or april I do a little scouting. As far as scouting right before the season, I usually like to do that about a month or two before seasons opens so I have an idea where they are at and then about 2 weeks before the opener just to make sure that they are still in that area that I think they are in. Hope this helps, good luck! Where abouts is this land in Michigan? I used to live there.
  6. So Brett is almost 40 and can still play, don't hold that against him that he can play at that age. So who do you consider the best QBs of all time muggsy? So maybe toughness and longevity are not the marks of greatness, but I believe when you add a Super Bowl win and 3 MVP awards in there you can mention him. Who else has that many MVP awards? Only one, Peyton Manning (who will be among the greats). MVP awards have to account for something.
  7. This Browns defense can't even make me break a sweat.
  8. That is the information I was trying to come up with lol. I am pretty sure this one just proved muggsys overrated thinking to be wrong. Who else has stats like that?
  9. Nice deer Casey! Congrats!
  10. If by serious damage you mean Super Bowl wins, then yea. He also took the team to I believe a 13-3 record and one game before the superbowl. What happened this season in Green Bay? but I forgot that was Favre fault even though he wasnt there. So you are telling me that with the back up QB the jets would have had a better record? Beat the Titans and the Patriots? I have a hard time believing that. So the guy could not make up his mind the last couple of years. What is the big deal? We have all done that before. If Green Bay wanted to move on they could have before last year but obvisouly they thought he could still play since they waited for him. And most overrated? Come on please. The guy owns pretty much every record a QB can have. Yes I know even Interceptions. Along with a couple of MVP awards and Super Bowl rings. Yep that is what I call overrated.
  11. Should he sit out if he is still better than the backup when he is injured?
  12. A team does not consist of one man. Does Favre deserve some blame? Yes, but not all of it. I did not see the defense stepping up and stopping teams either. Thomas Jones, 10 rushes for 23 yards. 2.3 yards a carry. That is not stepping up at all. One of Favres interceptions was not his fault, his one receiver had a hand on the ball and the other did not even move. Not to mention he was playing with a torn biceps tendon. I just don't see how everyone can degrade on one of the best QBs to play the game. He elevated that team to a better team and winning record on the brink of making the playoffs. I do agree with the Kerry Rhodes statement though, if he comes back, with a new offense he needs the time to learn it. I think with the Packers he knew the offense so he could get away with it, not now. I personally hope he comes back, I am a big Favre fan. The passion that he plays the game with is unmatched and I think he is still one of the top 10 QBs in the game.
  13. SuperMn106

    trivia game

    I forgot all about it too Craig! Now I can start back up and see how much my brain has lapsed
  14. Prayers sent for the check up Chris!! I am gonna say the gross is somewhere in the 154-156 range and net somewhere in the 148-150 range but would not suprise me if the net was above 150. Let us know how everything turns out.
  15. Yea, I bet it will not be long untill she starts shooting pretty good. She is a very competitive person and also is a teacher so she can practice all summer.
  16. My girlfriend has been using my sister-in-laws bow this past year and has just been shooting. She was wanting to get into hunting so instead of buying one, we just borrowed my sister-in-laws to shoot. We had to send that bow back to her so when she went in to change everything back over to where she had it, she shot a bow that we looked at before. It was a Hoyt trykon Sport. She left and went back later to pick up the other bow. When she got there the guy at the pro shop said he just got in the perfect bow for her. He got it out and let her shoot it and compare it to the Hoyt. So when I got home, she had a little smirk on her face. So I asked her what she did. She put a bow on layaway. I immediatly asked her to take me to the pro shop to take a look. (I wanted to see what kinda mistake she made. lol ) When we got there the guy at the pro shop pulled the bow out and showed me. I was suprised. It was a 2009 Diamond by Bowtech The Razors Edge model. Everything is black except the limbs are camo and pink. I kindly asked the guy how much it cost and what all came with it. The bow is fully equipped with sights, rest, stabilizer, quiver. Everything but arrows and he said the Total was.....$350. All in all I told her I was very happy with her choice (since I shoot a bowtech myself). I thought she did a great job and got a great deal. I am excited and can not wait for her to get it and be able to shoot with me so next year she can try her hand on hunting.
  17. Lions Bears Giants Jets Saints Cowboys Cardinals Titans Redskins Broncos Over
  18. I will keep her in my prayers here in missouri.
  19. Ravens Cardinals Steelers Dolphins Bucs Broncos Falcons Eagles Panthers Bears Under
  20. Rich to me is not all about money. If I can have a piece of mind and be happy with what I do and have a healthy family, that is rich for me.
  21. Congrats Todd! Sounds like an awesome hunt.
  22. Great advice guys, thanks! Now the biggest challenge would be balancing my work schedule with the classes and still bringing in money to make the bills.
  23. Well everyone, I have been doing some thinking when I have been in the stand. Just recently I moved out of my contruction profession and moved in to a warehouse. It is work that I have previous experience. It has been going pretty good and I am with a Great company. Drury Hotels. It was just the other that I thought to myself that I would never be truely happy unless I went to college and got my teaching degree. Ever since I graduated high school I have always wanted to be a teacher and a coach. I wanted to teach Physical Education and Mathmatics and coach Wrestling and Football. My only concern is starting a little late, I am 24 years old, but I guess it is never too late to make yourself happy. So my goal is now to start looking for information at our local college and starting that journey of my life. The girlfriend is worried that when I become a teacher and a coach I would not have much time for hunting and I told her I could find time. Just thought I let you guys know, any teachers have any advice before I embark on my journey.