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Everything posted by SuperMn106

  1. SuperMn106


    Does anyone here follow anyone on twitter or use it theirself? Just recently I have been getting on and following Blake Shelton. I have always like his music and thought he was hillarious on the hunting shows that I have seen him on. If anyone has some time to waste and wants a good laugh I suggest going on there and reading what he posts.
  2. Awesome! Congrats to him
  3. Texans Packers Bengals Chargers Vikings Jets Falcons Saints Cardinals Eagles Over
  4. Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I am feeling 100% better. The doc is sending the stone off to get tested to what caused it. I do not know how to describe the pain but I have broken bones and been hooked with fishing hooks in the head and arm and nothing comes close to it.
  5. I was awaken at 4 am this morning by a pain in my side/back area. I get up and use the restroom and lay back down. It still hurts. I get back up and take some tylenol. Get back up at 6:30 and get ready for work, about 8:30 I have had enough. I could not handle it anymore. As I am on my way to the doc office the pain stops and I get the urge to urinate. I get there and get the cup for a test sample and as I am giving a sample I see and feel a stone come out! Ouch!! Yep a kidney stone. That is some pain I tell you. I hope never to have one again.
  6. SuperMn106

    BIG Blue!!

    That is a nice fish.!
  7. Good updates guys. Last weekend, I seen about 6 does and 2 bucks but nothing worth shooting. I have another long weekend hunt coming up this weekend. Hopefully I will find something worth shooting this weekend.
  8. Vikings Bengals Saints Panthers Cardinals Falcons Patriots Eagles Jets Broncos Over
  9. The way I look at it. He did not break any rules. Yes, he lied but he did not break any rules. They should let him play. Now I am not saying that he was right for lying. He was dead wrong for lying but again he broke no rules. This is just the NCAA over using the power they have on athletes.
  10. Here is a picture of my doe I shot last week. Finally got time to get it up. I had to take it with my phone since I broke my camera eariler this year while fishing.
  11. Thanks guys! Congrats Ohio on a nice looking doe. Here is my doe.
  12. I don't think he did anything wrong, but I would like to know the story he told first.
  13. Bills Cowboys Panthers Eagles 49ers Cardinals Jags Pats Colts Jets Under
  14. Yea I was good on left and right but hit her high, right in the spine. I did check my sights. They are fine. I do not want to make any excuses but what I think I did was have my release on too loose. When my release is too loose I reach to pull the trigger and pull the bow upward. Next time I need to make sure my release is on tight enough.
  15. Hey guys, I got a doe down! Shot her saturday night. Story is in the bowhunting room. I will post pics and enter her when I get more time. Currently working two jobs. Just wanted to give you a heads up.
  16. Saturday night I decided I would sit in the same tree as my brother and we would try to video a hunt. We got into the stand about 4:30 and seen our first deer at 4:50. A decent 6 pt and a 4 pt behind him. They got within 25 yards and was spooky because our wind was swirling. They walked off the way they came from. Ten minutes after they left another 4 pt came strolling through and I elected to let him pass. A little while later two does came in and I could not get a shot on the first one so i was gonna take the second one. The first shot oppurtunity I had I shot right over top of her. They did not go anywhere, just trying to figure out what the noise was. I shot again and missed high again. Again they did not run. Just looked around. Finally I got my last chance (Only had 3 arrows) I shot at 20 yards and spinned her. Down she went and bawling. That made me so sick. I looked up at my brother and told him he needed to finish her off because i was out of arrows. So I have meat for the freezer but the way it happened made me so sick. I just turned around in the tree and put my head down. Will post pics later when I get time.
  17. Bears Colts Texans Giants Ravens Saints Cowboys 49ers steelers Vikings Over
  18. Well ladies and gents it might be hard for me to find some time to get on here and keep up now. I recently got a second job to help with some extra cash. Now I work 8-5 and then 5:30-9:30. It will not be too hard, filing papers for a doctors office. I do get an hour for lunch so that time will help. To my teammates in the hunting contest if I am not checking in for a little bit don't worry I did not forget. I am still young so I should be able to handle it.
  19. Vikings Jets Giants Falcons Packers Saints Steelers Broncos Colts Cowboys Over
  20. Thanks guys. It was a blast. I have never thought of a fishing being able to pull as hard as they do. When they get in the current and make a run, it was all i had just to hold the rod up.
  21. Falcons Packers Saints Cardinals Jets Vikings Steelers Giants 49ers Colts over
  22. I send up some prayers for your mom. Hope she gets better and beats this thing.