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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. WOW! Check out that smile! That says it all. Congratulations Miss MollyAnn!!! You will never forget this day no matter how old you get. Great job Todd!
  2. Hey everyone, just realized that I forgot to share my doe pic with you. Shot her at first light on opening day. I couldn't help myself, I'm a self professed doeaholic.
  3. At first light of opening day this big fat doe stepped out in front of me. I couldn't help myself being a doeaholic.
  4. On my bow property the deer have disappeared. The apple trees did not produce due to a late frost. Most of the deer are on an adjacent property hanging out in the corn fields. Now I have to wait for the corn to be cut and the rut to start.
  5. Yup! The new system won't even let me send Redneck a pm. I left one of those profile messages. I'm sure he got it but I too saw Rednecks thread about him having issues with the new forum.
  6. Hey that is awesome! They really are something to see. I used to have a place to hunt that always held woodies. Unfortunately it has new owners now and it was lost. Good luck, hope you (cough cough laughing under my breath) get your first woody :clown:
  7. Hi guys! We had a great day. We had success but it was a difficult hunt. Went to my favorite duck/goose spot and the farmer had let out his cows. They were in the field with the Canada geese and on both sides of the canal were the ducks were. It was a good lesson for her about respect for the landowner and not shooting shotguns around the cows. But we walked a bit further away from the cows and found some ducks. She managed to get a shot off and downed a hen mallard. This is first very first duck and her first kill.
  8. Thanks guys! We are going out tomorrow. Hopefully we will have some pics to share.
  9. I had three dogs turn on me once when I was checking trail cams. Since then I never go to the woods unarmed and every dog dies.
  10. Bug's and mine says that "he is on a distinguished road" . What the heck does that mean? I've made a stink about the upgrades so I don't get any bars. :fish:
  11. Yes, yes I know this belongs in the Chuckwagon but I figured my question would receive more attention here. I didn't grow up in a family that hunted waterfowl. When I shot my first goose 30 years ago my mother baked it and it was as tough as shoe leather. I never hunted geese again. Fast forward to 2014. Thanks to Duck Dynasty, my 12 year old daughter has asked to hunt ducks and geese this weekend. So I am taking her to my old stomping grounds for some waterfowl action. Now harvesting will be the easy part. However cooking these birds will be the real challenge for me. I would be very appreciative if you would share some of your favorite duck and goose recipes with me. She plans to share the meat with some of her friends and I really don't want to screw it up.
  12. Welcome back!! Seems like we are all bragging more about our kids and not ourselves. Great pics!
  13. Well there is your problem with that. Geez that was a no brainer. :clown:
  14. RangerClay


    I will let you know once I get to hunting camp. No oaks on my property but a ton of them up there. Would be nice to see them again.
  15. Now I'm red in the face. Who do I have you mixed up with? I apologize.
  16. Perhaps the Admins (not Mods) want us to disappear. After all nothing is changing. We would be one less thing for them to worry about.
  17. Our 4 day early bow season opened today. I put my tag on a big old nanny doe. probably about 120 pounds. I'll get pics up later. I'm not going to enter her just yet. I usually get my buck in November.
  18. Way to go Dale!!!! Cannot wait to see the pics! Band of Booners has been mentioned a few times so I will run with that one. I'll notify John.
  19. I had issues posting this because of the GD upgrade. That is why there are 2 threads. Mod please delete this thread.
  20. RangerClay

    Bad Grandpa.

    They sell these at Gander Mountain. I got one for my daughter when she was about that age. Maybe 4.
  21. RangerClay

    Bad Grandpa.

    They sell these at Gander Mountain. I got one for my daughter when she was that age.