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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. Sorry about the hosting thing in the corner. But you get the idea.
  2. Many years ago, our DEC did survey of road killed does and tested them to see how far along they were. They found does that were fertilized as early as mid September and as late as mid February. Anything is possible.
  3. My best friends daughter is Maya and she is 10 years old.. Thanks to the movie Brave, she has taken a huge interest in archery. Her dad has absolutely nothing to do with archery so I have taken her under my wing to nurture her love of the sport with my kids. I gave her my son's old Bear Brave III. This year for Christmas I'm getting her a new Delta deer target and I'm making her own set of custom arrows. I'm going to order this wrap from Mindy at Onestringer. Instead of the movie Brave on the wrap I thought I would add maybe her name or something catchy. Unfortunately I'm not that creative. Can you help me come up with something to write on this wrap?
  4. December 21st cannot get here quick enough so it starts to go the other way. I hate the darkness.
  5. By the way, Loooove the BLR!
  6. Here you go Shaun. Congratulations once again!
  7. Awesome buck Todd!!! Congratulations!!
  8. Have you gone to the classifieds on Archery Talk? There are several there.
  9. Early season I prefer the mornings because it's cooler and the deer are moving. Once the temps reach 50-60's in the afternoon, deer movement stops. During the rut, sit all day if you can. Late season I like dusk. The deer have been chased for 2 months now. They have learned to hunker down all day unless pushed. They get up at dusk to move to feed. Hopefully I can catch one before dark.
  10. I do not own one yet but I can say that my next bow will definitely be an Elite.
  11. Wooooow! I've been reading a lot of kill stories on here and Archery Talk. Yours is by far, hands down my favorite. Days like that only happen once in a lifetime. Your photos are spectacular, I see you still have leaves on your trees there. The school picture is my favorite. Congratulations Mr. Fly that is an awesome deer!!
  12. Snow here tomorrow. Hope it get the bucks ruttin' this weekend.
  13. Yup! An empty wallet. One of the most addictive sports I have ever participated in.
  14. It saddens me to hear of what has happened to your favorite hunting spot. I'd tell you how I would fix it but it would get me in trouble.
  15. We are going to have snow this weekend! You'll hear a big Homer "Woohoo" at my deer camp.
  16. OH MAN! I would have filled my pants for sure!! Is that an old snake? We don't have rattlers up here in northern NY.
  17. Is he a Matthews dealer? They are closing about 300 shops and laying off people. Could be he is being let go.
  18. RangerClay

    Ottawa gun man

    Couldn't have said it better Lynn!
  19. RangerClay


    Congrats on the doe! Hard to believe people still have no fall turkey season. Me on the other hand, I wish they would close our fall season to help the turkey numbers climb again.
  20. Sure have! Our ML season opened Saturday and I didn't see a deer all weekend but that's ok. I have been busy hunting with my daughter. November will be my time to shine.