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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. Stay away from the island girls or you will wind up with a severe case of punta crabs
  2. I used to get all worked up over turkey season but not anymore. Between the coyotes, coons and now fishers our local population is about 80-90% lower than it was 10-15 years ago. I enjoy walking the woods but when you walk all day without hearing one gobble, it gets discouraging
  3. That one has been around for a while. Still funny though. :clown:
  4. I still have over 3 feet of snow in the yard. I'm hoping next weeks forecast in the 50's will help knock some of it down.
  5. RangerClay

    Big news

    Congratulations Shaun! Say goodbye to all of your free time and $$ for a while. But in the end it is worth it and you will experience love at a whole new level.
  6. RangerClay

    Thanks Realtree

    We are the red headed step-child of Realtree so it doesn't surprise me.
  7. You know what, I never saw your 12 point as a non typical. Yes its not very symmetrical but it fairly even except for the kicker on the left G2. I totally agree that you got hosed on net points and he is still a great buck. I'm surprised he's not a shoulder mount on the wall.
  8. The weatherman says to expect that again Thursday and Friday night as well. Here is Watertown we have water lines freezing that are 4 feet underground.
  9. The weather guy here says we are on track for the coldest February in history. We have towns nearby that are asked to leave their water running because the frost line is so deep this year and water lines that are buried 2-3 feet underground are freezing up. If anyone on here asks where is the cold next year will be shot on sight.
  10. LOL! That was the first thing I thought of. :clown:
  11. Safe trip and have fun. Send us some pics of sunshine and green grass so we can remember what it looks like.
  12. RangerClay

    Live,Love life

    Sorry for your loss partner. Regular check ups can prevent this from happening.
  13. Bought a bow sight light from Ruth aka Turkeygirl. Excellent transaction A++++++ all the way.
  14. Thank you John!! Congrats guys!!! Winning was a hoot with you!!
  15. I'm still waiting to go out. The weather has been terrible cold here and 2-3 feet of snow on the ice is making the walk unbearable.
  16. Luke, I forgot to ask before. Are you using a sabot solvent after every 4-6 shots? Even with Powerbelts, after a few shots it gets damn hard to drive in a bullet because of plastic residue. I use CVA Sabot Solvent but the stuff is nasty and it will do damage to a plastic stock. I don't worry about that because I remove my barrel when I clean my gun. I hear that Hoppes Benchrest works well also to remove plastic residue. Brownells makes one but the reviews are not as good.
  17. Forecasting -25 with a wind chill of -35 tomorrow. It's going to be a cold one for sure.
  18. My vote goes to Rackblaster Rhino would be a very close second place.
  19. I think using antifreeze for bait in your trap would be a great idea. You are a far more patient man than I am.
  20. Jeepers Tim! I've got 4 feet of snow. No shed hunting yet.
  21. Holy Guacamole!! :jaw: Hope they are counting their blessings.
  22. I agree with Fly. You are punching through something tougher than a deer. Use a fixed blade broadhead. I really like Slick Trick Mags.