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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. My deepest condolences Lewis to you and your family. You will be in our prayers.
  2. I have the pics needed to load the buck for Hunt of be Hunted. I will have them up shortly! We are going to win this thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas Teammates!! Hope Santa brought you all sorts of goodies!
  3. Wow! That's amazing. Probably bedded down and sleeping.
  4. For those who still play cd's, what are your 2 favorite Christmas cd's? Mine are Charlie Daniels, Christmas Time Down South and Clint Black, Looking for Christmas. I like how they write their own songs that are not the norm but still keep the true meaning of Christmas.
  5. Merry Christmas Tim to you and the family!! May your stockings be full of all sorts of outdoor goodies! Looking forward to seeing you in Syracuse next month.
  6. Congrats on the geese Ruth! :clown:
  7. Use the Photopost link above to post pics. Cannot wait to see them.
  8. Wow! Great pic!! Probably would have blown my own plug if I had discovered a bear that close to me.
  9. I got my deer loaded on the board. That will put us up by 3 points. I just checked Team 1 and they have a deer in reserve so that will put them up by 2 points. We need just one more deer to win this.
  10. RangerClay Team 5 5 point buck Here is a better pic of the rack.
  11. Did you get the email I sent you? I sent an email to the address you have listed on your profile page. If not I will give you mine and you can send the pic to me. You can also text me the pic of your tag. I can use the other pics to get your deer loaded. Your deer will win this for us.
  12. Lots of people overlook the ribs. I cut mine out with a cordless sawz all.
  13. That is awesome. Be sure to post some pictures.
  14. Congratulations on the first deer!! Sorry to hear about you pop up blind. After mine was crushed the second time I stopped buying them and made my own.
  15. I saw this video this morning and I thought it was simply amazing. Felt is was a must share for my Realtree buddies.
  16. Keep your clothes clean with a good hunters soap or baking soda. Spray down good. Me, I like ground blinds to control my scent.
  17. I sent you an email. Send me your pics and I will upload them for you.
  18. Good for you Martin! Great story! Hope they catch the illegal trappers. I once caught a black lab in a fox set when I was a teen. After I released him he too hung out with us for the rest of the day.
  19. I drive a major highway to work everyday. I've seen a lot of these. Many times they get hit at night and cars cannot see them so they get run over and over and over till there is nothing left but a circle of goo in the road.
  20. Hi Guys! I got a 5 point over the weekend. Add 10 points to our score. I'll get him entered later this week.