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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. If the stupid kid had just....put his hands up, we wouldn't have this problem. And Rodney could have pulled over when he saw the lights flashing.... And Trayvon could have just told George he was going to grandma's..... But defiance and aggression was their choice....
  2. Maybe, but they sure taste better this time of year. All corn fed and fatted up, yummers!
  3. Like Chris said, he looks like a scrapper. Congrats!!
  4. Great deer teammate!! Congrats!!
  5. I was a slug hunter for over 20 years till they allowed us to shoot rifles here. They guys I hunted with shot Lightfields and they are amazingly accurate. My one observation about the Lightfields was that I felt they damaged/wasted too much meat. If you had a perfect broadside shot in the ribs you were fine. However if you a shoulder or other part of the deer, you would have huge gaping holes and wasted meat.
  6. Wow guys! Those are some great bucks!!!! My big week starts tomorrow. 6 days of prime NYS rut. Hopefully something will pan out. I passed on 2 bucks last weekend.
  7. We got hammered up here but no where near as bad as Buffalo. My kids are going back to school today. First time since Monday.
  8. Thanks! Not sure what happened, I'm on a computer. I tried using my history and it said the link did not exist. Must be an X File or something.
  9. I went to check in with my deer contest team and the entire thread is gone. What happened to team 5? They have disappeared.
  10. Delete this please
  11. Great video! Thanks for sharing!
  12. I cannot bring myself to use it because of the loud hissing noise.
  13. First off....WOW Muggs! It's good to see you around the forums again. Welcome back sir. Your Browns are playing well. My answer will be similar to Fly's. I shoot CX 350 Maxima Hunters with 100 gr. Slick Trick Magnums and my bow is set at 62 lbs. These are heavy arrows with fixed broad heads. I wouldn't hesitate to take this shot with my set-up. I once shot a doe quartering to me. Arrow went in the front shoulder and came out the opposite hind hip striking several bones along the way. If my arrow will go the entire length of a deer, your shot would be no problem. Since you didn't mention your poundage, arrow weight or broad head I cannot answer your question with your set-up.
  14. Congrats Lewis!! I saw the pics on FB and he's a dandy!!
  15. Neat pics! Check out the shoulders on her. She can open pickle jars for me any day. :helpsmilie:
  16. Just so happens I get an email today with a link. There is a video at their web site that explains it a little. http://mathewsinc.com/
  17. It certainly is different. I would be curious as to what kind of back wall it has without a cam hump.
  18. Great buck Don!! Congrats!!
  19. I would do the same without thinking twice. The time granted us to spend time with our children is so short. The deer will still be there when you get back. God will set one aside for you.