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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. That's pretty sweet!Sounds like she would've made survived just fine.Congrats to your brother.
  2. I can't wait to get in the stand tonight!It took two cold fronts,but our temps are finally back to normal.We went from high 80's and low 90's the lsat two weeks to a high of 65 today.Hopefully the leaves will start dropping and the deer will start moving.
  3. I'm going out tonight also.Highs today are supposed to be around 65 so I feel pretty good about seeing some movement.This 20 degree cool down ought to get them on their feet.
  4. The weather was awefull for deer hunting over the weekend.At least she got a crack at one and it sounds like she enjoyed herself. A friend of mine took his boy out and he missed a little buck Saturday morning.It happens to everybody.She'll get 'em next time.
  5. Good luck Muff!Sounds like you two should have a great time.
  6. I usually try and limit myself to using 6 days of vacation a year for hunting.That leaves me a few to use for family stuff and a day or two to burn however I want to.When I use to go to south Dakota pheasant hunting I only worked one full week between Holloween and Christmas.

    Rattle Horns

    I like the real thing.I have a few small 6 point racks from bucks I've shot over the years that I use.Never really had much luck around here with rattling though.
  8. Congrats on the turkeys!Sounds like you have a good number of birds around.
  9. Yep,I think you'll be happy with the Tomkat.It's a great bow at a great price and I haven't heard any complaints or problems with it.Let us know how you like it, and welcome to the forums!
  10. Boy,that's one of those hunts that will stay with you forever. I can just see the yellow nerf ball flying out of the blind.LOL Congrats on the turkey bird!That sounds like quite a hunt.
  11. Yea,D.J. has the makings to be a fan favorite here.He goes hard every shift and is a real tough kid and the coaches like him a lot.I think he'll see some decent ice time this year. The Blues beat the Kings Saturday night for the first win of the season.The Preds are up next.
  12. Yep,I love it!The Yanks just couldn't cash in.They had plenty of chances,just couldn't close the deal.I have to say the Indians look pretty solid.
  13. Holy snikees!Looks like you went all out!Looks great.
  14. HMMM,not sure what to think of this.It sounds like all of the employees and management will keep their positions for the time being which is a good thing,but I hate seeing things like this happen.We'll see where it leads in the next few months.All in all I would say it was a smart move for Savage.
  15. Dang!Looks like it will be a good season for SRA!Good luck on bagging one of those dudes.
  16. Good luck!I'm with you...we need cooler temps.Where are you going to be hunting?
  17. The first one's the toughest.Congrats on braking the ice!
  18. I'm not sure Charles Daily makes a slug gun.The Remington 1100 would be a great choice for a semi auto.A riflrd barrel with sabot slugs would be the most accurate,especially at longer ranges,and if you plan on shooting past 80 yards or so I would recommend a low-medium power scope.You might also check into the H&R Slugster.It's a single shot, and from what I hear it's a great gun and very affordable.
  19. I went out for a few hours Saturday morning,but didn't see a thing.The temp was 72 when I got to the property at 6 a.m., and it was real humid on top of that.By 8:30 the buzzing from the mosquitos was driving me nuts,so that was it fro me.Now they are saying this week temps are suppose to get back to normal so I'll probably hunt a few evenings this week,and am going to another farm and try to hunt my food plot on Saturday so we'll see what happens.
  20. Nice!Congrats to him...that thing looks like a brute!
  21. WOW!That's amazing stuff.Looks like they're really hammering the beans. I didn't put any cages on my brassica plot,but I'm thinking of planting a small plot of beans and lab lab next spring and will probably use a cage on it.
  22. That's pretty sweet!Looks like it was well deserved.

    Date tonight

    That's what I'm talking about!Gotta get this stuff out of the way before the rut kicks in! Have fun.
  24. Have fun!Sounds like it should be a good show.
  25. Yea,I hope Johnson ends up being a stud on D for the Blues.I still think they should've taken Staal.They've needed more goals the past few years that he could've provided.