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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Good luck this weekend boys!I'm going out tomorrow morning to battle the heat for a few hours.Movement around here is terrible with the high temps,but maybe I can catch one early in the morning.
  2. Good luck!It's tough hunting right now.Movement is slow and it's just way too hot.I'm planning on hunting tomorrow morning for a few hours but it's supposed to be around 90 for the high so I'm done hunting afternoons until it cools off a little.
  3. Actually Todd the Blue notes should be tough this year.They lost 3-2 to the Coyotes last night,but they haven't won a season opener since 96.They play the Kings tomorrow night so hopefully that will go a little better.West coast games suck...I made it halfway through the second last night before i fell asleep.
  4. Seen the new BowTechs over on AT.I know 2 people that sold their Mathews to get a Guardian the past few months.They've really came on strong the last couple of years.A buddy of mine just bought an X-Force and it just didn't feel right to me,but it's fast.Looks like Bear is hitting the market pretty strong too.If I have the funds and can clear it through momma, I might try and pick up a new bow next spring.
  5. Congrats on that stud!
  6. I practice out to 40 yards,but probably wouldn't shoot at an animal past 30.My 30 yard groups are 3-4" so I'm pretty confident out to that range.Next year I might add another pin and practice out to 50,but from all of my stands my shots are between 10-25 yards.
  7. Yea,for $250 a guy could get two of the Moultries and SD cards and take over 3000 pics.I've put about 12 rolls of film through my second 35MM Stealth and only about 20% of the pics have anything on them.


    Uph!That sounds rough..hope everything checks out.
  9. 90's here for today and tomorrow and upper 80's for the weekend.I went out last night for the first time this season and it was 85.The average high is supposed to be about 75.It's hard to get into it with the temps being so high.Last night by the time I got to my stand my rubber boots were full of sweat and the skeeters about carried me away.If we get a good cool down it should get things moving...including me.
  10. Good luck!Sounds like it should be a fun hunt.
  11. That's a heck of a deal!Looks like some pretty cool stuff.
  12. Those are looking great!Looks like a pretty nice variety for the critters to chose from.
  13. Sounds like a nice buck Muff...hope you get a crack at him. I had a dry run my first time out last night.Saw 1 rabbit,2 squirrels, and 5 coons,but no deer.So much for our cold front..ended up being 84 when I got to the property yesterday and skeeters were aweful.Still way too much vegetation around to see anything very far past 40-50 yards at the stand I hunted last night.The highs for the next 4 days are going to be around 90 so I might hold off till next week and wait for the weather to break.
  14. about ups and downs.Glad it worked out for you and you bagged a doe.Congrats!
  15. You got it.Sounds like he has a rough road ahead.I wish him the best.
  16. Congrats on the doe!Sounds like a pretty sweet opening day!
  17. I can't wait to here how people liked them!They sound like a great product,but for this year I'm shooting a whisker biscuit.
  18. I have the new Moultrie D40 and am pretty impressed with it.The trigger speed is real good.I have a few pics of deer that are actually running by the camera and it still got them before they left the frame.The flash is great and gets out there a ways and the battery life is pretty decent.Mine was $99,but they do have a infared model that's a few bucks more if you don't want a flash camera.
  19. Happy birthday Boomer!Hope you have a good one.
  20. He is without a doubt hte most popular guy in the business right now,and for good reason.I would probably do whatever it takes for the first few years,but if it was me I would just scale back a little bit.I have a hard time leaving the family for 4 or 5 days at a time just a couple of times a year,and he does it all year round.I believe i would try to find some property close to home and manage it and film on it like Lee and Tiffany do,and scale back on the outfitters a bit.
  21. Looks like a great spot!Lotsa time left.I'm planning on going out tomorrow afternoon for the first time this season.


    The hit may have been a fuzz high.In my experience higher hits don't bleed as much as a hit lower in the kill zone.Also pass throughs bleed better so if your arrow is in him he may not bleed that much.If you think your hit was good I would go back out and look again.
  23. Yep...I didn't do a soil test this year,but I put down 300 lbs. of lime and 150 lbs. of 13-13-13 fertilizer about a month before I planted.I got quite a few pics of does and fawns,but buck movement is real slow.It's still real warm,but it looks like the weather might break this weekend.
  24. Happy birthday Swampy!Hope it's a good one bud.
  25. Looks like I'll be able to sneak out for a few hours tomorrow after work!Still supposed to be warm,but a weak front is supposed to push through tomorrow morning so hopefully the deer will be moving a little more than they have been.