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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Congrats!No doubt the Guardian is a sweet piece.Can't wait to see the pics.
  2. Yikes!Them little buggers sure can do a lot of damage.I've killed a few of them this year.I hope he has a quick recovery.
  3. Sweet!How did the deer like the turnips last year? I've been working a small plot the last few weekends for turnips,essex rape,and winter peas,but since our season doesn't start till Oct. 1 I'll probably hold off planting till the first or second weekend in September.
  4. Sheesh...that's a bargain!They're getting $39.99 at my shop.
  5. I shoot the Crimson Talons and like them a lot.The first ones had some blade issues,but they put thicker blades on that seems to have fixed the problem.Mine have held up pretty good,and I've never had a deer go more than 40-50 yards after being hit with them.They fly just like my field points and leave pretty good blood trails. On the down side,you can't really shoot them at a target.They are almost impossible to get out.Also you can't really sharpen the blades,but you can buy replacements.
  6. You guys pretty well said everything.The money is one thing,but I just don't see how he can get fined points for something that happened off the track and had nothing to do with the race.Your right Luke,where was the delay?I thought after the Super Bowls "wardrobe malfunction" all live events had to be on a delay.I suppose that's up to the network.
  7. Usually there is a thread around the end of August or beginning of September to put your name in and then the teams will be picked.If I remember correctly you can enter a deer if it was shot before the teams are picked.
  8. It won't be long now...a couple more weeks!Woo-hoo!
  9. You got it Hutchies.That stinks.My dad died of a heart attack when he was 40.
  10. Happy birthday!Hope it's a good one!
  11. I'm getting my stuff organized for my first real food plot.I'm planting about 3/4 of an acre in dwarf essex rape,turnips, and austrian winter peas.It looks like I need 13-13-13 fertilizer,but all I can find locally is 12-12-12, which sounds close enough to me.Is that a big deal or will it be fine to use.Forgive my ignorance,but I'm kinda learning as I go.Thanks for any feedback.
  12. Man,that stinks. I'm seeing the same thing on one of my hunting properties.Two oe three years ago I used to see as many as 12-15 deer using a perticular 5 acre field almost every night.Last year I only saw deer in it a handfull of times and never more than 3 or 4.I would say overall I seen about half of the deer as the previous years last year,and all total only about 7 different bucks....where did they go?The DNR keeps saying our herd numbers are up,but I'm seeing the complete opposite.
  13. I shot them for one season about 3 years ago.I hit a doe quartering away at abut 15 yards and the arrow hit the shoulder on the off side.As fast as the arrow went in it squirted right back out and the doe ran out of sight.It looked like a good solid hit,but there was very little blood and none after about 40 yards.I was up in a stand about 20' so there may have been some deflection from the head when the arrow impacted the deer,I don't know.I swithed back to fixed blades after that.I'm sure the Spitfires are fine heads,but I lost a little confidence in them after loosing that doe,and in hunting you need confidence that your equipment will get the job done
  14. Sorry to hear that VT.A little cabin on some property sounds like it's just what you need.Good luck!
  15. I think Couture will take Gonzaga,but it should be good scrap. I agree,Can't wait to see Henderson woop up on Jackson.
  16. Dream Season is one of my favorite shows.I could relate to the buddy teams a little more than than this seasons husband/wife teams,but it's still top notch in my book.Wildlife Obsessions is up there on the list too.
  17. I believe they were either seperated or divorced and it was just too hard for them to be together that much.They were still going to try and finish the show,but I guess it just was too much so they quit.
  18. You should watch it Craig.It's one my favorites.The husband and wife teams seems tough since some of the wifes don't hunt as much as the husbands.Between that and getting good footage it really seems tough...I know I could never do it.My butt is parked on the couch every Tuesday night.
  19. I hear you brother...No doubt a company should stand behind their products and take care of any problems,but in your guys' post you specifically said their not covered under the warranty.I totally agree,if there's a defect or problem it should be taken care's all good.
  20. Piebald's are legal here.I am under the assumption that piebalds are a result of inbreeding. All white deer are protected,but I've never seen either where I hunt.
  21. I don't hardly think they can give a lifetime warranty on fletchings...does anybody offer that?:confused:IMO arrows and components are things that just were out over time and use.Lifetime warranty wouldn't make sense on cunsumable parts like these.I could see this warranty being more related to sights and things along those lines that are made to last a long time.
  22. Nice!That's a sharp rig,Congrats!

    DISH Network

    We had digital through Charter Cable at our old house and it cost $20 a month more and we had fewer channels than we do with Direct T.V.Anytime we had an issue and called we would have to talk to about 8 foreigners that could barely speak english and waste over an hour to get anywhere.I'm sure every cable companies not like that,but Charter flat out stinks,and it's the only one offered here.
  24. Two buddies of mine just sold theirs completely rigged for $350.You may get a little more on AT.
  25. I've had pretty good success with the Extreme shrink flectings on my aluminums.Been shooting them through my biscuit for 2 years now,and the only had 1 come off,but that was because I didn't install it right.I hope you like them...put a few months of shooting on them and give us a report.