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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Now that's a fish!Looks like them two are having a ball! Them are memories that will last a lifetime.
  2. We called Direct t.v. last night and the lady told us it would back on sometime today:confused:.I guess we'll see tonight.Ours worked fine Sunday,got home yesterday after work it was gone.That channel was on my t.v. 70 percent of the what am I gonna watch.
  3. Definate improvement!Looks great! I have 35's on my dodge and my speedo is right around 7mph off at highway speed.
  4. I would double check to make sure you were using rifled slugs and not sabot slugs.Also I believe you would want either a modified or improved cylinder choke.
  5. So,what was everybodies take on the new banking and concrete at Bristol?It was definately different then past Bristol races.It is multi groove now,which made for a lot of passing,and you can start in the back and still have a decent finish.I did miss the bump and runs and the more aggressive driving though.I don't think anybody even flipped the bird...which is not typical Bristol.
  6. I'm not very good with topo's.I think aerial photos are a little better at showing you what's really there.I generally try to focus on funnels that push deer into certain areas or draws where 3 or 4 ridges come together.
  7. I bought the new Moultrie D40 and it's a great cam for $99.I just looked at the pics Saturday from having it out for a week and I was pretty impressed.Out of 16 pics only 4 didn't capture anything,and I actually got a pic of a doe running by so the sensor seems pretty good.It also has a pic at night with a doe about 25ft. away,so the flash works good too.It takes the same sd card as our digital camera,so I can just take it to the trail cam and pop the sd card into it and view the pics in the field.It also came with a cord to hook directly into the T.V and view the pics that way which is pretty neat.
  8. Looks good Todd!Mine are going in next weekend!

    Dead Deer

    We had a bad outbreak of Blue Tongue(not sure what the scientific name is) two years ago.I believe it's cause from black flies getting in the deers noses or something like that.It makes their tongue swell up and mouth dry up before they die,that's why they are usually found near water.
  10. Happy belated birthday Kyle!Hope you had a good one.
  11. That's great news Buckee!Glad to see everybody come together and get along at your sons wedding.It's nice to read a story like that and cheer me up a little on a Monday morning.
  12. Sounds like the TPS to me.I had a similiar problem on a truck I had a few years ago.I believe the part is relatively cheap. If you remove the air cleaner I think it should be on the passenger side of the throttle body.If I remember correctly it just has two screws and a plug that holds it in place.Should be an easy fix, and I think is a pretty common problem. I'm not positive,the surging and slipping might not be a tranny problem at all.It could just be that the sensor is cutting of fuel making it lug,then surging when it kicks back in. Let us know how you make out. Always one in the buch isn't there.
  13. TP True Talker grunt Primos can flashlight Coon pee Doe pee Deer Permit Fruit snacks Knife That's about it.I keep extra clothes and things like that in the truck.
  14. Sweet! 2-3 weeks for delivery...can't wait to try it out.That's one way to get new customers,just let them try it.
  15. You are truly a great person Laura.The world needs more you like you. Thank you for the update.
  16. Prayers for all his friends and family.I can't say that I've ever heard of waterfall strokes either.
  17. That's a great trophy with some great memories.Looks awesome!
  18. Man,that stinks.I've got a herniated disc too,but can't afford to take the kind of time off work to have the surgery and recovery.I've heard inversion tables help some people,so I might be investing in one pretty soon.I started exercising and working out about 6 months ago and that has really seemed to help.
  19. Great pics!looks a like a great time.That's the kind of vacation I need.
  20. You got it Spydee,that's awefull news.I just can't see what would be so bad that a person would want to take their own life.A buddy of mine from high school did it just a few months ago and left behind two beautifull daughters. Your right,it never hurts to listen.

    Team Realtree

    Yep,I believe so.
  22. I would definately get the 20'.This way you can put the platform of the stand a few feet lower than the top of the ladder(like 16') and you can step down off the ladder onto the stand instead of climbing up into the stand.